Sam woke up on something soft. Her head was throbbing and she hurt all over. She lifted a hand to her head.
'Look Danny she's awake!' came Tucker's voice. Sam opened her eyes groggily.
'Where am I?' she asked.
'On my bed, in my bedroom.' Danny said. Sam sat up only to fall back down.
'Poor Danny's been looking after you all night Sammy.' Cassandra said.
'He is so sweet.' Gina said only to be nudged by Cassandra.
'We're gonna get going Sammy.' said Romeo and he and the band left, leaving only the ghost fighting trio.
'Sam did you mean what you said yesterday?' Danny asked, fear in his eyes. Sam saw this and immediately saw it as negative.
'What did I say?' Sam asked bolting upright. Danny pushed her gently back down and dabbed her forehead with cool water.
'You kinda started blabbering on about Danny being a ghost and that you...loved him.' Tucker said.
'Oh.' Sam muttered. 'I'm so sorry Danny. I didn't mean it!' and she grabbed his hand.
'It's OK Sam, I covered it up by saying you might have a concussion.' Danny explained.
'Valerie beat you up bad Sam.' Tucker said and he gave her a mirror. Sam screamed when she saw herself.
'I look awful!' Sam cried.
'Sam, I'll make you better.' Danny yawned and Sam noticed the black bags under his eyes.
'You look like a panda Danny.' Sam laughed and Danny smiled.
'You two ought to get some rest. I'll go and talk to Jazz downstairs. Tucker left his PDA on the wardrobe on purpose so he could watch the love confession that could come up.

The next morning came and Sam woke up to see Danny's head on her chest. Sam smiled and stroked his hair. She gently and patiently stroked Danny's jaw line and began to gently tickle his palm.
Danny woke up the next day to feel someone stroking his hair and skin.
'Morning sleepyhead. I see it's my turn to be a human pillow.'
'Hey Sam.' Danny said tiredly.
'Um I feel better so can I get up please?' Sam asked.
'Oh yeh sure.' Danny said immediately getting off Sam.
'Thanks. I see you brought some of my stuff over.' Sam said, daintily getting up and walking over to her clothes and make up.
'Yeah.' Danny yawned again. Sam smiled and walked into the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed.
Sam shut the door wearing a lot of make up, especially concealer. She was wearing a tight black boob tube dress with silver footless tights and black silky pumps. The dress stuck to her thighs and made her look very sexy. She was also wearing a gold necklace with a black onyx jewel encrusted with diamonds on. She opened Danny's bedroom door to see him fast asleep on the bed. She smiled and pulled the covers over him. Then she kissed his cheek and then went to find Tucker. Danny smiled when he felt Sam's lips against his cheek.

About an hour later Danny woke up to see himself in the bed, fully clothed with the covers over him. He also saw that Sam's stuff was gone and the door was shut.
'Shit! I'm late for school!' Danny got out of the bed, took a quick shower, dress, turned ghost and flew out of the window to meet Sam and Tucker talking in the park. Danny landed in front of them and stared at Sam.
'I don't remember that outfit!' Danny said.
'Oh Tuck bought it for me ages ago.' Sam said twirling around. 'You like?'
'It's...beautiful. You're beautiful.' Danny whispered. Sam blushed.
'We have to get to school.' Sam said looking at her feet.
'Do we have to?' Danny whined, 'we could just have a good time not going.'
'Unlike you, I care about my future.' Sam put her dainty hands on her dainty hips.
'Hey! I do care about my future!' Danny cried acting as if he was emotionally hurt.
'Sure ya do.' Sam said. 'Well, we better get to school.'
The boys sighed and followed her.

Sam opened the doors of Casper High and the first thing she heard were whistling.
'Sammy, you were great at singing yesterday.'
'Thanks.' she answered sweetly and she turned and grabbed Danny's shirt.
'Woah Sam, what's wrong?' Danny asked fearfully.
'Cummon ghost boy, your strong. Lift me onto your shoulders so I can make an announcement.'
'Are you not strong enough?' Sam smirked letting his shirt go. Danny smiled back evilly.
'Oh, I'm strong.' he smirked and he grabbed Sam's petit waist and hoisted her onto his shoulder. Sam shakily stood up and rested a hand on Danny's head.
'HEY!' she called and everyone stopped and looked at Danny and Sam.
'Woah, how did you get so strong Fenton?' asked Kwan.
'You wouldn't believe me if I told you.' Danny said smiling.
'Yo! Has anyone seen Gray?'
'No.' came some responses.
'Hey Sammy she's there!' said Paulina and she pointed at Valerie who was entering the corridor. She saw a very angry Sam standing on one of Danny's shoulder's.
Sam jumped down and landed in the 4th ballet position.
'You!' she pointed her long thin finger at the African American ghost hunter.
'What about me boyfriend stealer!' Valerie spat.
'I am no boyfriend stealer! But you beat me up bad yesterday Valerie Gray!'
'Did not?'
'Yeah you did.'
'What proof have you got.'
'Paulina, make up remover.' Sam said not bothering to look at Paulina, she just kept her eyes fixed on Valerie. Paulina rummaged through her handbag and found the make up remover wipes. She handed one to Sam who took her make up off to reveal bumps, bruises and a very big black eye. The crowd gasped.
'She can't be trusted! She's a ghost hunter, works for Vlad Masters, the mayor who is cold, and in love with Danny's mum and she can kill! For your own good keep away from her!' Sam cried.
'Why you little bitch!' Valerie shrieked and she ran at Sam. Suddenly a green glowing forcefield formed between her and Sam. 'What the?'
Everyone looked at the direction from which the blast came from. What they saw was unbelievable, well to them.
Danny stood there holding one hand in front of him and standing in a fighting position. What scared the most was his hand was glowing.
'Let her be. This is between you and me.' Danny hissed.
'Oh yeah?' Valerie got up.
'Change into your ghost hunting gear!' Danny growled, glaring at her.
'I only use that for Phantom.' she put on her evilest grin only to find Danny laughing. Every one stared at him. Danny collapsed onto Paulina.
'Ew get him off me.'
'Valerie, your looking right at him!' Danny laughed.
'Your not Phantom!'
'Oh yeah?' Danny turned into Danny Phantom in front of everyone. There were gasps from the crowd as the ghost boy stood exactly where Danny had been standing.
'You mean, I dated the ghost boy!'
Danny nodded while still laughing hysterically. Suddenly he was blown back by one of Valerie's guns.
'Take that ghost.'
'DANNY!' Sam and Paulina cried in chorus.
Sam was the first on e to get to Danny.
'Oh Danny are you OK?'
'Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. I have a plan.'
'Yeah what is it.'
Danny hurriedly whispered the plan to her.
'You sure?' Sam asked.
'Hey, it'll be alright. Just think of it as a fake out make out.' Danny smiled.
'Ok then.'
'Good Luck.'
Danny blasted himself so he was knocked out and Sam screamed. Suddenly the red huntress came around the corner on her hover board with many students behind her.
'You killed him!' Sam cried and she bent down towards Danny.
'No! Keep away from that dangerous ghost Manson!' Valerie cried. Sam payed no attention to her. She pressed her lips against Danny's.
Danny's eyes flickered open to see the plan working. He smiled and kissed her back.
'DANNY!' Sam cried in shock. 'Oh Danny! and she jumped on him and hugged him.
'Now I can kill you again ghost!' Valerie cackled.
'To kill him, you have to kill me first.' Sam said bravely, stepping in front of Danny.
'Sam, this isn't in the plan!' Danny hissed.
'Me too.' came Paulina's voice and she stood next to Sam. Soon lots of other people stood in front of Danny.
'So be it.' Valerie hissed. She aimed the gun at Sam and set it to full blast and a wide span large enough to kill all the people in her way. She pulled the trigger and it was as if it was in slow motion:

Everyone's eyes widened but none of the moved. Danny became scared. He couldn't let these kids die for him. He panicked and thought that he was half dead and he would become full ghost if he was killed. His eyes widened as the blast came closer.
'Nooooo!' he cried and he shot a huge beam the blasted everyone out the way. Only one person was uncovered and that was Sam. Danny got up and with his white hair flickering in front of his eyes. He ran and threw himself in front of Sam so he took the blast full on. Valerie smirked and flew off.

(not slow motion now)

'Danny!' Sam cried and she looked at the body in front of him. The blast had forced him to morph back to Danny Fenton. 'Please no!' Sam collapsed to her knees by him and put her hands over her face.
'Um, cummon, everyone go back to your knitting. Lets leave her alone for a bit.' Tucker said ushering shocked people away.

Sam took Danny's dead body into her arms and burrowed her neck into his chest.
'Why Danny? Why did you have to leave me? I never told you how much I loved you?' she whispered into his chest, her re-applied makeup smudging on his shirt.
'Please come back to me Danny. I love you so much.' she whispered into his chest. 'Please, I really need you.'
'Danny, shut up can't you see that I'm...DANNY!' Sam cried and she looked up to see the ghost of Danny Phantom.
'I'm fully ghost.'
Danny landed in front of her on his knees.
Sam took his face in her hands and kissed him.
'Oh Danny!' Sam jumped on him and cried again.
'Sammy, I can't stay.'
'But Danny, I want to be with you forever!' Sam cried.
'So do I sam, but don't forget, I still have a job to do - hunting ghosts.'
'Promise me one thing.'
'Pleas don't go evil.'
'I promise Sam.'
'I love you Danny.' Sam whispered and the two kissed.
'Sam we have to go to to...' Tucker started. His eyes widened when he saw Sam in the arms of the one and only Danny Phantom and whats more? They were kissing. 'Am I hallucinating?' Tucker asked rubbing his eyes. When Danny was still there he cried out:
'Hey Tuck.'
People heard Tucker and immediately ran to where the noise came from to see human Danny on the floor and Danny Phantom holding Sam.
'I should get going.' Danny said.
'I'll call the hospital.'
'No one is to tell anyone what happened OK?' Tucker said and he called the hospital.
'Sam can I have a word?' Danny asked and he led Sam over to a corner.
'What's wrong.'
'I'll probably be gone for a couple of years.'
'You mean...'
'Yeah. If you want to move on , tell me now.'
'Then I'm asking you know. By the time I return...'
'What are you getting at?' Sam asked. Danny got down on one knee.
'I can't believe I'm sating this at 14, but when I return will you marry me?'
There was silence.
'Yes.' Sam sobbed and she jumped on him. 'I love you so much Danny.'
'I have to go Sammy.'
'I know.'
'Oh here. I nearly forgot the ring.'
'But you don't have the money.'
'I don't need it when I have ghost powers.' Danny smiled and in his hand became an ice circle with a whole in. Danny picked a stone from the ground and use his ectoplasmic ray to turn it into a diamond. Then he fused the two together.
'I used nature for you.' he smiled.
'Won't it melt?' she asked as he slipped the ring on her finger.
'Not this ice.' Danny smiled.
'So, I guess I'll see you in the future.' Sam sighed and Danny smiled.
'Just think that when I'm back, you'll hear wedding bells.'
'I love you.'
'I love you more.' Danny kissed the top of Sam's head before flying off.