-1Disclaimer: Yes I don't own the characters. Can spell to save for my life so this must be fanfic. Goes in to a corner and cries at how little but his mind her owns.


Kim got off the bed dragging a small blanket behind her. The blanket wrapped around her waist usually acted as a shield from the cold. However at the moment it lay on her body more as a cover in case the curtains were open. Kim entered the bathroom to clean up. She only halfheartedly attempted to turn the lights on in the darkened room. Yet after four tries she hit the switch. The newly illuminated room allowed her to stare at herself in the mirror. She noticed she no longer had that I'm guilty look on her face. It had disappeared six months after she started her current lifestyle. That was almost two years ago. Now it would be a sad look on her face for a long time. This was to be the last time for one of her visits. He going to propose today. Even if it crushed her own desires she would say yes. Because she was more willing to hurt herself than him. She hadn't been able to hurt him in their sixteen years of friendship and she couldn't start now.

A set of arms wrapped themselves around Kim's waist. "You don't have to say yes Kimmie." Kim leaned back in to the woman behind her letting the pale woman caress her for more likely the last time. "You deserve happiness too Pumpkin. You won't be happy and than you'll slowly die inside or snap." Kim didn't say a word, but she knew she had confided to the woman holding her that she was right. She huddled even closer in to her protector. Kin stared back into the mirror. First focusing on how Shego held her. Than taking Shego out of the picture staring at herself. Thinking how if they found out about her and Shego they would think this was how it had started. Yet they would be so wrong. It actual started backing High school. The last January of their careers. It started as a casual thing. It started with Bonnie.

Kim came in a huff from the gym. Slamming her fist in to a locker she just growled in disappointment. They just keep messing up. The routine was not that hard. Why could they not get it. That wasn't what pissed her off. They used Ron to tell her to back off. Just because he was her boyfriend right now did not mean anything when it came to leading this team. "Possible we need to talk." Kim turned around to see somebody that her mood just couldn't take right now. So Kim walked away heading to the showers hoping Bonnie took the hint. "Don't you dare turn away from me when I'm talking to you Possible." The voice now closer. Kim decided to ignore her anyway. She started striping down to take a cold shower to cool down.

The blow came unexpectedly. All Kim could do was rub her check where Bonnie had slapped her. "I'm still second in command of this team so you will stop ignoring me and acting like you are better than me." Kim actually stood there and just took the beating. She had not even tried to retaliate for the hit. "Now I know we have never been the cuddle buddy of friends that most people are with you, but the hell is going on? I mean that wasn't even a cheerleading routine out there. It looked more like a Kung-fu movie. I mean I usually go along with what you come up with because its good. However on this one I'm pulling rank."

"Your pulling rank to do what? Fine you know what I give your right the routine is to difficult. I'll come up with something else. There now leave me alone." Kim continued on with her plan. The cold water cascaded down her back. The shower how ever was not having the effect she had hope. Instead of focusing her mind on other problems it hammered her problem even closer to a fine focus point. "What am I going to do with this mess?"

"You could try talking about it." The voice startled Kim. She turned to face Bonnie. She must really be stressed if she didn't even notice Bonnie had not left. Bonnie had not even moved. Kim didn't even try to cover up she just glared at Bonnie. "Come on Possible not even you can handle everything so why don't you tell me what is bothering you."

"Sure like that's going to happen. Tell you all my deep dark secrets so you can laugh at me and tell everyone you see for a month. Yeah that sounds like a good plan to me." She blew past Bonnie rolling her eyes in the process. She grabbed a towel and opened her locker. "Are you going to follow me all day Bonnie?"

"I will till you talk to me." Kim laughed. "Your right. I on normal circumstances would use it against you. However right know your forcing me care because this is my ass on the line. Hell this is about all of this team. "

"What ever Bonnie. Its my problem I'll figure it out on my own so leave me alone."

"No Possible this is all of ours problem. You out of your perfect form hurts everyone. Unlike you the scholarship we can get for wining this competition is needed. I know Tara is relying on it. Her grades simply are not good enough to get her another type of scholarship. So don't tell me this is not our problem. You wanted to be captain you just have to deal better." Bonnie smirked placing her hands on her waist. "So if not me talk to somebody." She left Kim standing there drying off and looking guilty.

Kim wandered school in a funk for the next three days. The routine was changed, but it still didn't have what it took. She could suddenly feel the weight of twelve other peoples life's on her. On top of her current mental problem she couldn't shake her self from the funk. She knew she needed to talk to somebody yet nobody came to mind that she wanted to confide to.

She closed her locker and slammed her head against it. What am I going to do? Why can't I just tell him its over. I mean this is my life. Kim took a deep breath and went to the gym. She had Cheerleading practice to get through and her week was over. She just wanted to go home and cry. Which was a new feeling for her. She never wanted to cry. Upon entering the gym all those feelings disappeared. "Where is everybody Bonnie?"

"I sent them home." The gym echoed her voice. Kim started taking deep breaths. She even tried to could to ten than back down. "Oh come off it Possible. I sent them home because you and me are going to have a nice long chat. Even if I have to force you to. I gave you three days to figure this out and for a girl that can do anything you seem to be unable to do this so speak up."

"And why should I Bonnie? Its you know what just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you about this okay. So drop it. " She headed for the gym lockers. The door didn't latch behind her so she figured that Bonnie was with her. She just didn't care any more. Its not like she would ever open up to her. "Just leave me alone Bonnie. I'm not even in the mood to do our usual bickering. I'm tired I'm going to take a shower and head home. So do what ever you want and leave me alone. "

"There you go again. So caught up in your little life you didn't even bother to question why I sent the squad home." Kim tensed at this. "Now lets call a truce. I can already guess why your down so drop the poor me act. Its so fucking pathetic coming form you."

Kim sat down on a bench. Head between her knees. "I guess you win Bonnie. If it gets you off my back I done listening to your false sentiment. If you must know its my relationship with Ron. I just don't want to be in it anymore."

"So I was right last year." Kim gave her a look. "Sorry please continue."

"Its not that I don't love the guy. I mean we've been best friends for years. Its just he really took this thing to fast. First he thinks I'm going to dump him because he wasn't a sports player. And lets not keep the list going. The thing that's really bothering me is he wants to 'give ourselves to the ultimate act of love'." Bonnie looked about to fall over laughing at the comment. "He said it not me. I think its cool that sex is this deep connection, but I can tell he pushing it because he thinks if he takes my virginity I'll love him forever. The thing is I'm not ready for that. Not the whole forever thing its just I don't want to rush in to some thing that important you know?" Kim lowered her head even farther in to her knees whispering "That and I'm not sure if I'll be any good at it."

Bonnie brought her head up at the last comment. "You mean you been sulky because you can't tell Stoppable no. Plus to top it off you are having sexual anxiety attack. Please do continue I don't think I will ever get entertainment like this ever again. I mean where else can I get this kind of. I'm sorry continue."

"And this is why I didn't want to talk to you. And for your information its not that I don't want to have sex its I don't want to have sex with Ron." She let out with a growl than covered her mouth.

Bonnie perked up even more. "So little Miss Perfect is human so who do you want to do it with?" Kim got of the bench and headed for the shower. "Oh no you don't your not dodging the question that easy Possible. "

"Just drop it and we can pretend that this conversation never happened. Now I'm going to take a shower, go home, kill myself, and I won't have a problem any more. Now I talked to somebody so leave."

"Come on. That wasn't talking that was stuff I could have guess from the prom last year. I can even guess why this is bothering you so much. You don't want to hurt him so you haven't dumped him like you dump everybody else."

Kim turned around to Bonnie. "Why do you care so much about who I want? Is there some sick pleasure you get from it?"

"No I just want to see what would finally make you keep them around for longer than two days and stay happy."

"To tell you the truth I'm not sure myself. I find myself attracted to a lot of things."

Bonnie stepped forward and smirked. This was too good. Kim's comment could be taken a lot of ways. She could have a lot of fun tormenting the naïve red head with this. "So Possible does this mean you are attracted to girls?" Here it comes she is going to dodge the question and half way die from embarrassment.

"Sometimes why." Bonnie almost tripped over self. "What did you think I would be embarrassed to say that. I'm around beautiful girls all the time. Hell Bonnie your one the most beautiful girls in school. That is until you open your mouth." Bonnie stood there waiting to retaliate.

"Are you hitting on me Possible."

"No just stating a fact. You would bring more people around you if you quit acting like a bitch all the time. And stop calling me Possible. Its Kim."

"I'll call you want I like."

"See that's the attitude. If you didn't act better than everyone more people would treat you like a person instead of an object to be feared."

"Your no better. People don't confront you either with your anything is Possible for a Possible slogan. Your arrogance is outstanding."

"I'm arrogant. I'm just trying to help people."

"What ever. We both know some part of you enjoys the thrill and you shove the no big façade in all of our faces. I'm a hero. I save the world."

"Yeah at least my whole personality is not based on my sister's approval."

"You look for your parents and everybody else's."

"Do not."

"Yes you do. Face it Kim if the world turned on you the break down would be huge."

"Oh please. I'm bound to piss the world of some time. I'm not that damn fragile."

"This coming for someone worried about the reaction of one guy."

"Yeah at least it's a caring individual. Just look at you sisters."

"Leave my sisters out of this. They are both very successful and beautiful. Why wouldn't I want to be like them?"

"I don't know they are both abusive bitches and they are know where near as beautiful as you. Personality counts to. They are only worry and be nice to themselves. At least you care and worry about other people."

"Yeah they are bitches aren't they." Bonnie sat there and looked around the locker room. "Can we just drop this?"


"I'm the first person you told about liking girls am I not?"

"How did you guess?"

"Your facial expression told me."

"Not to freaked out are you?"

"I'd be a hypocrite if I was."

"You mean."

"Yes, Brick is a cover that's why we broke up so much. I didn't want anyone to know. Till I hit college at least."

"Why are you telling me now?"

"Because I'm done fighting. In eight months I'll probably never see you again for like ten years. I don't want to look back and be embarrassed of myself to much. I mean all this is because of a popularity match that won't matter in one year let alone ten. So truce."

"Wow that's really mature of you Bonnie."

"I have my moments."

"You do don't you. That and you always were bluntly honest. So yeah truce.

"You think I'm honest Possible?"

"I do. You even said everyone afraid to confront me, but you never have been."

"True. So you ready to tell me why the thought of sleeping with Ron irks you so bad?"

"Only if you tell me why you hate him so bad."


"I just don't know where to begin. No that's a lie it boils down to the fact I've now him so long it would be almost incest. Every time he mentions it and I have images along the line as trying something with the tweebs. Him even commenting on it and how most other couples do is the equivalent of a two hour long cold shower. I can get as far as kissing him. Even than its nothing more that a quick peck on the lips. I think we have had only like five truly deep kisses and each time I brushed my teeth for twenty minutes."

Bonnie silently started laughing. "Well at least you gave him a step up from what I was going to give him. He's a creep in my book. Okay maybe not a creep, but at least something disturbing."

"Your turn I spilt with why I haven't slept with him. Why don't you like him?" Kim letting Bonnie's comments slide for the moment.

"He is a moron. Don't get me wrong sure he has his moments, but most of the time those moments come is because somebody has to push him. He's a complete spaz that only has make it as far as he has is because you pushed him this far. He is so completely dependent on others its sad. The only thing he does for himself is eat. He has everything he can dream of with out having to really try to get it. Or even deserve it. I completely understand helping your friends, but you baby him."

"Come on those reasons are a little weak. Maybe I do baby him a little to much, but that's not reason to hate him. SO what is the real reason?"

Bonnie stared at the floor. "He has you and its useless no matter how wrong he is for you he will always have you. No matter what you say now. Sooner or later he will have you." the words coming out softly. "And it fucking pisses me off. Besides knowing him for so long and him following you to help with you missions because he was the only one you allowed around you at the time. What makes him so worthy of you? Tell me. Tons of us want to know why he gets you and we aren't allowed a chance. There that's why I hate him. He's a undeserving pig that gets the hero by acting like an imbecile."

Kim let the silence fill the room. The moment was sinking in that Bonnie was basically hitting on her in the only way Kim would have ever listened to her. "You must think I'm a real idiot for thinking of reasons to stay with him when I don't what to?"

"You have know idea."

"Well what would you do if you were me?"

"I would dump the retard and get with the hot woman next to you. Yet we know that is not going to happen. Because you don't want to hurt him. Well what about the rest of us? Do you want to hurt us to?"

"Well what do you want me to do? One way or another I hurt somebody. Its just ripping me apart."

"What I want you to do is give me a chance. A taste. I am not stupid enough to think you will choose me. In the long run I almost worried that nobody can take you from him. No matter what we do. So I won't use stupid words like ultimate act of love or something along those lines. I want you to give me a taste and maybe after I quenched my thirst a little and it will be enough. A taste to lessen this hunger that has filled me for three years. And if I'm lucky the taste will shake you enough for when the person who deserves you has a chance. Great now I sound like a beggar."

"No you don't. If anything you sound like a person baring there soul with the courage to try and get what she wants. I must be sounding like a coward.'

"No your just more worried about someone else over your self like always. You sound like a damn bleeding heart. Which you are."

"So what do we do after this?"

"I guess we never speak of it and just keep going on like we have for the last five years." Bonnie frowned at her own idea.

Kim shook her head signaling she wouldn't allow it. "No I like how we talked right here. I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen. I can't play it that way."

"So what we going to do be best friends?'

"No, how about friends though. I mean it would seem weird at first for everyone. I don't care though."

"Well glad we had this talk I'm leaving since you seem to be doing well enough to move on."

Bonnie got up and headed to the locker room doors. Kim reached out and turned her around. "What would you qualify as a taste?" Bonnie stood there about to answer. Kim had latched on to her lips wildly. Bonnie struggled for a moment before she realized who was kissing her. She returned it just as harsh as Kim gave. After about a minute and a half Kim pulled away. "What is you definition of a taste? I want to know if we are on the same page."

Bonnie gave her answer in the form of a shove that placed Kim in to a wall. Kim felt rejected for a moment staring at the floor unable to feel pride in her sneak attack seconds ago. Hearing a click she thought Bonnie had left. Finally daring herself to look up. Bonnie was standing there waiting for the moment to strike. As Kim looked up she felt Bonnie's lips back on hers. They kept at it for what seemed like hours. The whole world stopped and neither cared. Bonnie wanted her taste and Kim wanted a release.

The mirror came back into focus for Kim. Her thoughts still on Bonnie. They had kept it up for months. Seven months exact right up to the day she left to go to Hawaii for school. It was always a casual affair. They never planned on it. All except the last day. Kim planned it since she knew it was last time with the brunette. They had already come to terms it was not permanent. They even talked about the future. Kim had confided in her most of her secrets and Bonnie gave up just as much. After Bonnie left Kim and went after what she really wanted. The woman holding her in her arms right know. The mirror started to blur for a moment again. Yet it stopped when Shego slide her tongue down her neck. This focused Kim's vision back to the present. The picture was perfect in her eyes. She had Shego and that was a good thing. Over the last two years she had yet to come across a man strong enough for her taste. It had always been women. The words Bonnie said came back to her hauntingly. Shego had told her repeatedly that only she deserved her. Kim even silently agreed with her. Was she strong enough to tell the truth and stay where she wanted? Could she choose herself over someone else? The mirror stared back her. Shego's eyes were closed as she nibbled on her neck. Kim realized that she was being spoken to and had not heard a single word. This was suppose to be the last time. It had been so chaotic from the start. At first it took a month to come to terms with each other. Than they would only do what they could when they found a little free time. Now they could verily go three days with out seeing each other. Could she say the same about Ron? When had she last seen the blonde boy? The mirror stared back at her. It seemed as if she was giving her self a death glare for even thinking about leaving the woman behind her. She knew this was not the last time. Even marriage would not separate them. So why was she trying to fight herself. She had a right to be happy. She had made so many people happy over herself. SHE HAD A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. "I have a right. I know I do."

Shego blew softly in to Kim's ear. "Yes you do Pumpkin. So make your self happy for once. And I promise to fulfill where you don't succeeded. " Kim turned her head and kissed her partner on the lips.

"We'll I better call Bonnie she said I never could choose anyone over him. And I just can't find myself choosing anyone over you. I think she owes be a bottle of Grey Goose now." Completely turned around know the towel on the floor. "I want you right now, but I have to behave so I meet him in time."

"You know what Kimmie I'm going to be selfish and keep you since your not his any way." And with that she picked Kim up and sat her down on the bathroom counter. "Maybe I should mark my territory before I let you lose in to the wild. Can't have anybody thinking you're a stray now can we."

"Oh yes because the pound or some concerned person will just take me home feed me and clothe me. Next thing I know and you will be putting a collar around my neck." Shego let out a small laugh to the comment.

"Well how else do you recommend that I let ever one know that your mine? And since I know you don't like you pretty little neck massacred I think a collar would be a good conversation piece."

Shego bent forward and started to slowly part the lips of the red head on her counter. It seemed to be going just how she wanted to until the silence was broken with the sound an object bouncing on the counter. "Princess, you didn't happen to bring a toy with you this mourning did you? " the question stated the unnecessary though. "And you want to know why I want to kill the blonde haired bastard." Than a smirk crossed her face. "Yet remind me to thank him later. This got a strange look on Kim's face followed by a slight moan escaping from her seal lips. "Yes remind me to tell him his persistence to always keep calling you till you answer was just what I needed to this mourning." The pleasure raced across Kim's face. Shego continued to smirk until Kim broke. The red head finally gave in to what she was holding back from achieving. Her body followed with the moan.

"Fuck." This grabbed Shego's attention. Kim only cussed in special cases and bed was never one of them. She looked up to see the red head holding the back of her head. "Just when I was getting . Fuck that hurt." Shego just sat down and started laughing. "What are you laughing at this is your fault."

This caused Shego to laugh even harder. "Well maybe you should have been able to hold out longer. Or control your body better Pumpkin." The glares Kim had been giving her didn't let up. "Or am I just that good and your can't control your self around me and your phone." With that Kim started laughing with the Raven haired woman.

The moment completely trashed thanks to the laughter brought Kim back to her earlier thinking. The mirror image she look at of her self seemed strangely. Than she realized she was just noticing that her whole body was glowing. She was finally going to do the right thing and be honest with every body and that included her self. She had just been delusional earlier and than to afraid to grant herself happiness. Yet she could tell already that this was for the best. Looking back to the green skinned female in front of her and smile so hard her checks hurt. How had some thing so unexpected and make her so happy. They were never uptight around each other and never forcing each other in to the others lives. They keep the air how it had began casual and calm. Yeah she could be happy just like this.

A/N this is an idea if been working on for a while and I just got around to finishing. I hope you enjoyed it. And for anybody who reads this and my other story I will update soon real life came in disappointed me and gave me some fire. Review and comment on my Lovely spelling I know it sucks. Flame or just move on with a smile on your face. Later everyone