I remember the way we…

…finished each others sentences

And it just doesn't…

…feel right that I have to actually remember to now

I get funny looks all the time from people. During conversations, it feels so right to simply leave off the obvious for you to chime in along.

I'll leave off punch lines expecting you to fill the uneducated in.

I mess up and wait for your laughter.

I see something that makes me laugh and I instinctively turn to look for you, to find the mirror smile to my own.

To share "that twin look" we were so famous for.

But you're not there. I miss your easy smile, an arm slung naturally around my shoulders, a playful shove in the right directions. There's a million half-baked ideas that I know were forming in your head I never got to hear.

It's horrid coming up with a positively brilliant prank and only having it smart with the pain of knowing that I can't concoct some master plan with you. It just isn't any fun anymore.

I still laugh at things.

You'd be disappointed in me, otherwise.

There are times when the weight of your death lifts, and the moments glide by without some bitter remembrance. When the deep feeling of loss doesn't slam into me with the momentum of a tornado. I smile, I slip humor into things, and life carries on like it always seems to.

I'm not half of a person now that you're gone.

But my sentences feel unfinished.




I freakin cried when Fred died. I am "this" close to hating HP just for that. Grrrr...I love Fred! She can't... I'm freaking out... I'll probably write more when I get over the shock of his pretty face being erased from existence. I'm so mad... They are just about the happiest/cutest canon thing in the entire world and to go and kill him... and for FREAKING PERCY, THAT'S WHO!!!! deep breaths... don't cry...don't cry...