Saving a Death Eater

By Bambu

Author's Notes and Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers and thanks may be found in chapter one.

At long last, I've reached the end of the journey. My gratitude to everyone who has read this story, from the first word through the long, fallow periods between chapters. Without reader encouragement, I would never have been able to summon the will to complete it.

Thank you so very much.

Chapter 10: The Southern Cross

1 September 1998

Dear Severus:

I'm sure you've realized we arrived safely.

It took two days to find a sympathetic hotel manager, and some tears on the part of yours truly – which were not crocodile – to get a definitive answer to whether Mum and Dad had been here. They had. We've found other traces of them, but not them. Yet.

I remain hopeful.

Poppy tells me you've moved from the main ward into a private room. I'm very glad your recovery has progressed so rapidly, and with a prognosis of complete recovery… it's remarkable. I do hope you've continued your daily constitutionals to build stamina and muscle strength.

Did you know Protean Charmed coins work both ways? I thought you should know. Just in case.

I've read the three books you gave me that last day. Despite the encyclopedic nature I would've loved a year ago, I found the Earl of Kinnoull's journal to hold the most pertinent information. It's a relief to know our absence won't negatively affect the herd for the foreseeable future. Harry, too, has read all three books, and he even took notes!

We received a letter from Kingsley, a week ago Thursday, so we know about his using Minister's Prerogative in issuing you a blanket pardon. You'll recall I said I would get you out of Azkaban if it became necessary. I'm rather pleased to know I won't have to become a criminal to be certain you're treated properly.

That awful Rita Skeeter! How dare she snoop around trying to locate you! I imagine she's corrected the oversight, so the information I impart might no longer be helpful, but perhaps you can use the information to your advantage. Rita's a beetle Animagus! I discovered her secret at the end of my 4th year. I don't have to confirm the information as my knowledge is … er … first-hand. She's probably registered now, citing Death Eater interference with the paperwork to avoid prosecution, but perhaps not.

Even though I haven't found my parents yet, I've visited the magical enclave here in Sydney, and it's extraordinary. It's surprisingly modern, and I have yet to be recognized. On the other hand, Harry's been recognized twice, and each time it was such a polite, friendly encounter it didn't leave him wanting to hex the person or hide.

In terms of my main mission, other than that first lead, I've been entirely unsuccessful. As a result of this failure, there are several decisions I've had to make. You'll recall my initial plan was to find my parents, study for the NEWTS independently with tutors, and then fulfill my contractual obligations with Gringotts. It's now September and there's still no sign of Mum or Dad. I'm reassured that if I can't find them, surely no escaped Death Eater or sympathizer would have been successful. I check the obituaries for either Monica and Wendell Wilkins, or Helen Monica and Douglas Wendell Granger, but I'm happy to say there's been nothing grim to report.

As a result, however, I've made several changes to Harry's and my initial three-point plan, the one I told you about when we talked in the solarium that day.

This may seem like a tangent, but it's relevant, I assure you. Andromeda Tonks has sold her family's home, and she's brought her grandson, Teddy, to Sydney. We will all be sharing a house until enough time has passed for them to travel in England without the ceaseless notoriety and public scrutiny.

Their plight added fuel to my concerns and my remembered uneasiness those few times I ventured into the wizarding world before we left. So much that I have decided to remain in Australia for a few years as well. At least until after my commitment to Gringotts is complete. I anticipate it taking four or five years, less depending on my internships.

Harry has made the same decision. He has far more reason than I to shy away from the fickle and occasionally vindictive British press. ::cough Rita Skeeter cough::

After Harry made that decision, we realized we might have a problem with fulfilling our obligation to Gringotts. Harry came up with a solution to our potential problem. We have agreed to a six-month extension of the term, gratis, so to speak. The condition under which we've made that offer is that our services could be rendered at any branch of Gringotts worldwide. Initially, Harry wanted to work with Bill Weasley to learn curse-breaking. While Harry originally intended to be an Auror, the last few years – in fact, every year since we entered the wizarding world - have been daunting. Although he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie, he decided curse-breaking might be enough of a challenge.

We signed the Side Letter Agreement three weeks ago. Until we take our NEWTs, we will be working mornings for Gringotts three days a week. The rest of the time, we've engaged tutors to prepare us to take our NEWTs at the Ministry of Magic here.

I started last week. My supervisor is Abacus (her name, not the tool). She's head of the department for the Southern Hemisphere. And she's the only female head of department for all of Gringotts. It's an honor to work with her. My first assignment is to review my first two years' of coursework. Abacus insists each goblin, witch or wizard in her department have a firm grounding in the discipline. It's brilliant. I'm learning so much already.

Now for the surprise about Harry. He started his internship last week. Imagine his surprise and delight when on the first day, his supervisor was Bill Weasley! Unbeknownst to us – Ron is a dreadful correspondent, and when we told him we weren't coming back he sent us howlers! I'm sure you're not surprised at how rude he can be. I don't know if that rocky friendship will survive. If not, it may never have been meant to.

Back to Bill. He and Fleur moved to Perth two months ago. Bill's joined the South-east Asia Curse-Breaking Task Group. It's a huge promotion for him, and aside from a little friction from his family, they're very happy here. We're delighted to have good friends close by. He has always been one of my favorite Weasleys, and Fleur was very good to me after my time at Malfoy Manor.

As for Mr. Ollivander, we've begun a rather lively and interesting correspondence. Did you know he's the only wandmaker Fawkes ever offered feathers? You should talk to him when you're finally released from hospital.

Perhaps a new start might be one you'd find refreshing as well. Anonymity is very peaceful, Severus.

I trust all will be well with you, and look forward to your next letter. Perhaps this time it will be longer than, 'Granger, I'm fine. Look for your parents and take care that Potter does not kill you in the search."

My affectionate regards for your continued health …. Etc.

