Three days cleaning up after Shin-Ra's involvement with Wutai had been one day too long. Sephiroth was beginning to see the delicate fall of events, the hushed voices behind his back and the inevitable future that wove an unwanted destiny for the General. Thoughts kept silent in the back of his mind, threatening and still, but somehow the first class SOLDIER sitting in the back picked up on the waves of distress.

Zack shifted in response, leaning forward in his seat to speak to his superior.

"Sir, lodging should be just ahead." Zack said, pointing to the map. In his mind, the mention of rest was meant to be a calming one, but it only served to increase the abnormal activity radiating from the stiff General.

"What's the next town?" Sephiroth asked, obviously not interested in the said lodging Shin-Ra had bought and paid for prior to their departure.

"By land?" Zack felt a cold fear creep inside him. The only areas not hostile towards Shin-Ra employed factions would be the town they just missed an exit for.

"There's a small Wutaiian village to the west near the Upper Peninsula, it's a suburb of Wutai itself… but… it's not going to welcome us, nor do I believe finding an inn will be easy."

Sephiroth sighed. He stopped the vehicle and took the map from Zack.

He tossed it back at him and turned the jeep around.

"There are multiple inns in Wutai, are there not?"

"Not are all friendly, sir. We should just take the one Tseng found for us."

Sephiroth's hand rested on the hilt of his sword and his eyes narrowed.

"I do not fear them."