Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Jake walked up the wooden steps to Miley's front door. "This is it." He thought to himself. He started to raise his hand to knock.

"What are you doing here?" Jake heard. He lowered his hand and turned around to see Ryan and Lilly.

"I'm here to win Miley back." Jake snapped at Ryan.

"She doesn't like you!" Ryan told Jake sort of harsh, as he too, came up to the front door.

"She only THINKS she doesn't like me." Jake answered back looking Ryan in the eye.

"Wow, you ARE egoistical!" Ryan answered.

"I am not! Well, at least not anymore." Jake answered.

"Uh huh, sure." Ryan replied sarcastically.

"Whatever." Jake replied.

The front door flew open and there stood Miley. "Great." She thought to herself as she saw the two guys standing there.

"Miley, tell HIM that you like me!" Jake said.

"Normally, I would retaliate but not this time." Ryan answered. "I'm going to be the mature one."

"Shut up!" Jake barked at Ryan.

"No, you!" Ryan answered back, loosing his cool.

"Guys!" Miley yelled at them, "Stop fighting!" Jake and Ryan stopped and looked at Miley. "Thank you." She continued. "I'm going to talk to Ryan first."

"He shoots, he scores!" Ryan said to Jake before leaving and following Miley towards the benches.

"Look, Miley, I'm sorry," Ryan started, "I should have listened to you earlier this week."

"Ryan, listen to me." Miley started, "I like you... a lot... and-" Miley couldn't finish. Before she knew it Ryan had his lips pressed against her soft ones.

He pulled away from her. "I like you too Miley Stewart." He whispered to her. "And, I hope you'll give me a second chance?"

"Of course." Miley answered. "But, I wonder how Jake's going to take all this?"

"Only one way to find out." Ryan replied. "And I'll be here if you need any support."

"Thanks." Miley whispered. She gave him a hug then got up from the bench and approached Jake. "Jake," She started.

"Miley, listen," Jake started. "I came here to try and win you back but I see who you clearly like here." He paused, "So, I'm going to let you two be." He admitted with a sigh after a few moments of silence. "I hope we can still be friends?"

Miley smiled. Jake had changed. "Thanks Jake." She answered, "And yes, friends sounds nice."

"Yes!" Lilly happy danced to herself. "Ryan and Miley got together!"

Ryan came up and put his arms around Miley. "So, I guess I should be going." Jake said, "I'll, uh, see you around."

"See you around, Lesli." Miley answered. Jake smiled at Miley and started down the steps and past Lilly.

"Who the heck is Lesli?" Ryan questioned causing Miley to laugh.

"It's a long story." She replied.

"But I'm serious, who is Lesli!" Ryan asked again and he, Miley and Lilly entered the Stewart house hold.

"So, in conclusion, Arthropods are incredible creatures." Miley spoke clearly. The class applauded. Her group walked back to their seats. Ryan reached over the aisle and grabbed Miley's hand. The couple had been together for about a month now, and since Ryan was Richie and Miley was Hannah, Rannah was the celebrity couple everyone wanted to know about.

The bell rang and class was dismissed. "To the beach?" Ryan asked at the end of the day.

"To the beach." Miley answered back.

They walked along the beach as the sun set. As they passed the spot that Lilly had found Ryan a month ago the waves came up and washed away a heart with an arrow through it that read "Miley Stewart, and Ryan Wicket, Forever."

A/N: That's the end! I hope you all enjoyed it! Please review!