A/N: I was listening to my new Meg & Dia CD when this idea came to me. It wouldn't go away so I'm posting it. Plus I posted my first story today and got reviews so I'm happy! I hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, New Moon or any of its characters. Stephenie Meyer does.

"Do you guys want to come to my party on Saturday?" Jessica asked as Edward, Alice and I sat down at the lunch table.

"Yes!" Alice answered. She probably thought that meant that we could go shopping.

"Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie can come too. It starts at eight." I wonder why she's talking to us. Ever since Edward and I got engaged she's been kinda mad.

I couldn't blame her though. Even I can't believe I said yes. Not that I don't love him. I do! But maybe we should have waited. Like until after I was changed. So that Charlie and Renee wouldn't have to know. But we didn't.

When Charlie first found out it wasn't good! He has calmed down quite a bit. Maybe even accepted it. But Renee is a little different. She keeps calling to try to talk me out of it. And with only one month left until graduation and my transformation Edward's trying to get me to have as many human experiences as possible. Which means he's not to upset about the party.

"So Bella when do you want to go shopping?!"

"Alice, you have already bought me a bunch of things. I think I have something!" Even though I'll probably end up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. What's the point of dressing up?

"But it would be fun!"

"You say that every time!"

"And it is!"

"Alice, the party is tomorrow and I don't have time to go to the mall. I have to work tomorrow."

Alice huffed and said "fine!" and got up to dump her tray. Edward then took his and mine and dumped them. Then we walked to our next class. The rest of school passed by normally.

A/N: Well there it is. I know it short but this is just the beginning. I will be putting some of my own characters in here. They'll probably be in the third or fourth chapter. Bella may end up with one of them but I'm not entirely sure. I only have some of this planned out. Please review and tell me what you think! I'll update either tonight or tomorrow.