Nick walked over to Warrick opened his mouth and then closed it. This was the second time today he had repeated this gesture. Nick sighed disgusted with himself. He wasn't normally this hesitant, but what he needed to ask Warrick was embarrassing. It would also let lose a firestorm of questions.

Warrick eyed Nick "Nick man whatever it is just ask."

"I need you to get some of Sara's urine." Nick's obverted his eye from Warrick's face his reply was so rapid that his words blended to together.

"What!" Warrick's eyes bulged

"I need you to get me some of Sara's urine." This time Nick met Warrick his voice sounded firm and calm.

"I heard you the first time man. Why do you need Sara's urine?"

"I need you to trust me Warrick just get me the urine."

"No Nick." Warrick turns to walk away. Nick reaches out to grab his arm.

"Okay wait man." Nick stops on some level he new he would have to explain to Warrick. On some level he had been dying to tell someone about this. "Last month Sara and I went to a club we had a few to many and well we ended up in bed together at her place. I got paged in the middle of the night and had to leave. Next time I saw her she thanked me for getting her home safely. She didn't remember that night."

Warrick takes this in stride not batting an eyelash "Okay so what's the urine for."

"No protection." Nick says shame faced

"Nicky Nicky Nicky I'm so ashamed man."

"I know, I know man but you got to help me." Nick Begs

"You want me to somehow get Sara's urine so you can do a pregnancy test on it without her knowing."


"What are you going to tell her if she is pregnant?"

"The truth."

"I can't believe I am even considering this." Warrick


"Man. If I ever need help you better." Warrick grumble then sighs he has to help his boy men stick together.

"Thank you man." Nick sensing his reluctant acceptance offers his profuse thanks.