From Beyond the Veil: NOT EDITED
Pairing: Luna/Harry,
Side Pairings: Ginny/Dean, Ron/?, Neville/Hermionie

"You could've taken anyone!" Said Ron in Disbelief over dinner. "Anyone! And you Choose Loony Lovegood?" (Pg. 312)

Small Author Note: I know it has been a long time since I last posted to any of my stories and I do have my reasons for not posting this story.
First thing to tell you: Everything in this chapter is not Edited and for that I apologized, for the most part I catch a couple part here and there.
Second I wanted to think of how I can thicken the plot out.
Third: Both my editor and I have been struggling with RL problems and those were on the front burner for a long time, when I do get the edited version I will post it again, until then you will have to deal with the unedited version.

Luna straightened her fur trimmed cloak over her shoulders as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair which she usually let loose was now pulled back in a French braid tied back with a blue satin ribbon that had once belonged to her mother.

Nodding her head she grabbed her purse as she made sure not to make too much nose as she made through the house to the entrance where her godfather Juliano was standing holding a bouquet in his left hand. He was dressed in a dark clock as well with his hair pulled back into a tight low pony tail. His usually joyful smile was currently missing as his lips were firmly pressed into a straight line.

As Luna made her way over to Juliano she smiled halfheartedly as she was pulled into a warm embrace.

"Come on Luna-Love, we need to get going." Juliano whispered into Luna's ear as he pulled her out of the house as he closed the door. As he wrapped his arm around her shoulder he led her to the apparition point as they strolled down the dimly lit street. Juliano knew what they were doing was dangerous and he was prepared, but he also knew how important this tradition had been in the last couple of years. And he planed to make sure that they were able to do this without it being to dangerous.

As they arrived at the apparition place, Luna got in the position of doing a side-long apparition and within instances she felt the tug and her surrounding disappeared as she was whisked away.

"There Luna-Love, we are hear…"

Luna, blinked she always found it amazing how it felt to do a side-long apparition as the colors would swirl around her before she landed at her destination. As she finally took in her surrounding as she noticed the over grown greenery, with a since of remorse of how neglected this place looked. Some of the stones had ivy growing up, around and sideways on them while there was enough slime to scare away any Nargles that had been hiding in the mistletoe plants around the edges of the surrounded areas.

As she looked to her godfather she watched as he pulled his wand out and do some quick spells that seem to clean up the area within a blink of an eye. The grass no long was over grown and uneven, but now was strait and even to the eye. There was the old flower bouquet was wilted and frosted over with some carnation that still looked as if they were surviving. Luna walked up and removed them as she stroked the flowers one more time before handing it to Juliano who got rid of them. She leaned as she fixed the new bouquet until she felt it was done.

"I do believe that your mother would of loved today… it is nature at its finest." Juliano broke the silence as he pulled Luna to him closing his eyes too stop the on coming tears.

Luna did not know how long they just stood there in silence as the wind played with there cloaks she just let her mind wonder as she enjoyed the warm that surrounded her.

Even before he had entered the dinning area, Harry could here Mrs. Weasley's displeasure and had to wonder who was insane enough to get on the woman's bad side. As he made his way into the room he sat down next to Remus as he tried not to draw any attention to himself.

He watched Mrs. Weasley grumbled about irresponsible behavior and at time like this. Harry for one could not figure out was wrong. As he made his plate he took in the other people around the table. There were twins who seemed to planning one thing or another. Sirius was interested in the news paper, but every once in a while looked up giving him a humored grinned. As he glanced around for Luna and Juliano he assumed that might not be up, or in Juliano case at work.

"When did you say that Juliano would be back?" Molly questioned Remus as she waited for an answer.

"I told you twice… Molly, Luna is safe with her godfather doing some important errands." Remus paused. "They will be back when they feel it is time to come back., and not before."

"Does he not know how dangerous it is out there…"

"Of course he does, Luna mean a lot to Juliano." Remus lips pressed into a firm line as he clutched his tea cup tighter.

Harry noticed that Remus looked like a wolf who had been poked one too many times.

"Molly, I am sure that Juliano won't let anything happen to Luna, after what kind of Uncle would be." Albus stepped into the room as Harry straightened up.

"Oh, Albus I didn't know you were going to be here… are you hungry? Why don't you join us for breakfast."

"That does sound lovely, but I must make it quick. Ah... Harry my boy I know its breakfast but a word if you do not mind.

Harry nodded as he got up and followed the headmaster into the other room well at least he couldn't complain about anything being too quiet around here. He never would believe that could be possible for this place to be quiet.

Luna hummed as she helped Juliano carry in their shopping bags into a small café they had chosen to eat at. It was small, but it suited their need and as they sat down the waiter came up handing them their menus.

It was nice to be able to spend time with her, uncle especially with his unique schedule that he had and with her at school all year other then the holidays. So these time were very precious to her.

"Do you think we have everything that we need uncle?" Luna sipped her cider as she could feel the warm spread through her body. It was nice to come in from a cold day and spend it enjoying a nice warm cup of cider.

"Hello I will be your water today my name is Katy. Can I get you a starter, or a soup?"

"We are not yet decided on what we will have today, but we would enjoy some Belvoir Crumpets." Juliano looked over the starter part of the menu as he looked to the wait who nodded and left.

"So what do you think you will get, Luna-love?"

"I am not quiet sure… I heard they're bangers are good." Luna looked up to see Juliano's lip twitch slightly.

"Yes, last time I was here Remus order Bangers. He said he enjoyed, but not as much as the Blancmange."

"What about Yorkshire Pudding?" Luna read over it as she thought it would be nice to have some Yorkshire pudding it had been a long time since she had some.

"That does sound great, so now that it is settled all we have to do is wait for our starter."

No sooner had he echoed those words had their waiter came delivering their Belvoir Crumpets.

"My apologies for the wait, is there anything else I can get you."

"As a matter of fact we have decided on what to order. We would like two Yorkshire puddings please."

"And is there anything else.."

"No thank you." Juliano smiled as he turned his attention back to Luna who had start to nibble on one of the starters. Laughing, he helped himself to one of them, as they enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere.

"It has been a while since we did this..." Juliano commented as he sipped his tea. "I do not think I remember when we went out last."

"I believe it was a week into July and Remus and you took me out took me to a carnival and then we went to a small restaurant that Remus suggested." Luna smiled as she watched Juliano's eyes brighten at Remus names.

"So we did… I do believe that Remus still has the pictures somewhere, although I do remember another time a week before you went back to school."

"Yes that was very pleasant…" Luna smiled as she whipped her mouth.

"Uncle… what do you think of the golden bells I got to be apart of his gift…" Luna pulled out the bells, looking at them for a moment she rewrapped them before putting them away. She looked to her uncle who had a slight tint of pink that was barely noticeable unless you looked closely.

"I am sure he will enjoy them very much Luna.."

Before anyone of them could say anything their waiter came up with new drinks, and some more tea along with their meal.

"I apologize for the wait here is a refill of your drink, and for you sir would you like another refill."

"Yes thank you. White with one, please…" Juliano place his empty tea cup for the waiter to pour him another drink.

"Of course I hope that you are enjoying meal."

Luna placed her new drink to the side as she slowly set out her silverware.

"Well I do not know about you Luna, I am ready to enjoy every bit of this meal." Julian sliced into the some of the vegetables. "And I am sure we can get some Blancmange to take-away."

Luna laughed with her uncle as they started to eat their Yorkshire pudding, while catching up on the latest events in their lives.

Julian led the way into the Grimmauld place as he made sure to be quiet. He had put some notice-me-not spell on them when they had returned. It would not do well if Muggles saw them disappear between houses number eleven and thirteen. They had ended up doing a little shopping before they made their journey back to their temporary home for the holidays

Luna smiled as they made a quick path through the house. It seemed extra quiet and she thought it funny to say the least. As she followed Juliano up the stairs he made it to his rooms where he levitated and enlarged the shopping bags as he put them on the bed to be separated.

"Do you think Sirius will like using this paint remover?" Juliano held up the bucket as he looked over the direction.

Luna giggled at the thought of what Harry's godfather reaction. He was a kind of man who reminded her somewhat of a dog, a person who was extremely loyal to his family and friends.

"I am sure that Padfoot will love that…"

Both Luna and Juliano jumped slightly as they looked to the door where Remus Lupin was standing there casually.

"How long have you been there?" Juliano eyes widen as he pushed bags back a little farther.

"Long enough to see you pull out the pain remover…You know Sirius is going to loose it when he see that." Remus entered the room as he closed the room. He was wearing a button down white shirt with brown slacks and his old shoe that were rusty around the edges.

"And how was your day…" Juliano laughed as Remus pulled him into a hug.

"I would say it started off slightly on rough side…" Remus sighed as recalled breakfast scene, but he had faith in Juliano.

"Oh why was that Remus…"

"Well I do believe that Molly was a little concerned for the few members who were missing at breakfast today, and trust me everyone knew about it." Remus stat in one the chairs close to the bed. He watched two of most important people two them converse as they took bags and separated them into groups and set them net to the closet.

"I hope that your day was okay Remus?" Luna sat down as straighten her dark blue skirt before relaxing into the chair.

"Oh it was okay dear... it wasn't so bad." Remus friendly smile held as he took in Luna appearance and she looked warn out and in need of a good long nap. Although her hair was still in a nice French braid and her clothes were not ruffled it was her eyes that spoke volumes.

"How did your day turn out?" Remus winced the moment the words came out of his mouth. They even seem as if he was grasping for a conversation starter, although they had already been talking since he had entered the room and had been notice.

"It was oddly peaceful… what do you thin Luna?" Juliano look to his god-child who almost seemed to be nodding off where she sat.

"It was interesting we visit mother, the place had so much over grown greenery I think mother would have enjoyed plus all the flowers." Luna stilled she felt a wave of sadness was over her at the memory of their visit. "We then went to that small café where we had lunch."

"Ah that sounds wonderful… Did anything else happen?" Remus smile widen as Luna because slightly more animated as she started to speak about their shopping trip to find the muggle paint remover. Apparently Juliano had some friends who understand muggle currency which was very helpful since they were able to find the place that sold the item they were looking for.

"Well that was the easies part; the hard part was to choose which brand..." Juliano rubbed his forehead as he remembered the headache came with buying the paint remover.

"I am sure it wasn't so bad…"

"Oh it wasn't a nice lady helped us out, it was quiet nice of her." Luna commented as she saw Remus frown his eyes flash amber before going back his normal color.

"Anything else that happened today that I should know of?" Remus leaned back as he looked between a godfather and goddaughter.

"Now that is not fair, Remus. Christmas is just around the corner…and that mean their well be no loose lips." Juliano ducked Remus hand as he swiped at him.

"Stop being cheeky…" Remus grinned at Juliano as Luna laughed in the background, before she let out a big yawn.

"Luna-dear maybe you should go lay down… You look exhausted dear…" Remus spoke up as he watched Luna yawn once more.

Luna was about to protest when she yawned once again as she covered her mouth to stifle the yawn. She had to admit laying down did sound like a pleasing idea. No sooner then she thought that she could feel herself being lead to her room. Tilting her head up she noticed Remus with a face set in determination with his usual warm smile. As they entered her room she watched Juliano place her bags in the corner as Remus led her to the bed.

"We will come get you for dinner if you are not up by then…" Remus smiled as he and Juliano left to give Luna her privacy.

Curling up, Luna felt more exhausted now than she had a couple minute prior as she closed her eyes she let her mind drift away as she forgot of the problems around just for a few seconds.

Luna was not sure where she was, but she knew that she was far from her cozy bed, and warm room. As she pulled her cloak around her shoulders she shivered. It was twilight, and she was met with a narrow and winding path that seemed to go on forever.

Stepping forward, Luna felt chill run down her back as she start on thee path passing many old tree's that seem have an menacing aura surrounding them, as if they were shielding people away from a most terrifying gruesome scent.

Luna could feel her heart speed up as she picked up her speed. Her palms were becoming steadily calmly as she passed more trees making her way up the hell. She was just about to give up when she stopped dead in her tracks. There up ahead of her were three brothers, or so she assumed. They were walking the same path as they chatted among themselves. The first one, oldest she was sure, seemed almost over confident in himself as he held himself up right in a manner that made Luna think of a head strong Gryffindor who did not think before they did. The second brother was much like the last one, but gave off a sense of arrogance that she believed would get him in trouble in the end. But it was the last that kept her attention as he seems almost humble in her opinion and someone she would love to converse with.

Slowing her steps, Luna made sure she was far enough behind them that they would not hear, or see her but she could hear them as they spoke with one another. She learned a lot just by staying quiet and observing her surrounding.

As they came to a halt she paused behind a tree as she watched them there before them was a raging riving that was too deep and wild to path by the looks of it. Apparently the men all agree with her thoughts as they pulled out their wands and swirled them in the air making a sturdy bridge as she followed she could feel her heart pound again her rib cage. Something in the air did not seem right as her skin felt chilled to the bone even with the heavy cloak.

As they were half-way across the bridge they stopped when a cloaked figure appeared before them. Stiffing, Luna felt as if someone had dumped a bucked of cold ice on her head. The new person felt out of place, and she did not like the feeling at all.

"Congratulation, I commend you on the most talent use of magic as you were even able to trick me, Death. This calls for a reward a gift for each of brother."

Luna, stumbled back Death, and he did not sound too happy even with his somewhat fake congratulation. This did not bode well with her as she continued to watch the three brothers. Two of them seemed to be smirking almost in victory as the last seemed deep in thought as he eyed the newcomer with great distrust.

"I know exactly what I want…" The first brother stepped forward as he stood tall almost proud.

"And what if that do you wish for." The smile was almost sinister and deceiving to begin with, now was absolutely terrifying.

"I wish for a wand more powerful than any in existence, a wand worthy of a wizard who has conquered Death."

"And so shall it be, oldest of the three."

Luna watched as Death swooped down upon an elder tree and fashioned a wand from a branch that hung there, and then gave it to the eldest brother. She could not take her eyes off death as the second brother stepped forward.

"I know what I desire, I wish for something that will bring back out loved ones from your realm and out of your grip."

Luna paled at the thought of rising the dead it was not meant to be and all she could of was that this was meant to humiliate Death even more so than he had already been dealt with.

"And it is done…Second brother…." Death picked up a stone from the river bank, small in form, but black as night as he handed it over to the second oldest of the three.

"And what would you like, youngest of the three to be your reward for out smarting me."

Luna could tell that the youngest brother was in deep thought and she could understand to trust death so blindly seemed foolish for when your time came their was nothing that you could do.

"I thank you Master Death, for my request is quiet simple and in some opinions maybe too humble. My request is that you give me something that would enable me to go forth into this world without being followed by you every waking moment. Unlike my brothers I do not believe that I can out smart you twice so I would like something that will help me." The brother spoke lowly.

"Of course and so your wish will be granted." Death handed over a cloak that was of shiny material that shimmered and sparkled.

"We will meet again…" Death stood aside letting the three brothers pass.

Hurrying up Luna followed them as she felt the stare of Death on her back as she turned back she felt the chill worsen at what she saw, before turning around and making hast to catch up with the brothers.

She followed them for what seemed to be weeks as the brothers laughed and joked about fooling the great death, well mostly the two oldest the youngest said nothing but nodded his head as if he was agree with his brothers. They held their gift close to them as they admired their new prized possession

When it came time for them to part she watched them bid each other farewell and so them go separated ways it was almost symbolic as leaned again the tree and closed her eyes something deserved to be private.

Opening her eyes, Luna felt them widen she was no longer with the three brothers, but now at the side of the building watching a duel and it was between the oldest brother and a another Wizard he seemed to hold ill attempt for.

"Well we meet again, but this time I swear you will fall to my wand."

"I do not think so… We shall see…"

As Luna watched the elder wand in its full glory she paled at the sight of the fallen wizard there were better ways to settle agreement. She turned as she followed the man, and to her growing horror watched as he bragged about taking down the wizard and celebrating this hollow victory.

"I carried the most powerful want that I snatched from Death himself. Let us see who can take me and my wand on for I will defeat you in the end."

That night she followed the man up to his room where he went to sleep off the wine in his bed as she sat there she could not look away as a man came to a room nor could she scream when he slashed the oldest brother's throat open as he stole his wand before leaving. There before her was the end of the oldest brother as Death appeared by his bed side.

"And so your wish has been granted a Wand more powerful then any other, but you should of known Power and Greed go hand and hand. And you are mine."

Bolting right up, Luna grabbed at her throat as she tried to calm down she could still feel her heart pounding against her rib cage. Shakily she grabbed the glass of water on her night stand and took a sip of water trying to calm her raging heart.

That dream what it possible could mean. She remembered the story now it was one of the stories she would listen to when she was young and she could still hear her mother tell her how foolish the older two were to believe in Death. 'They should of known better then to trust a mighty foe such as him, for each gift has consciences even the youngest gift.'

Getting up, Luna made her bed as she went into the bathroom as she freshened up for dinner it seemed that she was more tired that she thought about what had happen over the last few weeks. She had to admit that wasn't upset about it not in the least, but she wondered where it would lead.

Grabbing her butter cap necklace she held it stead for a moment as she remembered the day that she first wore it.

"Now Luna-dear I have special activity for you and I to do."

"What is it mummy…?"

"Were going to make a special necklace just you and me…"

Drifting back she placed the necklace around her neck as she fixed her hair so was not in her face.

Turning around she heard someone at the door and as she made it to the door she opened it.

"Luna, Its time for dinner…" Juliano stood at the entrance as he nodded to her.

"Thank you…." Luna finished tying up her hair as she exited her room following her uncle down the stairs.

Authors Notes

In this chapter it mostly focus on Luna's point of view and even now in year 2014 I am still happy with how this chapter turned out. Now that I have this chapter updated and posted I can focus on digging deeper into the characters story and how their actions well affect those around them.

Padalock: First and foremost thank you for actually being critical and not spiteful when it comes to your review I at once would of been offended and it is never fun to get something mean, but at least you had some good tips.

Blood Wolfe 92: I am not sure who Ron will end up with I am leaning towards Susan Bones, or Hannah.


Banger - The good old British banger is bigger and fatter than the American breakfast link sausage. It is served for dinner with fried onions and gravy, in batter as toad in the hole or for breakfast with eggs, back bacon, mushrooms, black pudding, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade. There are also many regional sausages that combine different meats, herbs and spices. And don't forget good old Bangers and Mash.

Cider - In some parts of south west England, Cider is more popular than beer. It is made from the juice of apples, allowed to ferment and is generally more alcoholic than most beers. Around Devon and Somerset, seasoned cider drinkers are easily spotted with their distended bellies and reddened ears, cheeks and noses. Cider is famous for rotting your guts!

Entree - Appetizer. You guys really got this one mixed up. You talk about the main course being the entree and the first course being the appetizer. Clearly this is the use of a French word, but sadly, in the wrong place. In France and the rest of Europe, the entree is the appetizer, not the main course. The clue is in the name!

Starter - As well as being part of a car (usually coupled with the word "motor") this is what we call the appetizer on a menu. The more upmarket restaurants would use the word "entree", the French word for the first course of a meal.

Shepherd's pie - Originally made from leftovers, this is not a true pie, nor does it contain any shepherds! It is minced lamb, cooked with some veggies and topped with mashed potato (sometimes with cheese) on top and grilled till brown. Not to be confused with Cottage Pie which is almost the same, but with minced beef.

Steak & kidney pie - This is another traditional English dish. Kidney is not popular in the US so try it when you visit. It won't kill you, honest!

Steak & kidney pudding - This is variation of the traditional pie. On a cold winter evening there is nothing better. It is steak and kidney in a thick, soft, suet pastry crust. Absolutely divine.

Yorkshire pudding - You may see this on the menu in a pub or restaurant. It is a light batter that rises when it is cooked. In pubs you will sometimes see huge ones that rise at the edges to form a sort of bowl. The middle can be filled with anything from sausages and beans, to soup or stew. Worth a try if they look good. Traditionally, smaller Yorkshire puds are served with roast beef, as an accompaniment with horseradish sauce and gravy, roast spuds and veggies. Quite yummy. Apparently called pop-overs in some parts of the US.

Flake - One thing I really missed was British chocolate. It's different to Hersheys. When we weakened, we sneaked down to Fiesta International Supermarket and splashed out on "The crumbliest, flakiest, milk chocolate in the world" as the TV ad says. Cadbury's Flake is fabulous - try some of our chocolate when you visit. You might like it!

Black pudding - Missed by Brits in America, thin or thick black pudding is one of the staples of a cooked breakfast. Looking like a black sausage it is made from pigs blood and fat. Sounds horrid, but like faggots, you should try it before passing judgement!

Blancmange - Blancmange is custard that has been made thick, and allowed to set. It is generally served as one of the layers in a trifle. The bottom layer would be sponge cake soaked in jelly, then some fruit, then the blancmange, then a layer of whipped double cream and finally a chocolate flake crumbled over the top. Yummy

White - When someone in the UK asks you how you take your tea or coffee you should say "black", "white without" or "white with". White means with milk and the "with" and "without" bit refers to the sugar. I have mine white with one. When I first told a waitress in Texas I wanted my coffee "white with", she said "with what - milk?". Think about it!

Take-away - This word has several meanings. First it is the place that only sells food to take out. You might go to the take-away for an Indian or Chinese. If you got a take-away for dinner it would mean the meal itself. Also if you go to a restaurant where you can choose where you eat it then you would be asked if you want to "eat in or take away". You would say here or to go.

One day I want to visit England and try their food and frankly a lot of the food I looked up and most of it made my mouth water. Especially the Flake British chocolate which sounds great.

Thank you for all the Reviews, Favorites, and Alerts.

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Alerts: 170
Communities: 17

