A/N: Re-posted last chapter for many reasons.

Sorry, guys. I know, I know. It's been a long, long time since I updated, right? So sorry! I've been so busy and other things kept coming up and.. yeah.

But, the long-awaited Ayumu Narumi is making his appearance this chapter!

A big thank you to everyone who's reviewed. You're all awesome. :]


"Sorry, er, about earlier, Kousuke," Hiyono mumbled.

"Eh, don't worry about it," the boy waved her off.

Having nowhere they were willing to go in the twisted situation they'd gotten themselves into, the pair had traipsed around the town for a near fifteen minutes. Kousuke had been getting a little bored with tolerating Hiyono's crying, and as luck would have it, they'd come across a 24-hour café. Now, they were sat on opposing ends of a family-sized table, cradling cups of hot chocolate like their lives depended on it.

"Hey, Kousuke,"

"Yeah?" he former was slumped casually over the dull-coloured seats, making himself gratefully at home. Sleep was becoming a rare luxury in their lives at that point and it was getting to Kousuke more than Hiyono.

"Could you, erm, do me a favor?"

"Urgh. Depends what,"

Hiyono voice was sinking into further quietness as her head sagged further into the table. "Can… can we go to your apartment?"

He blinked at her. "Why not your house?"

She looked annoyed to have to speak again. "Because my parents won't let me out now, I'll be in a straightjacket for the next few days," she moaned.

"Erm," he thought hard about it. They needed somewhere to go, but was he going to let Hiyono Yuizaki into his own home? He rested his eyes on her. She was practically falling asleep where she sat. Both of them, in all honesty, were feeling this whole ordeal, every little thing considered, taking its toll on their bodies. But not more so than their minds.

They were tired, you could go so far as exhausted or even just completely shattered, both physically and mentally.


So they slept. Slumped over the diner table. Uncaring of what anyone thought whether they had been asleep or awake. The waitress made sure no one bothered them and even replaced their dying hot chocolate with cups of boiling tea where they had been beside the pair's cheeks so as to keep them warm. The night was chilly, and rain drizzled into the ground. There was almost no wind, but said stillness gave the whole city a deplorable eeriness which it often lacked, regardless of the time of day.


Kousuke and Hiyono weren't the only pair to be asleep in an inappropriate place. Eyes was slouched over his grand piano, fingers still resting on the keys from the last note he played in the lullaby which induced his friend's and his own sleep, in a manner which didn't seem very much like Eyes' proud, somewhat aristocratic style. On the opposing side of the piano, Rio was curled up on the chair she'd pulled over. She seemed like the little child she appeared to be as she slept; quiet, perfectly smooth breaths, like a young child after a long day of repetitive yet enjoyable time. On the sleek piano surface between them stood the proud vase of irises, almost glimmering in the shine still emitting from the lights on the ceiling.


I can't believe I still haven't found her.

He didn't know where on earth she had gone and he knew even less why he was so bothered about it. He'd already given up once that night but when he arrived home, he was told that Hiyono knocked for him by a very disgruntled Madoka. He could've guessed that just by registering the blatant arrogance in the first word Madoka had said. So, he'd gone straight back out on the search.

Still no sign of her.


Rio was jerked awake sharply. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, disinclined to greeting the light of day through the merciless glass of the penthouse. She stretched and paused to question what had woken her; knocks on the door.

"Eye--" she halted herself and withdrew the hand that was going to touch his arm. If he was still asleep, he probably wouldn't be pleased about being woken. At least not for something important.

She made her way to the door, not at all fazed about waking up in the penthouse - again. By the time she'd turned the handle the door was open and the sight of Kanone greeted her.

"Kanone?" she asked in complete disbelief.

"Hello there, Rio," he grinned.

He seems… pretty casual about being back here. Rio thought to herself. But why is he back? I didn't think he'd ever return to Eyes after the fight.

"What are you…?" Rio was cut off.

"Look who I brought," he stepped aside to reveal Ryoko.

"Ryoko!" Rio jumped through the doorway and wrapped her arms around the clearly shaken girl before she could even think about doing it.

"I found her wandering around the city on my way to come here," Kanone held the smile as he approached Eyes. "Hello?" he gave the man a gentle shake and he awoke quickly.

"Ka…none?" his eyes widened with each blink he forced to try and focus his eyes. "Kanone? What are you doing here…?" he calmed himself and glanced around; it was light, almost like the middle of the day, and not only did Kanone indeed stand beside him, but Rio was frenziedly checking Ryoko over in the doorway.

"I was on my way here to talk to you when I found her in a very bad way. Eyes, what's been going on?" Kanone attempted to sit beside Eyes and had to nudge him over a little to fit.

"Kousuke and Ryoko were taken by Hunters." Despite how long it had been, how confusing a reason Kanone must have, Eyes still had the deepest urge to confide everything in him, to trust him just like they trusted each other before the fight.

Some things never change…


Kousuke still hadn't moved. He'd awoken, yes, and sat up with a groggy, crooked smile in Hiyono's direction, and his jaw had dropped when he saw her eating. A full-scale cooked breakfast, she was shoveling it into her mouth in scoops of however much she could balance on her knife and fork.

"Some things never change, I guess," he muttered, still in shock.

"Nnuh?" Hiyono paused with a mouthful of food and glanced up by means of question. Kousuke said nothing, just shook his head and laughed.

Hiyono gulped down her mouthful, so much so that it was a wonder she didn't choke. She must've been used to it, Kousuke thought.

"So. Now that you've regained consciousness, we have to go somewhere," she placed the cutlery on the almost cleaned plate, and it was then that Kousuke realised there were two other plates stacked beneath it. Complete proof it was her third meal in half an hour.

"Did you pay for that…?"

"It doesn't matter, where are we going to go? I want to go find Ayumu…"

"No way. Why should I have to follow you on your hunt for your little boyfriend?" Kousuke took on the arrogant smirk Hiyono almost thought she missed - almost.

"Yeah, well you could just go on the hunt for your little girlfriend on your own, you know," she retaliated. She sat back, crossing her arms in a clear sign that she was happy with that comeback.

"Urgh, whatever, let's just go find Eyes."

Kousuke slipped out of the seat and even though she glared, Hiyono followed, slipping on her coat again.


Ayumu buried his hands into his coat pockets. Despite the usual warmth or at least tepidness of the season, it was a cold, damp day in the city. Cars that drove up the streets at even a moderate speed were liable to splashing the pedestrians with water.

The boy had no umbrella, no hood on his coat that he chose to wear, unlike every person he passed. He was bored and tired of looking for Hiyono. He'd been out all night at the very real risk of being kidnapped or attacked and he hadn't seen any trace of her at all, or even any of the Blade Children at the very least. He couldn't but wonder how they were doing. It had been a long time since they last saw each other, after all, and there was the raging fight between Eyes and Kanone everyone had been witness to a few months ago - was that the last time he saw them? Ah. That couldn't be a good sign.

He almost yelled in surprise when two arms were flung around him from behind. He glanced behind him repeatedly and it wasn't long before he realised it was Hiyono, sobbing into his coat and holding him so tightly he thought he might suffocate before he could even tell her he loved her.


A/N: Wow. 'kay, even I wasn't expecting this ending. Hahaaaa! :D Reviews? I love to know what you people think. :D