

The ride in the Kaiba Corp. helicopter is short nevertheless Joey is agitated.

'How long until we're there?' he asks again. Kaiba pulls his headset off and throws it onto the briefcase on seat next to him. He's glad that he'd made Joey sit in the back.

He glances down at the case as they reach their destination. He knows that he'll have to speak to Pegasus again soon. He entertains the possibility of throwing the case out of the window but that won't help Mokuba.

Kaiba sets the chopper down lightly in the industrial estate that is no longer in use. The blades slow and he climbs out.

'Get out. It should be here.' he says. Joey waits for a moment before he figures that Kaiba isn't going to open the door for him and lets himself out of the helicopter.

Kaiba rests the briefcase on the ground and opens it. He picks up the card and prepares himself for the worst.

No need to be so negative, Kaiba boy. Are you with us?

Yes. We're at the co-ordinates but there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.

Look towards the sun. We're just about to see if anyone's home.

Be careful.

Why, thank you for your concern, Kaiba boy, you too. Kaiba growls.

I meant don't get Mokuba hurt or you'll regret it. He feels Pegasus' amusement and it only infuriates him even more.

You're going to have a heart attack if you bottle up all that anger.

Joey taps Kaiba on the shoulder and points to one of the large warehouses.

'That's creepy.' he says and Kaiba notes that this particular warehouse is in the path of the sun. The doors are closed and there is an unnatural glow coming from the gap under them.

'Shall we go in?' Joey asks with an edge of nervousness to his voice. Kaiba shrugs.

'Do what you want but I'm going in there.' he replies and marches up to the doors. Joey follows.

'You don't have to be so rude, you know.' He says as they reach the security locked door and his eyes meet the plaque.

'Kaiba Corp.? You own these warehouses?' Joey asks incredulously. Kaiba nods.

'They are due to be converted into active production centres soon.' He lets the scanner probe his eyes.

'Match Found: Seto Kaiba. Voice verification required, please state password.' The machine drones.

'And what is the sun?' Kaiba responds determined once again not to explain his seemingly bizarre taste in passwords. The doors begin to open.

Are you still there? Pegasus nods before realising that Kaiba can't actually see him.

Of course. He replies. You hold the key to our little relationship, remember. Kaiba doesn't speak again right away but Pegasus knows that he can push things a bit because their connection is necessary.

We're going into a suspicious building. What's happening there?

The small shack exudes a dark energy that they'd all sensed. Pegasus glances at mini-Kaiba and thinks that Kaiba's too protective. It's Mokuba that wants to check the place out.

'What are the others doing?' Yugi asks as they follow the narrow corridor to a lighted room at the end.

'Kaiba boy and your little friend are checking out some warehouses on this spot.' Yugi frowns and puts a hand on Pegasus' jacket so that the two of them let the others go ahead.

'Will you get Kaiba to tell Joey not to do anything dangerous?' He jogs to catch up to the younger ones.

Ugh, friendship is sickening. Kaiba was startled by the sudden thought.

What are you talking about, Pegasus?

Yugi boy wants you to tell Wheeler not to do anything stupid. Kaiba scoffed aloud and ignored Joey's inquisitive glance.

He can't go against his nature.

Pegasus laughs. I think he meant don't encourage him to expose himself to anything dangerous just for Yugi boy.

'Yugi says don't do anything stupid.' Kaiba relays the message and Joey shakes his fist.

'Yeah, well you tell Yugi that I'm gonna do whatever it takes to help him and that's that.' Kaiba rolls his eyes.

Joey says he'll do whatever he can blah blah blah. We don't have time for this.

Quite right, Kaiba boy.

The door to the warehouse opens and a strange black mist surrounds them.

'This is not good.' Joey says trying to step out of the mist. 'Hey, what's that over there?' They both peer into the darkness and some shapes become visible.

'Joey?' It is Yugi's voice and a few moments later the others appear as the mist thins. 'What is going on here?'

'I dunno Yug, we just walked into the warehouse and ended up here. You ok?'

Yugi nods.

'I've not been well lately but in this world it seems as though I have my strength back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I didn't know about the disease until Kaiba and Pegasus informed me.'

'But you're here; can't you just jump out of that world now?' Joey asks. Yugi shakes his head.

'I'm afraid it isn't that simple, Joey,' he explains sadly, 'if we leave this realm the disease will continue to destroy our bodies. We might just have to see this one through to the end; no short cuts or easy ways out.'

'No easy ways out.' A dark voice echoes in the mist.

'What was that?' Joey says nervously. They all turn to the source of the voice to find a figure wearing a heavy, black cloak and with a gold pyramid sticking out of its heart.

'Eew, black and gold is so last season.' Pegasus comments causing Kaiba to roll his eyes and step forward scanning the being.

'What do you want with us?' Yugi demands and the figure laughs maniacally. Black tendrils shoot out of its cloak and wrap around Mokuba and Weevil.

'Mokuba.' Kaiba shouts as the vines squeeze the captives and they cry out in pain. 'If my analysis is correct then what you're looking for is a host.' Everyone turns to Kaiba.

'What do you mean a 'host'?' Joey stammers, 'You mean it wants a body to live in?' Pegasus smacks Joey around the head.

'What else would that mean?' He replies sarcastically before turning to Kaiba. 'The question is how does it intend to gain one?'

'Of course, I'll just take one of yours.' The figure replies and having said this the floor on which they are standing becomes a duelling arena. 'If you fail to defeat my strongest monster in less than three turns your bodies will belong to me.'

'We'll see about that.' Kaiba responds. 'Release Mokuba and play your monster.' The being drops Mokuba and Weevil and summons a giant serpent into the middle of the arena.

Yugi and Joey immediately draw their decks and summon the red eyes black dragon and the dark magician. Pegasus too draws a card and throws it down.

'Let's see how you handle this, you creep.' Joey yells, 'Red eyes black dragon, attack!' Pegasus' polymerization activates and his and Yugi's monsters are fused. 'What is that?' Joey says in surprise.

'That is my ultimate polymerization card,' Pegasus laughs, 'I always keep the best for myself you know. This card means that I can fuse any two monsters that I wish so say hello to the Dark magic dragon.'

Kaiba is impressed and annoyed; it's just like Pegasus to hold back all the greatest cards, like how he concealed the existence of the Egyptian Gods, but something like this could revolutionise Duel Monsters across the globe.

The Dark Magic dragon destroys the serpent in just one turn and the dark figure recoils in horror.

'You may have defeated me but you will succumb to the First Cell's power in the end. Once he gains a host he will let the rest of us into your world.' The being begins to melt away laughing as he does so.

With him the mist around them begins to vanish and Kaiba sees that Pegasus, Mokuba and the others are disappearing. He guesses that the dark figure must have been connecting the two worlds. Now the link is destabilising.

'Yugi, don't worry, I'll be there at the next fight. I swear, I'll help you out on this one.' Yugi and Joey shake hands before the others fade into darkness. 'Kaiba, what happened?' Kaiba sighs,

'The link between the two dimensions was destroyed. We'll have to meet them at the next point and probably fight another enemy seeking a host until they reach the centre of the organism; the First Cell.' He can tell that Joey doesn't really understand but there's no time to waste.

Turning to leave Kaiba is suddenly hit by a wave of dizziness and places a hand on the wall to steady himself. It passes momentarily but he hurries to be out in the open air anyway.

'So, you know where they're headed yet?' Joey asks in a whining tone, 'Are you going to see if they're okay?' Kaiba glances at the card that connects him to Pegasus reluctantly until Joey's nagging causes him to pick it up.

Took you long enough, Kaiba boy, how are things on your side?

We're alright, not like you care. How is Mo…

Now, now, don't tell me that I don't care.

Whatever; how is my brother?

Oh, he and Weevil are just fine; had a bit of a shock, that's all. Though come to mention it you didn't seem very shocked by this turn of events. Is there more going on here than meets the eye, I wonder.

Leave it Pegasus, Kaiba warns sternly, which way are you headed?

Pegasus almost likes it when he hears aggravation and impatience in the young man's voice. At least he can get some reaction from the tin man.

What are you so happy about? Kaiba demands and Pegasus remembers that they are connected and Kaiba can sense his emotions.

Hmm…nothing, Kaiba boy, we're going north by north east. There's something a few miles away.

Okay, we'll meet you there, be careful.

You do care after all, Pegasus teases lightly.

Only about Mokuba, comes the flat reply.

Sure, whatever you say, we're going to rest first so why don't you check back with us in a couple of hours.

The connection ends abruptly making Pegasus smile. Mokuba and Yugi eye him suspiciously.

'What do you and Kaiba talk about?' Yugi asks as they all settle down to rest. 'Did Joey have anything to say to me?' Pegasus sighs.

'I just gave Kaiba our heading and he said to be careful.' Mokuba glares at Pegasus fiercely.

'You'd better not be saying anything mean to big brother.' Pegasus laughs and leans back against the tree he's sitting by.

'It can't have been that mean; he is going to check in again.' Mokuba frowns unsatisfied but the older man ignores him and closes his eyes. I do need my beauty sleep after all, he thinks.