First off, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to write this. I started it at the same time I was trying to write a lot of stories and it came out sounding like crap, as did a lot of my stories, and I trashed the whole thing. After that, as some people know, my computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING. But I really am sorry about taking so long to write this, it's already been over a year since I finished Masked!

AU Sequel to Masked Marmen is just a memory, but something is threatening the piece they've gained. And everyone is shocked to find that enemy in Kira himself. 'Kira is mine. Stay away or die.'


Kira opened his eyes when he felt the gentle wind against his cheek. His violet eyes were shining with life now that he was free from Letlights and Marmen. He was sitting on a hill covered in soft, flowing grass that rustled in the wind but did not bother Kira in the slightest. The sun was shining down on him, with only a few clouds, and it was the perfect temperature to just doze on the hill.

But Kira found no comfort here.

He knew he had not been here moments before. He'd been laying down to sleep in bed. And after spending the majority of his life in this place, he could easily recognize the Dreamscape. The only difference was that now he could see himself in clear perception, as on any other day of his life. But why was he here now? Athrun hadn't said anything about visiting their old spot together, so what had called him here?


Kira stood up and turned around. There was no one behind him on the hill top. Nearby was a tree that provided the perfect shade, but Kira felt afraid of the tree. He moved a bit further away and then sat down again, trying to will himself to sleep.

He couldn't leave.


"Who?" he asked softly. Kira had regained much of his voice, but it was still only a soft semblance of what it should have been.

The voice that called his name sounded so familiar to Kira that it was frightening. Even scarier was the fact that he could not pinpoint where it was coming from. He supposed this was because he was in the dreamscape, and someone could be anywhere at any time. But he would really like to know who had trapped him here.

'Kira…..I've always been here…..' It felt to Kira as if arms were sliding down from his shoulders to hug him from behind, but when he flipped around there was no one there.

He was starting to panic.

'Always watching…..' Kira stood up. 'Always listening……' The brunette began to look around wildly, trying desperately to find his tormentor. 'Always protecting……' The voice was getting angrier and the sky was starting to darken.

Kira ran. He ran as fast as he could from the hill, down into the fields of green below. This was currently the other male's territory and Kira knew he couldn't escape, but he wanted to….desperately.

'I've always been here…..Just for you…..' The voice called, and it was all around him still.

Kira tripped and took a few deep breaths before moving to get up. He was in a crouched position when the voice came back, so loud he was sure they were standing right in front of him. But no one was there.

'Only you…..And now you abandon me for another? I don't think that is acceptable…..' Kira felt the arms wrap around him and shut his eyes tight. When the voice spoke, malice hidden beneath it's calm, Kira could feel someone's breath against his left ear. 'You're mine.'

And then it hit him.

Kira flipped around to face his foe, but instead found himself staring up at the ceiling of the bedroom he and Athrun shared. Kira sat up in bed, noticing that he was wet from sweat and his heart was still beating. That was all reasonable, because he was still scared. That voice…..That voice had been-

"Kira?" a drowsy voice from next to him asked. Kira turned his head to see Athrun's hands clenching and unclenching the covers, obviously confused as to why Kira wasn't lying down. Athrun opened his left eye, the one not pressed into the bedspread, and stared quizzically and tiredly up at the brunette. "What's wrong?"

Athrun sat up, suddenly wide awake. Kira was frightened. His eyes were wide and he was shaking. Sitting up gave Athrun the perfect view of Kira's bare and sweaty chest, where he could see several scars from his years at Letlights. Kira shook his head and turned away from Athrun.

"Kira?" Athrun lifted his left hand, his right holding himself up, and turned Kira's head to face his own. "Kira, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing…" Kira almost rasped out. He looked into Athrun's eyes, his own were still very innocent. "A nightmare…."

Athrun barely stopped himself from gasping. He pulled Kira close to him and felt sweat from Kira's body get on to his own bare chest. Kira hated nightmares and Athrun had given himself the task of either preventing them, or comforting Kira after they happened. Up to this point in time, Kira had only had about five nightmares in his lifetime. Six with this most recent one. Even after Letlights was over with, Kira rarely had a nightmare about it, and Athrun felt proud whenever Kira said it was because Athrun was with him.

Kira wrapped his arms around Athrun too and held him as close as humanly possible. Athrun whispered incoherently in Kira's ear, but even though he wasn't listening Kira knew that the non-understandable words were those of comfort. But Kira knew he would never fully calm down from that nightmare. That voice had been telling him something….It was angry. When Kira looked at Athrun after he woke up, he knew that the voice had been angry at what he and Athrun had done just before going to sleep.

But what was worse was that Kira knew the voice intended to hurt Athrun…..and the voice had been his own.

Ok, that's the prolog….It should set everyone waiting at ease, yet not. You'll all be yelling in your reviews about what this means, but I won't tell you! -sticks out tongue- You'll have to read to find out. I apologize in advanced, in case I don't get the next chapter out too soon. Please Read and Review!