Washing machine

Eiji Kikumaru might not be stupid. But he isn't that smart either. Especially when it is concerns a washing machine.

It all started when the washing machine broke down. His father had decided to buy a new one. An expensive one. So that hopefully it will last longer.

On Tuesday, the washing machine arrived from a delivery truck.

Eiji was curious and he needed to wash his clothes anyway, so he decided to use the washing machine. First, he put in the clothes, shut the washing machine door and started it. However, he accidentally pressed a button which caused all the detergent in the dispenser flow into the washing machine.

When he took out the clothes, only foam could be seen. He had to rinse the clothes a few times before it was totally clean without any foam but it was very wet. So what did he do? He dry-cleaned it.

The clothes turned fluffy and dry. Yet it had shrunk from the intense washing. So he decided to throw it away.

Although he had to throw the clothes, he found out something good about the washing machine. It can turn things fluffy!

He decided to make his bear fluffy again since it was worn out from hugging. He put his teddy bear into the washing machine and took it out. It was soft and fluffy again! Thinking that if he put the controls to maximum speed, it will be fluffier.

He found his teddy bear was ripped into pieces. A tag floated down to the floor. Do not attempt to dry-clean this as the material is too delicate to withstand the roughness of dry-cleaning.

Eiji decided to affectionately dub the washing machine 'teddy bear killer'.

This idea came when my washing machine needs to be changed. I would like to dedicate this to all my reviewers who had reviewed for my past drabbles. Ah, and don't forget to review this too! Thanks a lot guys!