Again it took a long time to update…I have no excuse. Sorry! 

Italics – Thoughts

Chapter 4 – Recovering

Zac appeared from his hospital room no more than a minute later. He had some issues getting his pants on without wincing in pain from the rather large cut on his leg. As he appeared from the room limping, Vanessa immediately rushed to his side to help him walk. Zac apologize for the issue, but Vanessa shushed him.

"Don't worry about it, Zac. I'm just glad you're alive and not…well…you know what I mean." Vanessa explained.

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I hadn't left the safe part of the water from curiosity." Zac sighed.

"I think you should talk to Lucas, Zac. He's been down since the accident. He keeps saying that it was his entire fault. I guess he's blaming himself from suggesting to go swimming." Ashley said as she looked back at Lucas, who was trailing behind with a very distressed look on his face.

"But it wasn't his fault! I should take the blame!" Zac argued.

"Well, you should try telling him that. I don't think he will be that easy to convince, though." Ashley said.

Zac sighed and slowed his pace to get next to Lucas. Lucas looked up for a split second, but then lowered his head in shame.

"Hey, Lucas! How's it goin'?" Zac asked, trying to start a conversation.

When Lucas didn't answer, Zac decided it was time to cut to the chase.

"Look, Lucas. I know you think this whole shark thing is all your fault. But it isn't. It was mine. I wish my curiosity wasn't so strong. You know what they say, 'Curiosity killed the cat.'" Zac said, comfortingly.

Lucas looked up with an angry and frustrated expression.

"Zac, cut the crap! It was all my fault! I shouldn't have suggested anything! We would have just gone back to the beach and hung out! But no! I had to open my big mouth and suggest something stupid! I feel like such an idiot!" Lucas said, loudly. By now, everyone else was looking back to see what the commotion was about.

"Lucas! Dude! It-wasn't-your-fault! It was mine! You should be blaming me if anything. I'm the one that was stupid enough to get close to that thing! So stop blaming yourself!" Zac said sternly.

Lucas looked stunned for a minute, but then his face softened into a smile. Zac took that as a thank you and nodded his head encouragingly. Lucas brightened.

"Lets catch up with everyone else." Zac said.

"Yeah." Lucas agreed.

Lucas ran up to the group and started to chat with Ashley. Zac stayed behind to reflect on the past events. He sighed and limped forward to walk/limp next to Vanessa.

"So, by the fact that Lucas is happily talking to Ashley, I'm guessing that you were able to talk some sense into him." Vanessa said in her matter-of-fact tone.

Zac chuckled and nodded his head.

"He just needed some reassuring." Zac explained while putting an arm around Vanessa.

Vanessa nodded and leaned against him lightly, so that Zac wouldn't fall over from the sudden weight. Zac sighed.

"Well, this is a great start of vacation isn't it?" Zac asked the group.

Everyone laughed and nodded.

"Things will get better. I can tell." Vanessa said, reassuringly.

Zac nodded. " I hope so."

The next morning didn't go well for Zac. He had trouble sleeping from the pain in his leg. He had issues getting undressed and taking a shower.

'Well this sucks.' Zac thought as he dried himself off.

He, again, winced in pain as he put on his pants, socks, and shoes after he changed his bandages. Zac sighed and headed toward the elevator to go to the lobby for breakfast.

The elevator bell dinged and the door opened to reveal the not so crowded lobby.

'Well, this is a start.' Zac thought happily as he realized that he wouldn't have to wait in line for food.

As Zac looked around, he realized that he was the first one down. He glanced down at his watch.

'7:00. I guess everyone's going to sleep in.'

Zac went over to the buffet and grabbed pieces of food. He sat down at a deserted table and started eating.

Zac finished eating shortly after and looked at his watch again.

'7:26. Hmm…what should I do now?' Zac thought for a while before deciding to go on a walk, so he could try to stretch his legs.

Zac strolled down the beach and found an abandoned hammock. He laid down on it and let his mind drift again to the past events. Zac sighed as he thought.

'Man. I bet I'm making everyone's vacation miserable.'

Zac again glanced at his watch and got up to head back to the hotel.

As Zac entered through the door, he saw Corbin and Lucas looking around for someone.

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

"Zac! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Corbin exclaimed. Lucas nodded his head in agreement.

"Sorry. I went on a walk. I guess I shouldn't have taken those detours." Zac apologized sheepishly.

Corbin sighed.

"It's just like you to go wondering off like that with an injured leg."

Zac grinned and chuckled.

"You should probably go look for Vanessa, Zac. She's been worried sick about you when she heard you weren't in your room or lobby." Lucas suggested.

Zac nodded and headed towards the elevators. Zac stepped in and pressed the number 3. The doors closed and Zac watched patiently at the glowing numbers. The elevators dinged and the doors opened. Zac stepped out and headed towards Vanessa, Ashley, and Monique's room.

Zac knocked on the door and waited. He heard Ashley telling someone to go open the door. The door opened to reveal Monique.

"Zac! Thank god! We were about to start a search party on you! Hold on a sec. VANESSA! Look who's at the door!" Monique shouted in Zac's ear. He winced at the sudden loudness, but smiled non-the less.

Zac stepped into the room and heard a gasp. He looked over to see Vanessa somewhat teary-eyed.

"ZAC!" Vanessa squealed and hugged him tightly.

"Where were you!? We were so worried!" Vanessa asked, still clinging onto Zac. She loosened her grip to look at Zac's face.

"I got up before all of you and went down to the lobby to get some breakfast. I finished and went for a walk on the beach. I guess I took longer than I thought." Zac explained, grinning.

Vanessa smiled widely and kissed him softly.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I thought something bad might've happened to you!" Vanessa said.

Zac smiled and apologized.

"Sorry I worried you. I just get bored easily." Vanessa laughed and kissed Zac more lovingly.

Ashley and Monique were watching from afar and decided to break the happy couple up.

"Okay, guys. I know you want to suck each other's faces off, but we want to go do something!" Ashley said, laughing.

Zac and Vanessa broke apart, looking red.

"Er…Okay! I'm fine with that. Vanessa?" Zac asked looking at Vanessa.

"Yeah. Lets go find Corbin and Luc." Vanessa said as she led the way to the boy's room.