Hello People,

This is my first fanfiction, so be nice. This is slash, so if you don't like it, I'm sorry. Well, not really but oh well. I'm a big fan of Harry Potter, and was slighly disappointed with the ending of the 7th book. But I knew that J.K. Rowling was really a huge fan of slash. LoL. Yes, I am demented. Alright, I'll stop ranting.

SUMMARY: Harry, our beloved saviour is changing, for better or worse, depends on who your torturing. Sirius, comes back to us with a new profound sense of who he is. Who knew that Remus could get distracted so easily, and of course our dear Remus gets the love of his life back. Finally. All this pretending is wearing on their nerves and mental stability. Draco is coming in strong and making a splash, literally. And you thought that 5th year was exciting?

MAIN PAIRINGS: Draco//Harry, Remus//Sirius.

WARNING: Rape, SLASH! Bashing of a few choice characters in later chapters. M Rating for later chapters, (I can't help myself... :P)

'Harry Potter' -- thoughts

"Harry Potter" -- speech

Harry Potter -- flashback or dream sequence

DISCLAIMER: I apparently am not the owner of Harry Potter, because I would not be in my basement hoping to finish this chapter before my father gets home and gets all nosy and asks me what I'm doing. I DO NOT think that sounds like the situation of a famous author.

When Did Poison Become Innocent?


Dudley Dursley liked to think he was normal. Well as normal as you could be when you weigh over 250 lbs and you were only 16.

What no one knew was that Dudley had a fatal attraction. His father had been trying to get him interested in girls. It wasn't working as well as he had planned. Girls just didn't do it for him you could say.

He had been to many parties where he and his friends all got drunk and laid with killer hangovers to show for.

But the last few times he had woken up to find a guy curled up next to him. Last time it had had been his bisexual friend Pierre. Let's just say the hangover wasn't his only cause of a headache.

How could Dudley Dursley, captain of the wrestling team, major bully of the school be a poof? That was wrong in so many ways. Lately he had his eye set on a delectable species with waist-length raven hair and pain-clouded eyes.

Dudley looked out his window into his back yard. Harry, his gorgeous cousin was sitting in the grass let the rain drench him. He looked like a fallen angel, so sad. Something must have happened.

Dudley was overcome with so much anger. How could he like such a fucking freak? Why did his love have to be so beautiful, so abnormal, and a guy?

He wasn't gay, damnit! Dursleys didn't do gay. He would end this. He wouldn't let his lif be ruined by a fallen angel.

Harry sat in the warm grass. It was nice for once to not have to put a smile on for gullible idiots. Clouds were rolling in and threatening to make the hot sun scurry away. The thunder was like the rumble of magic pulsing through his veins. This summer had been the hardest.

Sirius had fallen through the Veil less than a week ago.


A lone tear fell from Harry's green eyes. Rain had started to fall. It was comforting to know that his Uncle Vernon was out of the country for a week, that didn't do much about Dudley though.

Harry stood up from the ground. Thank goodness Aunt Petunia was out having tea. While she had been sincere to him lately he didn't think she would appreciate him dripping water all over the floor. But, that was just him.

He heard Dudley stomping down the stairs. He had a crazed look about him. As Harry was about to slip by Dudley grabbed his wrist.

"Dudley, I would really appreciate it if you would let my wrist go." said Harry as he tried to be polite.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't look so damn hott."

Harry was thrown on the couch before his could respond. Not only was he shocked that Dudley had even known the meaning or "appreciate." He was shocked that he called him hott. Him?

Harry Potter? The bane of his cousin's existence hott? Dudley must have been smoking while in his room.

His body suddenly felt exposed. He looked down to be shocked to see his cousin naked, and he himself as well.

'Oh God! I think I'm going to be sick!' Harry thought horrified of what he knew what was coming.


His spine felt like it was being shattered has Dudley thrust into him wildly. His throat was becoming raw from his screams. Tears were so thick they cascaded into his long hair. He was sure his was feeling blood seep into his hair as he virgin hole was being penetrated harshly. Low moans were coming from Dudley like a mantra. Dudley screamed in release as his seed erupted inside Harry.

Sex was supposed to be pleasurable. But this wasn't sex, this was rape. Harry's broken curled up in a ball as he drifted off into unconciousness. He barely registered the horrified scream that had been Aunt Petunia walikng in to find her little Dudders raping her nephew.