Chapter 5: Traffic Chapter 5: Traffic

Luck just didn't like Roy Mustang. He had finally got the nerve to ask Riza on a date, and she had actually said yes, and now they were stuck in traffic. The two were on their way to a lake outside Central for a picnic and they came across a truck that had been flipped on its side by another car. It would have been pretty easy to get around if the truck hadn't been blocking all of the two-lane road. It also didn't help that said truck was hauling nails, which were now scattered around the crash site.

"I get the feeling were going to be stuck here for a while." He said as he turned around to see there was a line of cars forming behind them.

He looked to the left to see if he could turn around in the other lane but it was crowded with emergency vehicles and nails. Turning around was officially not an option.

She just nodded and a mildly awkward silence fell over them. Immediately his mind told him that if he wanted a chance at a second date he needed to do something.

"So Riza since we're stuck here do you want to play a game?"

"It depends" she said, "What's the game?"

She knew with him it was always smart to get the whole story before agreeing to anything.

"It goes like this, I ask you a question, you answer it, and then I answer it." He explained "And then its you turn to ask a question."

"I think I can handle that." She answered.

"Ok what's your favorite color?"

"Green" she said


She thought for a moment then asked, "What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?"

"Nap." He said with a grin.


"What's your preferred weapon?"

"If I had to have one I'd say any 9mm handgun, but I'd prefer to not need a weapon at all." She explained with a slight frown on her face. "And you?"

"Which ever one you're using to save my sorry butt." He said, attempting to get her to smile again. And it worked.

They had covered every topic from childhood pets to their most embarrassing moment when they were thrown out of their game by the sound of honking horns. Roy looked out the windshield and was amazed to not only see completely open road but also that it was now totally dark.

"It looks like we'll have to reschedule that picnic." He said as he turned around.

Some how his hand found hers and they held hands until they reached her house.

"Thank you Roy I had a wonderful time." She said as he parked the car.

"Thank you, it wouldn't have wanted to be stuck with anyone else." He said as he scribbled some thing down on a scrap of paper.

She was about to open the door when he spoke.

"Can I ask one more question?"


"What's you're deepest secret?" he asked.

She was silent.

"Come on Riza it can't be that bad and I promise not to laugh." He urged.

"Think you are the most amazing man I've ever met." She confessed with a light blush on her cheeks.

He leaned over and gently pressed his lips to hers. When they pulled away she smiled and said "Good night Roy." And exited the car.

When she got inside she realized that she had been so busy trying to make sure he didn't see her blush like a little girl, that she had forgot to make him answer the question.

"Oh well." She sighed as she hung up her jacket.

As she did this a small piece of paper fluttered to the floor. She unfolded it and found a note written in Roy's handwriting.

My deepest secret is that I am completely in love with you.