it had been 3 weeks since kyo and tachi had a fight. some how a got pictures of them fighting and it was all the news. people have been asking them and saying there trouble in pardise. they were making it worse. with every new saying came another fight between inuyasha and kagome. inuyasha couldnt take it.

are you sure you want to do this? miroku asked.

yes i need to. she thinks that nothing was wrong with what she did. well i wont stand by no more. he said.

okay man let go then. miroku said.

they got dress in thier tachi and daomi si outfits and left to the radio stations. inuyasha written a song about him and kagome situation. eh thougt it was time to show her how he felt, and that she was wrong.

kagome turn on the radio. sango exclaimed.

she turned it to her favortie station. ken said that his guest for today is tachi and daomi si. they had went without her and sancai, they were shocked. they turned it upo and listen closley.

so tell me who is this song about?ken asked.

well its to kyo. tachi explained.

oooooooo, so you guys are haveing problems? ken asked.

well, the song will explain everything. tachi said.

well here you have it people. tachi's new single where did youre heart go. he screamed

Love don't come so easily
This doesn't have to end in tragedy
I have you and you have me
We're one and a million
Why can't you see?

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leavin' me hangin'

When did your heart go missin'
I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess

When did your heart go missin'


I meant every word I said
I never was lyin' when we talked in bed
I'm retracin' every step in my head
What did I miss back then
I was so, so misled

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leaving me hangin'

When did your heart go missin'
I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess

When did you heart go missin'
I don't understand
How could you forget what we had
It's so wrong

I'm waitin', waitin' for nothin'
You're leavin', leavin' me hangin'

When did your heart go missin'

I treat you like a princess
But your life is just one big mess

When did your heart go missin'
Things were so good
We had a little dream
A little dream together
Buy a house, settle down, do our thing
But you disappeared on me
And your heart, your heart went missin'
I don't know how to find it
I don't know where it is
I don't know where your heart went
It was here just the other day
Now it's gone
I'm gonna call the police
Call the investigator, the heart investigtor

kagom began to shake. so many things ran trew her mind.

yea her and inuyasha were fight, but she still loved him.

kagome began to cry and she grabbed the phone and dialed the radio station. she settled down as the phone began to ring.

okay callers, give me a shout out and tell me what you think. wait we have kyo on the line. kyo what do you have to say. ken asked.

tachi, what the fuck is this? what are you saying to me? this is crap and so are you! kyo screamed. sango adn daomi si just looked in awe. they couldnt belive inuyasha and kyo are about to start to argue on public radio.

kyo fuck you. it was simply a song that just says i wanted to stop fightin but if you want to take it that way then it over. tachi said. he couldnt belive he said that, he loved here.

fine! you can get your shit from daomi si tonight. i will send sancai over later. you better hope i dont light it on fire befor you get it. kyo said hanging up in his face.

tachi tried to stop her so he can apologise but she hung up to fast. he look over to daomi si and he didnt even look him in the eye. he knew he had screwed up babdly.

kagome went home a trew all her stuff against the walls. evry picture and teddy bear kagome has gotten from inuyasha she ripped up. she went to his drawer and start pulling out his clothes and ripping them up. it felt so good to her.

kagome stop this, theres a better way. sango said trying to restrain her friend. kagome faught back hard. she finally got free and fell ontop of her piano. the sound of the keys stopped her instantly. she looked at sango and apologised. sango just handed her a book and walked out the room with a smile. they both knew it was going to be a long night of tears and music. sango walked right back into her friends room with icecream and tissue.

oooooooooooooooo cliffy plz dont kill me. i will update as soon as i get 3 reviews!!!!!!

i dotn own when did your heart go missing or inuyasha!