A/N: Just a short drabble-ish story I thought up when I was randomly shooting off odd story ideas. It seems all that I can do lately are oneshots because my computer's still broken. It makes me sad... But! REVIEW please. You can do anonymous reviews, but don't flame. I love reviews, and those are what keep me writing. SO DO IT! (And go read my other Tsubasa story, Sprial Forward to Second Chance, and reveiw it too!!!)

A quick explaination: Cyanide smells strongly of almonds with a bitter under scent. While cyanide does not taste like this, your sense of smell adds in the taste; the smell of 'bitter almonds' is what gives away the poision.


They were talking about tastes and flavors. What they liked and didn't. I sat by the window, listening and thinking…

What would they taste like? If I pressed my lips to their skin, what would linger and have me thinking of them long after this was over? What foods would remind me of the personalities of these people I travel with?

Sakura would surely taste of cherries. Cherries to match her name and kindness. A sweet fruit to show her heart; a fruit with a green aftertaste to reflect her eyes. Yes… the princess tasted of sweet cherries on a summer's day.

Syaoran… though he reminds me of dirt the most, would taste of coffee. A strong and rich taste to reflect his character. Resilient as well; the smell of coffee lingers in my nose, and its taste on my tongue long after it was thought to have faded.

Mokona… I think… should taste of chocolate. Sweet and uplifting, so I have decided on chocolate. That will be Mokona's taste, for he doesn't remind me of a manju bun at all.

Licorice for Kurogane. Strong and slightly bitter to the taste, but with a sweet intent. Licorice is something you eat, and cannot stop eating. It lingers and intrudes into your senses… This is fitting for Kurogane.

And though I don't know her well, I believe that the Time Witch should taste of smoke. Smoke is mysterious, and it cannot be caught with your hands. I think she smokes anyway, so it is a well suited taste for her.

And I… what would I taste like if anyone put their lips to mine? Blood? Sorrow? Guilt? Magic? Thought? Lies, would I have the taste of a liar?

No, none of those have a definite taste… no… There is nothing to Fai, but surely I don't taste of nothing at all.

Puzzled I break into the conversation. "What would I taste of?"

After a moment of confusion, everyone began to think.

"The sea?"

I slowly shake my head. "No… that doesn't sound right."

"Vanilla?" the princess offers.

"Close… but it doesn't feel right…"

"You're a complete nut," Kurogane snapped.

I blink and think for a moment. A nut…? But which one?


A phrase slips into my mind. Almonds, bitter almonds. That is my taste.

I cause death and misfortune to those around me; to all that I touch, to all that I treasure… I bring darkness. I destroy, and I can only hurt. Long gone are the days that smiling was enough to overpower that element of death that I contain.

"I taste of bitter almonds," I whisper, a serene smile taking my face... No one seems to understand.

I taste of Cyanide.