Chapter Sixteen: A Surprising Aid

"Master Potter is tired from a long day's work," Kreacher observed when Harry entered his office again, Teddy in his arms. His first day had been…interesting. He felt he was answering more questions than teaching, but knew it was better to get the curiosity of the students out of the way now. At least for the most part.

His second (and only other) class of the day, first years of Ravenclaw and Slytherin, had gone much the same way as his first class had: "But there isn't a dark side." "He can't come back, can he?" "How do you know he's really dead?" Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any "touchy subjects" in the sense of the Gryffindor girl—Ellie Walpole—with the werewolves.

"It'll take some getting used to," Harry admitted to the elf. "But it wasn't bad."

Kreacher eyed Teddy in Harry's arms, a bit uncertainly. "Master Potter wishes Kreacher to take the child?" he asked hesitantly.

Harry smiled, noticing his obvious dismay. "That's all right," he answered, to Kreacher's immense relief—it seemed he was not a big fan of children.

"Kreacher has straightened Master Potter's office, Master Potter sir," Kreacher went on, as though nothing had happened. "And Kreacher has tidied Master Potter's sleeping room as well, though there was little to do to begin with.

"Thank you Kreacher. And you know, you don't have to stay here all the time. You're more than welcome to go down and visit the other house elves."

"But Kreacher is happy up here," the elf insisted proudly, grinning toothily. For a moment, he reminded Harry so much of Dobby it pained him, but it faded quickly enough. Dobby had been spared the final battle, at least. And he had helped improve life for all his kind. And no matter what, Harry would never wish to replace the new Kreacher with the old, moody, grumbling one.

"Well all right then." Harry went into his room and quickly heated a bottle for Teddy, since Madam Pomfrey had told him he would be hungry soon. Sure enough, before the bottle was even ready, Teddy began to wail. Looking up, Harry had to fight the urge to laugh.

Kreacher had his hands clapped over his bat-like ears as though the crying pained him.

"If it pleases Master Potter, Kreacher will go see other elves now. Kreacher will be back soon, Kreacher promises!"

Harry barely managed to give a nod of consent and wait for Kreacher to disappear with a loud crack before he burst into laughter. For someone who had spent the last few years living in Grimmwald Place with the shrieking portrait of Sirius's mother, he'd have thought Kreacher was more…accustomed to such shrieking.

Harry had just set the now-fed Teddy on the floor in the corner with some of his toys when Aera tapped on the window. Taking care to keep the child in sight—for he was still certain the baby would hurt himself the moment he turned his back—Harry opened the window and let the bird in, who had immediately—however unintentionally—captured the attention of Teddy, who cried with delight and reached up to the bird as if that would somehow bring her within his reach. The owl, ignoring this, landed on top of her cage, holding out her leg for Harry to detach the letter.

Dear Harry,

Thank you! I appreciate you letting me take time out of your schedule to see Ted. He just reminds me so much of my Dora—especially with his constantly changing hair.

Harry looked up. Indeed, Teddy's hair was currently turquoise where a moment ago it had been brown. For the most part it stayed fairly natural colors—but not always.

I promise I won't be too much of a bother, but do you think I could pop in this weekend? I'd like to see him in his new "home." If not, I understand. After all, you must be busy yourself, getting used to all your new students and classes.

How are your classes, by the by? I'm sure you're doing splendidly as a teacher. Remus always told me you had a knack for learning and teaching both.

Hope you're well, and Teddy,


Harry hurriedly picked up his quill and a fresh piece of paper and replied.

Dear Mrs. Tonks,

Of course I don't mind if you come and visit this weekend! Feel free to come whenever you wish. You don't even have to ask.

Harry paused suddenly. He'd never really asked Pr—Minerva if Teddy's grandmother could come to Hogwarts. He assumed it was all right, and still could see no reason that it wouldn't be. But perhaps he should check just to make sure.

I suppose I should probably check with Minerva, but I'm sure it will be fine. And even if its not, we'll find some way to make this work, I promise. So just come anyways.

My classes are going well, though rather differently than I expected. Then again, I'm not all too sure what I expected to begin with, so that's no surprise, really. Many of the kids are just quizzing me on the Battle, but I'm sure their curiosity will fade with time.

See you this weekend,



Lunch came not too long afterwards, as his classes were scheduled to end just beforehand each day, so Harry picked up Teddy (and his light-making teething ring, which would keep him occupied for a while, as well as his not-yet-empty bottle that had been abandoned) and headed to the Great Hall. He didn't see a need for Pomfrey to watch the child during classes and meals, when he could certainly do the latter. Though once again, he realized this was not something he had discussed with Minerva.

But that didn't seem to be a problem. As soon as Minerva saw him, she took out her wand. With a wave, the table lengthened just slightly, while disturbing no one's meals, and with another flick of her wand a sort of high-chair appeared between his chair and Neville's. Harry quickly thanked her, and after setting Teddy in his new seat (though he hardly noticed, still having too much fun with his toy) Harry took his own seat. Neville smiled at Harry, but made no comment.

Most students were already there, though many more were still staggering in. Many looked up in curiosity at the new addition to the staff table. After all, the other staff members' children (Did any of them even have children? Harry found himself wondering) would be at home with their spouses. So it was indeed an interesting sight to have a baby present.

Harry ignored the babble. They'd all figure it out eventually, if they hadn't already. One thing he remembered from Hogwarts, though it had been over a year since he'd last attended as a student, was that gossip traveled fast. Ginny and Luna already knew, of course, and everyone from his first classes today now knew he had a godson to care for, and he supposed they'd put two and two together.

It was an interesting feeling, knowing that this time the course of gossip would aid him, where before it had done nothing of the sort. He really didn't feel like explaining to all his students about the deaths of Teddy's parents.

Interesting, yes. And good to know. It took a weight off Harry's shoulders he hadn't realized was there.