Title: A Dance to Remember
Mukuro Meki
You can reach me at
Pairing: Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Rating: M (will become M)
Feedback: You can reach me at
Disclaimer: Characters in this story belong to J. K. Rowling who is amazing author and while I write this chapter I will remind you I that I gain nothing from this other than my own sanity back with the lack of nagging.
Summary: This based of the quote from the 6th book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and it is where Harry had asked Luna out and in Chapter 15th. I want to see what would happen if he didn't get jealous over Ginny.
Category: M/F Heterosexual relationship
"You could've taken anyone!" Said Ron in Disbelief over dinner. "Anyone! And you Choose Loony Lovegood?" (Pg. 312)

"You could've taken anyone!" Said Ron in Disbelief over dinner. "Anyone! And you Choose Loony Lovegood?"

"Don't call her that Ron" Harry Snapped

Harry jaw clenched as his emerald eyes narrowed in irritation. Luna had been right Ron did say some funny things, but some times they could be just plain cruel. Luna Lovegood was not insane and she didn't deserve to be called Loony it was not only nice, but cruel.

"Ronald Weasley stop calling my friend Loony. You insensitive prat." Snarled Ginny, pausing behind Harry on her way to join her friends. "I'm really glad you're taking her, Harry, she's so excited."

Nodding his head at Ginny Harry watch Ginny moved down the table and sit next to Dean. He frowned as he watched the two and shook his head. Looking around he noticed Hermione sitting playing with her food and he looked back at Ron who now was looking at Hermione with a kin to longing.

"You could say sorry" Harry bluntly suggested

"What an get attacked again I do not think so. Just mind you own business Harry." Ron snapped at Harry as he got up and stormed off.

Sometimes Harry actually wondered why he even tried with Ron's temper and Hermione stubbornness it was like trying to fight a losing battle. He would rather have double detention with Snape than try to help. Getting up he smiled as thought of his upcoming date. Walking up the moving stair case he became lost in thought and didn't notice arriving at the entrance of Gryffindor until he was asked by an irate fat lady a couple times. Snapping out of his thought Harry looked up and felt a light blush cover his cheeks.

"Password dear…" an irritated fat lady asked

"Oh sorry, Noble Friends" Harry mumbled as he entered the room only to come face to face with Hermione bagging about going out with Cormac McLaggen who almost made Keeper and stating that she only dated really good Quidditch players after Parvati mentioned Hermione track record of dating Quidditch players. All the while she completely ignored Ron and Lavender. Shaking my head I walked up the stairs to get ready for my date with Luna Lovegood. The more I thought about it the more it made me feel funny inside.

"I can't believe that little twit. How dare she say that I am not a good Quidditch player the nerve of her." Ron said while he stormed around the room grabbing his dress up robes and quickly changed in and angry rushed manner.

"Ron not now… listen and listen well I do not want to be caught in the middle anymore. If you have a problem than tem Hermione, but don't tell me." Snapped Harry as he straightened his dark green dress robes so they looked good. Then standing in front of the mirror he ran a hand through his hair a couple times until it looked somewhat presentable. He had no time for Ron's problems right now and he knew that this would blow over soon. Smiling at the mirror he nodded this was good. He walked down the stairs with Ron hurrying behind him apparently he had ask Lavender to Slughorn's Party probably to make Hermione jealous, but at the moment he was not going to worry about this. He was going to enjoy this party and fun with Luna

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I have a new beta for this story, Mukuro Meki who has edited chapters 2 and on. I didn't get this Chapter edited as is was very much influenced and has a lot of the wording from the book.