A/N: Just a conversation between a master and padawan. See it as whoever you want.

"Define the word 'fear.'"

"Not another lesson, Master."

"Just do it."

"Fear is the path to the dark—"

"No, no. How do you define the word 'fear'?"

"That is how I define it."

"That, Padawan, is how the council defines fear. I want to know how you define it."

"Fear is… fear is… I suppose fear is an emotion that people feel when they know there will soon be danger."

"That is a good definition."

"How do you define fear, Master?"

"Fear is a state of agitation reached when one knows something will occur against their hopes. Have you ever felt fear, Padawan?"


"Are you sure? You have fought against the Separatist forces and you have not felt fear?"

"Well… maybe I have. A little. I guess."

"I thought so. What is hate?"

"Hate is when you are angered easily by something."

"Have you ever felt hate?"

"I don't think so, Master."

"How does the council define hate?"

"They say it is an emotion that leads to the dark side."

"Have you ever felt hate?"

"You've already asked me this, Master."

"Are you sure? What about before you became my Padawan? Did you hate one of your peers?"

"Yes. But they started it!"

"Padawan, it is not who started it that matters, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. What do you think that compassion is?"

"Compassion is loving something unconditionally."

"What is love, then?"

"Love is liking someone or something."

"Why is love generally frowned upon by the council?"

"Love leads to attachment."

"But then, why should a Jedi be compassionate? After all, compassion is love."

"Compassion is… loving everything unconditionally."

"That's right."

"…Was there a point to that?"

"Padawan, you fear things. You hate things. But are you of the dark side?"


"No, you aren't. Why not?"

"Because I don't let my fear and hate consume my life."

"Learn from that, Padawan."