Four: Dudley

"No!" the chubby-cheeked four year old named Dudley said insistently. "My mum would let me stay up!"

"Everyone else is taking a nap!" said teacher, in a tone that Dudley thought was hardly acceptable.

But Dudley didn't want to take a nap! He'd never taken a nap—he outright refused! There were too many interesting things to do: television to watch, games to play… Besides, Mummy was always home so Dudley had to make certain he knew what she was doing at all times. And naps were boring.

It was the first day of nursery school, and so far, Dudley didn't find it so great. He had to share toys-- and furthermore, the toys weren't his. Plus, he'd gotten in trouble for trying to eat his sack lunch early! The only good part was the fact that he was allowed to paint and get messy. Mummy didn't liked messy activities. In fact, she hated them. There was also a rabbit in a little glass cage at nursery school. Mummy and Daddy both hated animals ("dander!", they'd scream in unison, while Dudley and his cousin would try to work out what they were so vexed about), so the bunny fascinated both Dudley and his cousin Harry. Dudley wanted to pet its head. It looked nice and soft like a pillow.

"Come now, Dudley," Teacher smiled, and held out her hand.

"I don't think I'll do that," said Dudley simply. He'd much rather do something worthwhile.

"Dudley," said Teacher warningly. Dudley really didn't like her tone of voice. "You must listen—all of the other children are taking a nap right now—"

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO!" Dudley shouted, his face reddening. 'What's the matter with her? This is unfair. This is so unfair.' His blue eyes scanned the room. Sure enough, the rest of the kids were lying down on those stupid, colored mats. Harry, of course, was all ready asleep—Dudley rolled his eyes, wishing that for once, Harry could be his confidant and stand up for the lack of naptime in the Dursley household—and Piers was stretched out, but watching him intently.

"Ooh," remarked Teacher darkly, narrowing her eyes. "You can stop talking to me like that right now, Mister!"


Teacher's face matched Dudley's in colour now; she grabbed him by the hand and marched him over by Piers, grabbed him a mat, rolled it out and pointed at it: "Now."

Dudley pouted, but saw that Teacher wasn't as easily swayed as Mummy or Daddy. Making sure to stomp, he crumpled into a heap with a sour glare on his face and folded his arms. "Can you believe this?" he whispered to Piers loudly. That was something Daddy said while he read the newspaper: Can you believe this!? It sounded grown-up and serious. Dudley liked that.

"It's only a nap, Dudley!" Piers whispered back, like he didn't get it.

Dudley's face fell. Did no one understand how awful naptime was? He reached out and pinched Piers to make a point of how serious this was. Yes, Piers was his best friend, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Piers squeaked in pain, looked mortally offended, and turned over on his side. (This caused a very severe fight: they didn't make up until snack time.)

'I'll tell Mummy and she'll fix these people good,' Dudley vowed, crossing his arms. 'I'm not even tired.' All of this emotion had been very rough on him, and he closed his eyes.

Awhile later, he blinked blearily and rubbed his fat little fists over his eyes. He looked around, hoping no one had noticed…

He might have gone to sleep for a second or two. Maybe.