WOW...It's been awhile...I really do apologize, there's no excuse for being ignorant of this story...Please forgive me and...

Thanks to: Skyler-A-Teloiv, Royalfire14, CutchieBear, cartoonstar, sb1, cartoonfire, Karol!nna07 TheNotoriousGoodGirl.

And though I didn't make my goal of 110, A VERY HUGE thank you to FairieAngelx3o for being my 100th review!!!This story means so much to me, and the thought of people loving my FIRST story, makes me feel all warm inside...Thanks again :)

Another thanks to shattered-hearts-602, who gave me that POLITE slap in the face that I needed, to get back on the right track of writing. Thank you for believing in my writing, and telling me that I shouldn't give up.


Disclaimer-I don't own TT or the song.

Normal POV

"That is so lame." Kori snapped her phone shut and tossed it lazily on her bed.

Donna looked up from folding the laundry, "What's wrong?"

Kori sighed, "Xavier was called out to business, so he's gonna be out of town for the next week or so."

Donna put the shirt down, "Didn't you guys have dinner plans tonight too?"

Kori put her hands up in the air, "Yeah, he cancelled that too."

"Aw, I'm sorry Kori. I guess it's just you and I tonight then, right?"

Kori nodded her head. Not that she was excited to go on a date with Xavier, she could just feel herself getting deeper, and deeper into his heart. Donna's cell phone rang and Kori went over and got it for her, answering, "Hello?"

"Kori? It's Roy. Can I talk to Donna?"

"Yup, hold on." Kori smiled and handed the phone over to her best friend and left the room, so she could talk to her boyfriend. She made her way to the kitchen, looking for a glass. She poured herself a glass of water and sat down at the counter. She peered over at the calender, hanging on the wall. It's been a full two weeks since she's talked, fought, and walked out on Richard. She still felt horrible, and she wanted to do something about it right now, but restrained herself, knowing that she would see him soon...hopefully.

Donna emerged from the bedroom, and rushed to Kori. "Great news."

Kori swivelled the chair to face Donna, "What's up?"

"So remember how I told you that Roy had this party to go to tonight, and that he couldn't bring anyone with him because it was strictly business?" Kori nodded her head and she continued, "Well long story short, he was wrong. So he invited me and you to come. Interested?"

Kori thought about it for a second, "Without a date? I think I'll pass."

"Aw come on Kori, you have to come. I know somebody special will there."

Kori moved her head suddenly, "Who are you talking about?"

Donna moved her head to the side, "As if you don't already know, Richard's coming. And get this, Roy told him that you were coming...So he doesn't have a date either."

I moved to the edge of my seat, "Seriously? For me?"

Donna nodded her head, "Roy's says that Richard feels horrible. And you have to go, not only because Roy told Richard that you were coming, but also because you need to start getting closer to him, especially with Xavier gone and everything."

Kori sighed, "Well then, I guess I have no choice."


Kori took one last look in the mirror, fixing her straightened hair, with a big black head ban, which tied well with her gorgeous red ruby cocktail dress. She slipped on her red sparking flats, and grabbed her hand purse. She was excited that she was gonna she Richard again, but swallowed the feeling, at the party, she would force herself to ignore him. It's funny how much of a jerk, people thought Kori could be, when in reality, she had a huge heart, that currently was filled with guilt. By tonight though, everything was to be back to normal.

She met Donna in the living room, looking just as gorgeous, with a cute and simple black mini dress. "Are you ready?"

Kori checked the insides of her purse, and grabbed her car keys. "Mmhmm, let's go." Tonight Donna and Kori were going to go together, and meet Roy there, who was going to be there with his father, as was Richard.

They arrived, and stepped inside the glorious mansion, that was rented specifically for this event. "Oh wow, this party is just as pretty as the last one."

Donna smiled, "After you've been to every huge mansion in the area, you get used to it. Come on lets go get something to drink." Donna linked arms with Kori, and walked over to the wet bar, ordering to drinks.

They both took a seat and scanned the room. But Donna soon stood up from her chair, as Roy approached them, "Evening ladies, you guys look as beautiful as ever."

"Roy Darling, where's Richard?" Donna hugged and kissed her man.

Roy looked behind him, and Donna gazed followed his, until it locked on Richard, looking as gorgeous as ever. "Well he is hosting this party with Bruce, which means that he'll be there greeting each and every person, before he'll be able to do anything else."

Kori took a big gulp of her wine, and swallowed hard, I get the feeling this is gonna be a long night.

Richard tugged at his jacket once more, finally fitting into place. He stared himself from head to toe, making sure nothing was short of perfection. He had to look good for her, it would be the first time he had seen her for two weeks when she had said...

"you may have just ruined any chance you'll ever have with me."

He took a nervous gulp, hopefully Roy was right when he said that Kori was going to be there, and that she was ready to forgive him. The Guilt swelled up in his chest, and he tried swallowing it down, but now it was forcing its way out, but he knew tonight would be the night Richard would release this guilt, and make things okay.

A quiet knock on the door, threw off his thoughts, "Master Richard?"

Richard turned around, "Hey Al."

"You look handsome Master Richard, but you won't look any better just staring in that mirror all day. Master Bruce is waiting for you downstairs, and is growing rather impatient."

Richard slipped on his Rolex, "Alright, I'm on my way down." He stepped past his butler and made his way down the stairs.

As soon as he reached the bottom, he saw Bruce looking just like him, in a black tuxedo, tapping his foot against the cold hard marble floor. "Well it's about time, I was beginning to think that you were going to lose your eyesight, staring at that damned mirror."

Richard rolled his eyes, "Ha. Your funny."

Bruce ignored Richards obvious sarcasm and followed him outside toward the limo, "Thanks, I know."


When they arrived, the party was already in full swing. This was not surprising, even though they were hosting, they were usually not one of the first ones to arrive. When we got out of the limo Bruce nudges Richard in the side, "You know, you could at least pretend to be happy during this party."

When they both got inside the mansion, Richard replied, "You know, you could at least pretend to not be an annoyance to me."

Bruce shakes his head, "Ha. Your funny."

Richard smirks, "Thanks, I know."

Both Richard and Bruce spent the next hour greeting guest one by one, as they entered. Richard however had other things on his mind. He left Bruce's side for a minute to scan the room. He searched and searched before he received a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Roy, "Hey Richard, how are you?"

"Hey. I'm good. Where's—"

Roy put his hand on Richards shoulder, interrupting him, "Don't worry man. She's here. And she waiting for you to come talk to her." He brought his face closer to the back of Richard's head and pointed in the direction of her. He saw Kori sitting with Donna, looking, well, just like she did when she first talked to him. Bored. Suddenly Richard's adrenaline surged and he started his stride toward her. Roy eagerly followed him, and he was so ready, until a man whom he wished he had no association with right this moment, caught him by the shoulders.

"Hey, I don't mean to be an annoyance, but there are still guest that need to be greeted Richard."

Richard tipped his head all the way back, "God, Bruce, can I please get some peace."

Bruce chuckled, "You can chase all the women you want, just as soon as all the guests have arrived."

Richard trudged behind Bruce, and waved off Roy, who looked just as disappointed as he was. He sighed, This was gonna be a long night.

Kori took another long sip of her drink, it had been a full two hours since she had arrived, and she was growing way too impatient. Donna was still be her side, refusing to leave it until Richard came to talk to her.

Donna too, took another sip of her drink, "What is talking so long?"

Roy had told them earlier, that Richard was trapped greeting every single guest, before he could do whatever he wanted. This meant a lot of waiting. Waiting that Kori was not prepared to do all night long. Why was she waiting for him anyway? This was a complete waste of her time.

Kori stood up from her chair, and set her wine glass on the table, "This is a complete waste of my time. I'm out of here."

"Kori wait! Where do you think your going?"

Kori grabbed her purse, "Anywhere but here. This is simply ridiculous." Donna watched her as she left the party, making no attempt to stop her. Instead she went and got Roy.

She made her outside of the mansion, where it was surprisingly cold. She saw a nearby park, that seemed somewhat relaxing, that is, until, she felt cold wet drops falling on her bare shoulders. Looking up into the sky, the rain was really started coming down. Just great. A night that was supposed to be filled with forgiveness, was now filled with dark clouds, and rain. She put her purse over her head and stood near a fountain, that would normally look beautiful, but with the dark weather, just looked like a dark sanctuary.

She closed her eyes, just trying to forget it all, to let the rain wash away all of her problems. That's when she felt a warm piece of dark clothing come up over her head, and a pair of strong arms wrapping around her, saving her from the troubles outside her.

I never saw it happening

I'd given up and given in

I just couldn't take the hurt again, what a feeling

I didn't have the strength to fight

Suddenly you and me seemed so right

Me and you, what a feeling

Richard heaved a huge sigh. This was literally killing him. All he wanted was a perfect moment, to get away from Bruce and to go to Kori. Sadly, Bruce forced him to stay with him for another two full hours, greeting and mingling with the guests.

Finally the entry door was empty, all the guest had arrived, and they all looked satisfied. "Well I don't think I've ever done something as wasteful and time consuming as this, so thanks for the wonderful experience Bruce."

Bruce smirked, "Your welcome, now, you're excused to go chase all the women you want, but be careful, this isn't a playground Richard."

He left Bruce and made his way toward the place where he last saw Kori. Then he heard someone calling his name, "Richard, Hey, wait up!"

He turned around to face Roy, "Richard, Kori's outside, and I'm not sure if she's staying for much longer."

Richard was surprised, "Why?"

"Donna said that she was done waiting, and that she was wasting her time. You've got to go out there and stop her right now."

Richard nodded his head, "Alright, I'll go find her."

He ran toward the door to the mansion, and once outside, discovered the rain, that was gonna ruin his hair in a matter of minutes. He didn't care, all he wanted to know was where Kori was, and he soon spotted her heading toward the fountain, in the nearby park.

He raced toward her, and the rain began to fall even harder, as he could feel his hair falling onto his forehead. He found her standing by the fountain, and standing complete still. Silently, he walked up to her and removed his jacket, and carefully placed it over her head. This slightly startled her, but he slowly slipped his arms, around her waist, trying to get warmth back in her body. She turned, and Richard thought for a second that he was gonna be pushed away, but instead, she hugged her arms around his neck allowing him to come closer to her.

Richard buried his face into her damp hair and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry Kori. For everything."

She put her hand on the back of his head, and replied, "It's okay Richard, I forgive you."

They stood there for what felt like hours, but merely only minutes, soaking in each others body heat. Suddenly, to Kori's surprise, Richard pulled away from her, though still holding her hands, "I want to start over with you. But this time, I actually want to be with you."

Kori nodded her head slowly, then leaned towards him, and kissed him. It was small, but filled with warm passion. She felt her entire body heat up, and feeling a bit overwhelmed, pulled away and smiled at him, feeling so much better.

Richard too smiled, "Maybe we should head back inside, I wouldn't want you catching a cold."

"Oh come on Richard, I really wanted to catch pneumonia though."

They both laughed, and Richard took his Girlfriends hand, and took her back inside the mansion.

What a feeling in my soul

Love burns brighter than sunshine

Let the rain pour, I don't care

I'm yours, and suddenly your mine

And it's brighter than sunshine

MuSiC iNSPiRaTioN- Brighter Than Sunshine By Aqualung


I Feel horrible. I really hope that this can make up for it. I promise that I wont let my story go like this again. There might be a few errors, but I was in such a hurry to start writing again, i didn't have much patience for editing.

But too further make it up to you guys, I have posted my UPCOMING STORIES. Please let me know what you think.

115 Review. And I'll post a summary for the next chapter, which will be coming soon!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, YAY Xavier's temporarily gone, and Kori and Richard are together. And trust me, the good stuff is coming.