Hey people,

You have to understand that I love the Harry Potter world. I started reading when I was young and the series almost feels like it's a part of my life because it's been around for so long and influenced me in so many different ways. JKR created these beautiful characters that I spent a significant part of my life laughing with and crying with and experiencing with. The Same Life was something I really wanted to do and I still want to do it. However, when you have such respect for these characters and this amazing world, you don't want to do it disservice and that's what I was convinced I was going to do. Recently, I came to realize that there's no way I'll NOT be able to disservice to this series—it's amazing as it is, but that doesn't mean that I can't tell a story. I'll say it simply: I am not a great writer. I never learned grammar, which is the very foundation to writing. This isn't some weird self confidence thing: it's just the truth. I'm okay with this. There will be elements to this story that will be dumb, oversimplified, badly written and the words on paper will probably never match the scene in my mind, but I hope that you all will continue to read what I put up there just for the hell of it. I start spring break next week and AFTER that, I will start updating this story as well. I want to finish this.



P.S. I generally hate Author's Notes, but I had to do it so y'all would get the message. Also, this is kind of weird, but I haven't really done the whole fanfic thing in a while, but recently I clicked on Wheezy by Lyin to see if she (?) updated (on my favorite stories list) and I was SO impressed by how well it was written, how well the characters are portrayed, and I also started to cry again. The story reminded me how much I love HP and how much I love Fred and Remus and everyone and how The Same Life gives me an opportunity to get back at least in one sense.