Hello! Ok. Scratch the first fic. My hands just typed when I wasn't looking. THIS is the real one and no Mary-Sues. Sorry for that btw. Like I said. I was just typing from nowhere. Hope this one is way better. Peace out and enjoy! I tried posting this on Nick but… lets just say that Nick is strict. And just for fun you guys can place whatever story you want in front. Pretend this is that long awaited sequel. Well enjoy! P.S. Even though the new season seems to promise Aang has hair by now in my story he has shaved it off.





"Come on, Appa. We need to go faster. Yip Yip!" the young Avatar urged his bison. It has been eight years after the 12-year-old Avatar Aang defeated the Firelord. During that time Aang had been around the world, restoring the peace between the three remaining nations. He had been rebuilding destroyed towns and helping refugees find homes. He had been to many meeting with all of the world's rulers in order to restore the peace between the great kings. For the first two years Katara, Sokka, and Toph had traveled with him. Eventually they had to return to their homes. Toph had to go back home to explain to her parents and Katara and Sokka went home to help rebuild their tribe. He had missed all of his friends although he had missed Katara the most. It had been terribly for him: to express his feelings, to get them in return, and then have to leave all of the sudden. The couple had written letters to each other but it wasn't the same. Now that Aang was temporarily finished with his job as Avatar he was returning to his love. I wonder how she is doing… I haven't seen her in 6 years. I hope she hasn't forgotten me… Aang thought to himself. He had been lost in his thoughts ever since he took to the sky almost a week ago from Kyoshi.


It had been a lazy day in the South Pole. "Katara, come and help me with the laundry. You really haven't been doing any chores lately," Gran Gran called to the waterbender. "Coming, Gran," Katara answered. It hadn't been the same for those for lonely years. Even though she was now 22 she had refused to get married, turning down every proposal, much to the disappointment of her father. She simply had told him that she was waiting for the right guy. "So all of those men weren't the right men? Warriors, scholars, and rich men have all come to ask for your hand in marriage and they weren't the right men? I'm starting to think that you want to be single all of you life," her father answered. "Father, the guy I am waiting for is all of that and so much more. Just trust me. Please don't except any more proposals. I won't take them," Katara had answered. Although Chief Hakoda was stunned at his daughter's response he agreed. Katara hadn't told her father or her grandmother whom she was waiting for. When they asked if he was still away from the war she had answered that it was something like that. They hadn't observed the relationship between Aang and Katara and she was secretly glad for it. They would have told the entire city and then she would never get any peace. Sokka had promised to not tell which was weird for him. But he obviously saw that this was serious and decided to keep his mouth shut. But it had been almost 7 years and terrible thoughts had started to surface in her mind. What if he doesn't come back? What if he has forgotten me or is in trouble? Or… what if he has found someone else? Katara didn't want to think of the last one. It would be worse then coming back at all if he came back with another woman. She tried to reassure herself that he would come back just for her. They had been writing to each other and his letters didn't lie. He had always told her the same thing in the end. That he loved her and missed her and that he hoped to be done soon was always in the letter. Even though she had her doubts she did her best to put them in the back of her mind.


It was early the next morning when Aang finally caught sight of the South Pole. "Look, Buddy! There it is ahead! We made it!" Now Aang felt even more nervous than ever. Although he was excited to see Katara again, the woman he loved, he had a few other things on his agenda.


Yay! Finished with the prologue. I hope this is better, guys! Thanks for reading!