-1Disclaimer: Don't own. Its sad I know.

A/N Here is the third part of Casual. Hope you enjoy. Gonzo is the beta so any mistakes you find are mine. Well on with the story.

Casual Ch. 3 What the hell am I doing and why should I be doing it.

Shego patted down the invisible wrinkles from her dress for the second time in five minutes. She knew this because the clock on the far wall was moving slow and allowing her to keep track of the time second by second. The room she was currently in had no mirrors more than likely due to the fact she didn't think it would have been a good thing for her to be able to stare at herself and scream at every imperfection. Wiping her face down with her hands, she jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. She went over to the door and opened it without stopping. Her nerves were on edge and she could not take any more. She was leaving. "Oh no you don't! Get back in this room, you." Shego looked down at the hand pushing her back into the room she had been stuck in for the last twenty minutes. It had a dark tan glaze over it. If she had looked farther, she would have seen the rest of the tan arm to go with it. "Come on, I've been back three days and I've been meaning to have a talk with you anyway."

Shego just stared at the brunette in front of her like she had lost her mind. "And who do you think you are to tell me what I can and can't do?" Shego crossed her arms trying to show that she was more in control of herself than she really was. "I'm pretty sure that you couldn't stop me if you tried." Her attitude clearly trying to intimidate the shorter woman in front of her.

"Please, I can stare Kim down. Do you think you scare me? Besides, if you hurt me or run all I have to do is go into the next room and she'll hunt you down." Bonnie returned Shego's act with her arms crossed over her chest. Shego just sat back down in the chair, lowering her head into her hands. She felt Bonnie come over to her and place a hand on her shoulder. "Come on, this isn't anything like the person Kim told me she's been in love with for three years." With that comment, Shego did lift her head and stare at the younger woman.

"She told you that?" The fear and anxiety in her voice could be seen by anyone. "I mean, I know she told me, I just didn't think she believed herself enough to tell anyone else how she felt."

Shego watched as Bonnie let out a chuckle to herself at the comment. Finally allowing it to subside, Shego noticed the young woman realized she was laughing out loud. "I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about this one time when Kim and I had our thing going on that we fought over."

Shego raised her head even further indicating she wanted to be let in on the joke. "Okay, are you sure you want to hear this?" She just nodded her head, too afraid to speak at the moment. "It was a week before we graduated."


Kim knocked on the widow until it finally slid open. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS, POSSIBLE?" The woman standing clad in only a sports bar and a pair of shorts screamed at the figure on her windowsill. "I mean, not everyone can keep your schedule! Its Fucking four A.M!" Kim backed up for a moment obviously taken back by the ferocity of the female in front of her.

"Why are you yelling at me? You said, and I quote, 'no matter what time it is, before you go home form this mission, stop by.' Well, it just finished, so stop yelling at me and help me in. In case you haven't noticed, you have a small ledge and I'm having trouble staying balanced as tired as I am right know." As if to almost prove her point, Kim started to wobble. Bonnie reached forward and brought the red head into her room. When she finally got her in, Bonnie noticed that the world saver was covered in bruises and her clothes were in tatters. The redhead felt more like dead weight than a person as she was helped over to the bed.

"What did you fight tonight, a herd of trucks?" Bonnie spoke softly as she trailed the scratch marks all across Kim's back and arms. "I mean, I thought you knew better than to take something on that would hurt you this bad." Her concern started to creep into her voice.

"I'm fine. Honestly Bonnie." Kim spoke slowly trying to stifle the yawn coming out her mouth. "I just need some rest and I'll be okay in the morning." With that Kim proceeded to fall backward on Bonnie's bed, asleep before she landed from exhaustion.

At first, Bonnie started to freak out at Kim's sudden state of unconsciousness until she saw that the red head was breathing normally. So she went over to inspect the other woman. Sure enough, she was scratched all over. In some places her clothes had been burned off. Bonnie could do nothing, but start to peel off the redhead's shirt that obviously wasn't going to last the night anyway. Slowly, she untied Kim's shoes allowing her the ability to start with removing her pants. If anyone would have looked in it would have appeared that the girl on the bed was getting teased at how slowly Bonnie was taking to undress the girl. "Well at least you're not bleeding everywhere." Bonnie startled herself when her thoughts came out her mouth. After refocusing herself, Bonnie got Kim to roll almost off the bed and get under her covers. After gently pushing the girl in further to the wall, Bonnie herself got in and spooned up behind her guest.

Reaching her arm over to bring the other woman closer, Bonnie slowly drifted back to sleep with her face all snuggled into a red mane of hair. Just on the verge of being completely incoherent, her bedmate started mumbling in her sleep. The fact she was mumbling brought the brunette back to a more conscious state. "Umm… Shego." That one name caused Kim to almost throw Bonnie right out of her own bed. All she could think was how she was being pushed to the side for a woman that didn't even acknowledge her presence unless fists were being thrown. That is until she looked closer at the scratches and figured maybe she was just reliving the fight. So she got back into bed and snuggled back up to Kim, squeezing her harder than before just to lap up the aura of the woman in her arms.

--End Flashback--

Shego looked into the eyes of the former cheerleader in front of her. They were misting up as she told the story. She wanted to thank her, but could tell that the woman still had a little more story to tell. "That was just the first time you know. She mentioned you only when she was unconscious at first, but it didn't hurt that much. I always tried to believe it was because you guys had fought that night. Even unconscious, she limited herself when thinking of you. It made me feel better when she mentioned me as well. Her voice just had something to it that even if she just whispered my name I knew I was who she really was thinking about. It made me feel like maybe just maybe I wasn't just some fling that was going to be tossed aside in in four months because I was leaving and she wasn't coming with." Bonnie stopped and just stared at the older woman for a few seconds. "Its just… her voice always seemed to get higher when she brought you up. I had this sound of unshakable pride. And wanted to know just what it was that you did that was so great. Why couldn't I compare to you? I completely forgot she was dating the idiot. It just became this drive to hold her away form you as long as I could." Bonnie stopped and sat down slowly catching her breath.

Shego stared at the woman who was obviously still in love with Kim. She stayed in her chair afraid of what she might do to the her. "And slowly I realized that you were better for her." The voice brought Shego back to looking at the brunette's face. "I mean, you guys were different enough that you wouldn't be the same person, but you could hold your own against her to. Well, at least better than I could, but the most important thing that let me let her go was the aftermath. I don't think I could, then or even now, keep seeing her come home day in and day out beat up. It killed me every time I had to just look at the pain she was in. I don't think I could ever let her keep doing it. Eventually I would have snapped and asked her to stop."

Bonnie stopped for a second and paced closer to the pale woman than sat down in the only other chair in the room. "In fact I asked her a couple of times why she felt this reckless desire to protect something for somebody that didn't care about her one way or another? She told me because she had to. She gave me this lame power and responsibility speech. Which I might add was a total rip off. Then she said something else. It made her feel good. Now that was an emotion I could live with. Selfishness is something I had perfected over the years, yet she could never do anything as easy as that. I asked what part made her feel good. And it came down to you. The fight and the aftermath. Kim is such an adrenaline junkie I doubted anyone could fulfil her desires. And here you are going to run. I guess, maybe, I had thought she would pick somebody over me that had more of a spine."

Shego just tried to stop form hitting the girl in front of her. How dare somebody have the nerve of calling her a coward. Letting herself calm down enough to talk. Which she would admit was due to Kim's influence in her life she spoke. "You're just trying to get under my skin." Shego walked up to the door and moved on through the threshold. "I'm going to the kitchen. Why don't we get a drink while Princess finishes her bath." She saw Bonnie's eyes widen at the nickname, but blew it off. Shego led them to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, rummaging through the contents. "We have orange juice, apple juice, Patron, milk, bottled water, and of course our newly acquired bottle of Grey Goose. Anything sound good to you?" Shego grabbed a bottle of water for herself and looked back at the woman behind her.

"I'd like a shot of vodka, but seeing as we're leaving soon, just give me a bottle of water as well." Shego shrugged and threw the bottle in her hand to Bonnie and grabbed another.

She walked past the tan woman and knocked on the bathroom door. "Princess you have ten minutes to get your ass out of the tub or we're gonna be late." She listened to a muffled reply and headed back to their room. The bed hadn't been made yet from when they had decided to get out of it so she just flopped down on to a section with the most comforter. She realized Bonnie hadn't followed her and sighed. The room had things that started to jump out at her. She couldn't remember when her black and green color scheme had begun to have mixes of red and yellow added to it. Hell. her sheets were such a light red they could be identified with pink. She can remember a time when the thought of the color would piss her off and now she was wrapping herself in it trying to remember the night before in as many details as possible. Her room had become a mix of themselves and she could only smile at the project in work.

The fact that she was wrapping herself up in the piece of cloth she had passed out with on top of Kim the night before relaxed her as she could smell the red head all around it. She closed her eyes and tried to watch a replay of the night before as accurate as she could. She could feel her heart pick up its pace as a quick flash of sensation buzzed her mind on how Kim's lips felt on the back of her calf. She felt herself shudder as the same ticklish vibration danced across her body. "You know its rude to have fun without inviting me right?" Shego looked up and saw the face that belonged to the lips she was currently thinking about.

"I wasn't doing anything. Not my fault I like to think about you." Shego reached up and dragged Kim on top of her. "Now if you're so concerned about me not having fun without you, why don't you join me?"

Shego watched the smile on her red headed princess lift upward as she considered the request. "What has gotten into you lately, Shego?" The smile Shego was adoring had lessened a bit. "Not that I mind, but you've been… You've been downright giddy for the last month."

"Is it wrong for me to be so happy?" Shego could feel her smile relaxing.

She watched as Kim lowered herself and take her lips in to her own. She relaxed for a second a let Kim hold her down. "I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I'm just not used to seeing you with a constant smile on your face. It makes me wonder if it's all a dream sometimes."

"We've been playing around the fence for the last two years and now you're in our house. Our house, I can't believe we can even say that." Shego sat up and pulled Kim closer to her. "Do we have to go out today?"

"You know we've been putting this off for the last month. If we don't go today, she'll come and drag us there. Is that how you want to be introduced?" Shego felt her mouth start to open and reply, but two fingers stopped her from doing so. "Come on, we've faced interstellar warriors, Drakken's monsters, and god knows what else. Are you going to sit here and tell me she scares you?"

"And if I refuse to admit anything?" Shego smiled as the redhead on top of her shoved her down on the mattress. The hair came down and covered her face blocking her view. She could feel the breath seeping through the locks until it was right above her lips.

"Than I don't do anything and leave you till you do." Shego felt her body come up slightly in the bed as Kim got off of her and went over to the closet. "Now come on, are you so ashamed of me? It's just today and then we can drop bonnie off at her house, come home and not leave until Wednesday. Which if my expensive college education has anything to say is what, three days from now." She reached in and pulled out a dark blue skirt and looked back at Shego. "Or we can have a few minutes of peace and then my mother brings the twins with her and she drags us over for an undetermined amount of time."

"Fine, lets just get this over with." Shego got of the bed and started to run her hands across her dress and smooth out the wrinkles. She stood back and watched as her redhead slowly slipped on the skirt she had thrown on the bed. She walked over to her and pushed the long mane out of her way and lowered her face to Kim's ear. "Are you happy now?" She could feel her own voice give out in the end of the sentence. Just holding Kim close to her she felt all the different emotions that she had been feeling for the last twenty hours. She had been such an emotional train wreck. If she looked inside, she wouldn't recognize herself.

She felt the tension slide through Kim and she held her closer. She felt an urge to cover Kim's lips before the answer came out of them. "Shego, relax. I don't have to say that and you know it. I'm here because this is where I want to be. I'm not just happy with you. I don't know what it is. We've been playing this game with each other for the last two years. I know for a fact in the beginning nether one of us was in this for happiness. Or at least not this kind of happiness. But here we are, and most likely we'll be here tomorrow." Shego felt her target turn around in her arms. "Now stop fussing about things that you have no control over. Sure, it would be nice to think you're the supreme one and every one of your actions dictates the universe, but you're not. You just need to calm down and realize I'm still going to be here because that's were we're at right now." Kim pulled away, still looking into her lovers eyes. "I don't guarantee anything just like you don't, except for the fact that you have me. Now help me get ready to introduce you to my loving family. And get those wrinkles out of your dress."

Shego watched as the woman in front of her moved to the closet after slipping on a pale green thong she had gotten her for her birthday. Shego smiled as the woman in front of her slipped on a white button up top. She knew that, like everything in their lives, tomorrow was another day that could lead to disaster. Shego walked up and hugged the redhead and walked out the room to let her finish up. She thought about Kim's current attitude on life in general. She moved forward with such force since she rid herself of her boyfriend. She knew the two were still friends and her princess loved him dearly, but he didn't really have much say in her life like most high school friends. In a way, if she admitted it to herself, she was worried about how easily she could be left behind and it was a new feeling for her, an insecurity that dwelt deeper in her heart that she would like to admit. Hell, she was putting an ex-lover up for the redhead since they parted as friends.

Yet Shego looked back towards there bedroom door and smiled again. Her princess tugged her along with an air about her that made her wonder just how she had gotten in this relationship. She looked down at her dress and ran her hands down her hips to straighten it out. Kim led her in a daze. She knew it and welcomed it. Kim accepted that life was over to soon for some and not soon enough for others. Life was a passing glance for everyone and dug into the casualness of it deeper than others to make sure she got all she could out of it. Shego laughed. "Come on Pumpkin, if I have to go I want this to be over quick." Shego moved to the front door knowing whether tomorrow or much later, if her and Kim ended, they would have gotten the most out of each other they could, and she could accept that since she had plans to make sure neither one of them ever got bored around each other.

A/N well not much to say except the usual. I hope you enjoyed. And read, review, or just move on later.