Blossoming Cherry

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. That's all I need to say, because I don't own him or any of his friends from the manga.

Intro: Okay, I'd just like to clarify that by the title, "Blossoming Cherry" I do not mean it in the sexual related way. This is a Sakura centric fanfic and her name means Cherry blossom so I just flipped it to be Blossoming Cherry. Phew glad that's over.

Other notes are that in this Prologue, Sakura is 8 years old and in the normal chapters she is 13. This is an AU although it uses only the Naruto characters as of now, the bad events that happen in the regular manga, such as Sasuke getting the curse seal, do not happen. However there will still be some of the same storyline as the show so as not to completely confuse you.


Dear Diary,

I wake up and eat breakfast everyday like the other kids while some leave their homes early to go to the ninja academy. That blonde-haired girl always chases after the emo kid and the white eyed girl must be an Indian or something because every time she's around that demon boy, her face looks like someone with really bad sunburn. They are all becoming ninjas and I wish I was stronger so I could be one but I can't even win a race against my fat cat. I wish I could find a place where I belonged.

I look up from my diary and watch the academy students quiz each other and spar and I get a longing feeling in my heart. The black-haired emo guy had just beaten the demon boy in a shuriken dart contest and was walking my way.(a/n I couldn't think what to call it so this is what you get. They play darts with shuriken instead of regular darts. It's training.)

I attempted not to stare as he walked over and jumped into the tree above my head with a satisfied smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at his cocky attitude and then continued writing in my diary.

He was quiet for a while until he jumped back down from the tree and stood only inches in front of me. "Isn't it childish to keep a diary?" he asked in a cocky voice.

"If you're an emo jerk, it is," I retorted. He kept his same facial expression for a while before saying in a less cocky voice, "I'm Uchiha Sasuke. What's your name?"

"Oh, now you're gonna be nice." In a sweeter voice I replied, "Haruno Sakura." He looked at me for a while I was writing in my diary, a childish thing by emo standards, and snorted.

"If you want to be a ninja you can. Besides cats are fast creatures," he said, making me realize that he'd been reading my diary.

"How dare you read my diary?! Jerkface!" I exclaimed.

I rushed away from the park, leaving the smirking Sasuke to soon have his smirk washed away by a blonde girl hugging him. When I got home, I thought about what he'd said. Could I be a ninja?

Haven't we been through this? You aren't strong enough. Maybe you should practice so you could get that hot emo guy.

Never, ninja is not me. Nobody in my family is a ninja and my mom wouldn't approve.

Who gives a shit about your mom?

Stop talking like that, and I do.

I'm just your inner self and obviously you have issues because you're just standing in the middle of your living room having a conversation with yourself.

Shut up.


I looked around and I was in my living room. I hate you, I thought and got a tongue stuck out at me in return. I took a shower and went to bed early without dinner. I wasn't really hungry anyways.

…one week later…

Everyday was the same. I woke up, got dressed, sometimes I ate breakfast, ran around the park, ate lunch, wrote in my diary at the park, ate dinner, and then went to bed. I was getting used to my boring routine until one day the cycle was ruined.

Uchiha Sasuke didn't have any competitions with Naruto as he'd said once as being demon boy's name. Instead, today, he walked straight over to me with a weird wrapped thing in his hands. "Hello Sakura."

"Hi Sasuke." He looked at my neutral expression for a while before saying, "Um…I've brought you something. I think you could be a great ninja if you tried. I don't need this anymore and maybe if you can learn how to use it you'll consider trying to become a ninja." He handed me the strange slightly curved wrapped thing. He walked away before I could thank him.

When I opened the package he'd given me, I gasped. It was a pirate's cutlass with a shiny black onyx hilt and the handle was wrapped in a white bandage for comfort. There were brilliant red rubies set into the hilt. The larger one at the base of the blade and on the top of the hilt had three black shapes in it, where the smaller one on the bottom of the hilt had two of the strange marks.

I thought, This must be really valuable, as I wrapped it back up and started walking home.

Ahh…the hottie emo guy likes you—us. I can't believe that you didn't even say anything to him like, I don't know: I love you!!

Shut up and I do not, he's weird.

But hot.

He's still weird.

And hot.



Weird and freaky.

Hot and sexy.

You are such a pervert.

I'm just the other side of you that um…cares about boys!

I decided that I would ignore her to end the conversation and Inner Sakura was trying to kick my brain until I gave in but I'd completely tuned her out by the time I was ready to go to bed. I had hid the precious weapon under my bed and I turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Dear Diary,

It's been a week since Sasuke gave me the sword. Every night I take it out and examine the black hilt, it makes me think about ninjas. Why didn't I just try to be a ninja? I've stopped going to the park in the afternoons now because the blonde-headed pig girl, who Sasuke tells me is Ino, was getting in my face about Sasuke ignoring her to come talk to me. Maybe she didn't notice that he ignored her before then anyways. Well, now I'm sitting on my bed with my cat in my lap being nosey but I don't think it matters. She can't tell anyone what's in my diary anyways. Well now I'm getting sleepy so goodnight.

I close my diary, turn off the bedside lamp and go to bed with my cat still rested on top of me.

End: I stopped it here because of the note at the top that says: in this Prologue, Sakura is 8 years old and in the normal chapters she is 13. The next part is when she is thirteen. I'm probably posting this prologue at the same time as the next chapter so no more comments. R&R for me will you?