Cuxie:My first fanfic. Go easy on me with the reviews! Koboshi will do the disclaimer. Koboshi...

Koboshi:Um, all right. MewCuxie does not own Pita-Ten or KK.

Chapter #1

It was only 7:30AM, but Kazune wanted to get an early start. "Come on Karin! Geez! You're taking forever! We're gonna be late!" he screamed a litttle louder than neccessary.

"Chill out Kazune! It's only 7:30. We've got plenty of time."

"Yeah, but I wanna get there early. I'd think you'd want to too considering this was all your idea."

"But you think early is as soon as the clock strikes 5." Despite Kazune's yelling it was a great day to go on a hot springs vacation. The weather was warm, but not too hot. It was spring break so they didn't have any homework. And Karin was wiped-out! Be a little goddess is a lot harder than it sounds(and it didn't sound too easy to start with!). Karin knew Kazune was tired too though he would never admit it.

"Whatever, Karin. Just hurry it up!"

"Gosh! I think he was born on the wrong side of the bed. But theres no way I'm gonna let him ruin my vaca!" she said enthusiastically."It's just too bad Miyon and Yuuki couldn't make it." she thought. "It's also too bad Micchi COULD make it. I would've asked Kirika to come too, but since he's almost always with Mr. Glasses Man I couldn't risk having to bring him along too. I am not going to have a huge blowout battle during MY vacation!" she thought angrily."Guess it's just the three of us and Himeka."

"Well I guess I'm all packed. I should get downstairs before Kazune blows his top." She raced downstairs in a red and yellow plaid mini-skirt, white tank-top and red long coat. Her hair was in it's usual pigtails.

"OK. I'm ready!" she said cheerfully.

"Geez! It took you long enough! Why do girls always take forever to get dressed?"

"Wow Kazune. You sure know how to kill a great mood. And what did I tell you about the sexist talk?!"

"Just c'mon!" he said a little more than irritated.


"You ready Misha!" Kotarou yelled. He was really excited to be going to the hot springs. He was so stressed about his middle school entrance exams, he could use a vacation. Lucky for him Misha had somehow managed to score a gift certificate for four free hot spring vacation tickets. It would be him, Misha, Shia and Ten-chan. Koboshi would watch Nya since she couldn't go any because she had a ballet recital. He remembered what she had told him yesterday: "Be extra careful since Misha will be going and I won't be there to monitor!" She was insanely jealous of Misha since she had the World's Biggest crush on Kotarou but Misha got to spend more time with him since she lived next door to him.

"Yeppy yep yep su! I'm ready Kotarou!"she came out in a cerulean blue mini-skirt and a short sleeve tee that said "Angel Heart" Her hair was in one high ponytail in the back with her usual bunnies on the sides. She was carrying about six overstuffed suit cases.

"Um,Misha...what's in all those suit cases?"

"All my clothes silly. We're going on vacation so I need all my stuffy wuff su!"

"Misha, we're going on vacation not moving. One suit case'll do it. Two max."

"Really weally su? Okies then, I'll be right back! Don't leave without mes suu!"she yelled as she ran back inside.

"Don't worry, we won't. What about you Shia?"

"I'm ready Kotarou. Thank you so much for bringing me along. A hot spring vacation truly does sound wonderful."

"No prob Shia. That's what friends are for." Shia blushed a little. She really did love having so many friends.

"We should probably get going now. We've gotta pick up Ten-chan." Misha came back out with one suit case and a small backpack.

"Roger-Doger that suu! Lets head out!!"

Cuxie:Whatcha think so far? There preparing so it hasn't gotten 2 exciting yet. But i promise it'll get better.

Koboshi:I think it's ok so far, but why aren't i in it.

Cuxie:Don't worry, you and Nya will get a chapter to yourselves. Just b patient.

Nya:Why do i have 2 share my chapter with her?!

Cuxie:Because I said so(locks Nya in basement!)

Nya screams through door: Let me OUT!!

Cuxie: No way! Anyhow folks I know this is my first fanfic, but I want at least 5 reviews before I continue. So please R&R!

Koboshi:So that concludes chapter 1 of Angel meets Goddess!