Chapter 15- A knocked up night and a past revealed

It was decided Jack would marry Alexis and Rath. Barbossa would be the one to give Alexis away seeing how he was the father of the bride. Rath had decided Hector would be his best man. Their wedding was brief. That night, Barbossa and Rachel celebrated by getting drunk on rum and wine. They were staggering all the way to their room. When they get there, they start to get restless and before they know it, they are naked and in bed. They did not know that night would be the cause of the miracle of life. Their life was turned upside down that night and they did not even know it yet.

The Next Morning...

Barbossa and Rachel woke up the next morning groggy, each accompanied by a hangover that would irritate a whale. They stagger to get dressed and walk out side. They lean out over the side to ask each other about what happened the night before. Before either, one is able to explain what happened last night Jack and Anamaria walk up. Barbossa groans at the thought and openly shows his anger to Jack by telling him to shut up. Rachel hides her emotions more skillfully.

She turns around and asks Anamaria, "What are you two doing up this early?"

"I could ask you the same question. We came over to congratulate you two on the fact that your daughter just got married and is carrying your first grandchild."

This changes Rachel's feelings towards the conversation. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome Rachel." At this, they happen to look over at their husbands.

Barbossa is giving Jack a look that could kill. They are arguing over something. The girls interrupt in unison, "Hector! Jack! Stop arguing and giving each other nasty looks!"

They turn around to look at their wives with confused faces. The girls are giving them venomous looks. They back start to back off. Rachel whispers into Anamaria's ear and in turn, Anamaria nods. They turn around and Anamaria says, "Boys, Rachel has just suggested to me a good idea that we hope will be able to stop your bickering. Rachel and I will be talking to the other's spouse and we will switch back to our own husband and talk. We will then get together and figure out a way to cooperate."

"At this Rachel walks up to the boys and grabs Jack and drags him away to talk.

Anamaria then turns towards Barbossa and asks, "What is bothering you every time you talk to Jack?"

"Do you know how Jack and I met?"

"No, I do not."

"Well, we met when we were just teenagers. I had just turned 17 and he was 16. We were apprenticed under two pirate lords. I was apprenticed under a captain by the name Captain Nicholas Moskovitch. He was the pirate lord of the Caspian Sea back then. Jack however was apprenticed under Captain Seamus Teague. He was the pirate lord of the Caribbean Sea and unfortunately Jack's father. They were rival pirates but were also good friends and allies at times. Captain Moskovitch had been like a father to me. He saved me from slavery and starvation."


"Yes, I was a slave from the age of eleven to shortly after my fourteenth birthday. I had learned how to use a sword very well in that time by my slaver. He had known my father and had owed my father a favor from my father saving his life. Jack and I both became pirate lords in different ways. I became pirate lord shortly before Captain Moskovitch died. He had been delivered a fatal wound and said to me before he died,

" 'Hector, I am near death and I still have not passed on my title. I have raised you from a reckless teenager to a fine young man. You have been the son I never would have had. Take this Hector (It was his nine piece of eight), and let me die honorably. I have loved the sea and being a pirate but my time has come. I have lived a full life.'

"At that, he started to spit up blood and he died. I had rarely cried in my life but at that moment, I cried tears of sadness for the loss of my adoptive father. The battle still raged between the East India Trading Company and us. Moskovitch's crew, excuse me my crew was almost gone. At that moment, I see a ship in the distance. It was Teague's ship. Unfortunately, for the East India Trading Company he got there in time. The remaining crew and I cried out in joy. With Teague's help, we defeated them. I only had 10 crewmembers left not including me. I grabbed Moskovitch's nine piece of eight from his hand, we left our almost destroyed ship, and boarded Teague's ship the Brigadoon.

"When we got aboard Teague welcomed us warmly. I took him aside and told him what happened. Teague's eyes went dim and he had tears in his eyes.

"He regained composure before saying, 'He was a good man and a good friend. You are worthy to succeed him as the pirate lord of the Caspian Sea. He was proud of you and hoped you would succeed him. For a man of 20 you are worthy of such a high title. I soon will step down from my title as pirate lord and pass on my nine piece of eight to Jack.'

" 'Jack will be a worthy successor.'

"'He will be a pirate of cunning. His daftness helps him out of trouble and saves lives of others. I can trust him to be worthy enough for the title of pirate lord. Help him when you can. I trust you to make sure he will do what is expected of him. He will do a fair job.'

"I could tell he was lying about his approval of Jack. They had never been close. Teague was always disapproving of Jack. I would never admit this to most people but Teague is the only person I have ever feared. Jack had over heard what was being said. We were never the same way to each other ever again. He eventually became pirate lord and made his deal with Davy Jones shortly after a mishap with Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company. He convinced me to become his first mate. From there on you know the story."

"So why do you guys hate each other so much?"

"He was jealous of me being a pirate lord before him. I hate him from his distrust in me and by the fact that he is still jealous of me. I hate it." "You two need to work this out between the two of you."

Jack told Rachel the same story that Barbossa told Anamaria but from his point of view and Rachel responded the same way. They all got back together right as the sun was setting. The woman told their husbands that they would have to work out their differences or they would not be allowed to sleep with them in bed. They locked themselves in their separate rooms while Jack and Barbossa sat down in front of the rooms and sighed. They knew they were too stubborn to change their minds. They decided they would work it out.

Jack said to Barbossa, "I am sorry for what happened when we were younger."

"I feel the same way about what happened with the mutiny and the anger."

"I do not blame you for the mutiny. I should have let you grieve longer. I may be jealous but that is just who I am."

They shake hands and toast it by drinking rum. The wives of the unfortunate pirates (They were listening at the door) watch as their husbands pass out from getting drunk. As soon as they are snoring, they help each other get the two men into bed. They wake up the next morning confused with a hangover that would kill most men.

Author's Note: I'm sorry to my readers for taking this long to get this chapter online. I have taken some tough classes this year which demand my attention and plus we had dial-up up until a couple of weeks ago so now I can update more frequently now that we have high speed. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the paragraphs that finally work.