Title: Surprise

Author: Samluvbna4eva

Summary: What would've happened if after Surprise, Angel didn't turn evil? Instead Buffy found herself pregnant?

Couples:B/A, C/X, W/O, Jenny/G, S/D.

Disclaimer: The story is mine but the challenge isn't mine.

Challenge #6 SummaryWhat would've happened if after Surprise, Angel didn't turn evil? Instead Buffy found herself pregnant?
Couples: B/A, C/X, W/O, Jenny/G, S/D.
Joyce freaking out.
Giles researching.
Xander jealous.
Angel telling Buffy what the claddagh really means.
Angel wanting to make it official.
Buffy and Angel marrying legally.
Snyder telling Buffy she'll be a terrible mother.
Dru upset because she won't be daddy's baby anymore.
Spike trying to kill Buffy and the baby.
The baby's birth
At Least 3 Of:
Buffy throwing up on Snyder.
Angel being secretly addicted to Rugrats.
Angel fainting when Buffy tells him she's pregnant.
Cordy and Willow fighting over who will be Maid of Honor and Godmother.
Buffy asking Giles to give her away.
Joyce calling Hank and he not caring.
Pike turning up for the wedding.

It was a cold rainy night in Sunnydale. Angel and Buffy were trying to celebrate Buffy's 17th birthday but instead end up chasing after the Judge, Dru, and Spike. It was either save the world or die trying. They went to an old warehouse which turned out to be their layer. Angel and Buffy were hiding up on the top floor listening to things being said and plans going on. The Big blue demon also known as the Judge was walking around and than stopped in front of where they hid. He looked up and said "Looks like fun has arrived".

Buffy and Angel looked on with fear. Buffy was just an average girl with super powers at least that's what she called herself. And than Angel was a vampire with a soul. Nothing could stop the Judge besides separating his body parts around the world. Spike sent 4 minions up to get them in which there was nowhere to go but down. So they were caught easily. They fought the minions as they tried holding them.

Judge came walking over and said "Which one is to die first?"

Spike smirked and touched Buffy's hair saying "First goes the slayer and than Peaches over here".

Angel became even more restless and said "Don't touch her Spike. Take me she has nothing to do with this."

"That is where your wrong sire I get to see your lover die in the hands of the Judge as do you. And than after I watch you cry for a while I'll make him kill you" Spike said smirking and touching Buffy's hair again.

Buffy flinched back and said " Spike what you couldn't kill me yourself so you found somebody who could".

"Shut the Bloody Hell up Slayer besides this guy was a gift to Dru. And what makes Dru happy makes me happy" Spike growled out glaring at the slayer.

"Daddy and the Slayer die now Spiky" Dru says dancing around the group of people.

"Well Blue man you heard my puppet kill them. Make it hurt" Spike says backing up a bit.

The Judge started walking closer to Buffy and went to touch her with his arm. Angel began to pull at the restraints holding him back saying "Buffy don't touch him he'll fry you from the inside out".

Buffy began to flinch back further and father. Just as the Judge was going to touch her Buffy kicked out at the Judge. She felt an electric shock run through her body. Angel broke free from the young vampires and went over to the TV's being held above the Judge. He lowered it down and it hit the judge. Buffy and Angel began fighting there way out of the warehouse. Eventually ending up in the sewers. They began to run as fast as they could and as found a ladder out. Just were Dru's people started after them? Buffy lifted the top to the sewer entry and climbed out quickly.

Angel not too far behind. It was raining cats and Dog's and they had to find someplace to hide.

Angel had his normal clothes red shirt, black slacks, black boots, and his leather duster. Buffy on the other hand had a see through t-shirt with a tang top underneath, and a leopard print pants on. She soaked to the bone and shivering. Angel took her hand and began running towards his apartment. It was the closet to go and get out of the rain.

When there Angel opened the door and turned the light on in the process closing the door behind Buffy. He throws his duster onto a chair and turned around to see Buffy. He walked over and began to rub her arms "You're shaking like a leaf".

"Cold" Buffy said through clenched teeth.

"Let's get you into warm clothes and under the covers just to warm up" Angel says leading her over to his bed.

"Okay" Buffy says letting him lead the way.

Angel went to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt as well as a pair of boxers. He turned around and handed them to Buffy. He stood there watching her and she stared back "Sorry" he said turning around.

Buffy began to take her shirt off and flinched from some cut on her shoulder. Angel heard her intact of breath and turned slightly "What is it?"

"Nothing just a scratch" Buffy says looking over to him.

"Can I-I let me see" Angel says playing with his hands.

"Um okay" Buffy says holding her shirt up towards her chest.

Angel walked over and sat down behind Buffy on the bed. He slowly began to feel where the wound was "It's just a scratch."

Buffy leaned back into his chest and leaned her head onto his shoulder "You almost went away today."

"I'm not going anywhere Buffy I swear. I've been trying so hard not to say this or fall for you. Me being a vampire and you a slayer. But I can't help how much I love you" Angel says leaning his head on hers.

"Me too I've tried so hard not to Love you but I can't. I tried killing you and leaving you but it didn't help. I love you Angel now and always" Buffy says kissing him gently on the lips.

"Buffy maybe we shouldn't" Angel says kissing her back slowly "We need to go to Giles?"

"Doesn't care Angel need you now" Buffy says kissing him again softly.

"But..." Angel started to say but gave in and fell backwards on the bed.

Angel began to kiss Buffy softly and remove the other shirt that she had on. Buffy allowed him to do so and began to unbutton his dress shirt. He moved his hands softly over ever inch of her body until he came to her pants. As he kissed her on the lips Angel began to slowly move the pants down her legs. In the process taking her shoes off. Buffy looked at Angel's bare chest and began to work her way at getting his slacks off of him. As she moved them down his long lean legs she also slides his boots off. Now they were both staring at each other only in there under garments.

Buffy was beginning to get self curious of her and began to move her arms to cover her chest.

Angel stopped her and said "You're beautiful Buffy don't think that you aren't."

Buffy slightly smiled and moved her arms down away from her chest "You aren't that bad yourself".

Angel smirked and kissed her gently down her neck and began to nipple on her collarbone gently. Buffy moved her head so that it was angled slightly to the side for Angel's head. She gripped the sheets and slowly opened her legs wider. Angel moved so that he was leaning over her in-between her legs. He slowly removed Buffy's bra so that he could explore every inch of her body more. Than took her underwear off as well. Now that she was underneath her hot body in all her glory he felt hard and smiled slightly. Buffy really was beautiful in every way you could think.

Buffy was kissing Angel down his chest and moving her hands up his back. He leaned into her touch and groaned at the pressure coming from his hard member. He roughly pulled his boxers off of himself and throws them to the floor with the rest of the clothes. He looked lusty into her eyes and than kissed her lips again.

Angel moved in-between her legs so that his member was at her entrance and he looked up at her. Buffy began to flinch slightly and the thought of what was about to happen "Are you okay Buffy?"

"Um scared Angel I've-I've never done this before." Buffy said fearfully.

"I'm not going to hurt you Buffy. If I hurt you once just tell me and I'll stop" Angel says softly looking her straight in the eye.

"Okay I trust you my angel" Buffy says nodding her head.

Angel looked in her eyes the whole time as he gently slides his member inside of her. He went as slow and softly as he could. Buffy took a deep intact of air and clutched the sheets around her. Angel stopped and looked at her "Am I hurting you? Do you want me to continue?"

Buffy looked at him through tear filled eyes and said "I want to be yours Angel go on please".

"Okay" Angel says softly as he quickly broke her wall sliding inside of her.

Buffy cried out in pain and gripped the sheets again.

After a few minutes she claimed down and looked at him with a smile "I Love you",

"I know" Angel says moving in and out of her gently at first letting her adjust to his member being inside of her.

After a few minutes when Buffy started to respond to him he speeded up his pace.

Buffy began to move her hips up and down as Angel began moving faster inside of her. Both there pleasures being made. Buffy felt herself getting wet and her walls closing in around Angel's hard member. Angel felt this and groaned from the pressure on his already hard member. Angel moved his hand to play with her G-Spot slowly at first. He wanted her first time to be pleasurable. He felt her tighten and slowly she began to shake as her first orgasm took over her body. He let his semen out inside of her hot core as she came.

A few minutes later they were both coming down from there high and breathing hard. Even though Angel didn't need air. He was laying on top of Buffy leaning his head on hers. When he looked up her eyes were closed and she was smiling.

"You okay" Angel asked smiling slightly at her reaction to this moment.

"I'm wonderful. Just thinking about what we just did and how much I love you" Buffy says kissing him.

"That's good to know" Angel says kissing her back.

Angel slides his now sticky and lazy member out of her and moved to lie next to her. He pulled the sheets up around them and kissed her head. Buffy laid her head on his chest and sighed. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as she drifted off to sleep. Angel watched her sleep for about an hour and than drifted off as well.

Later that night there was a loud thunder and Angel jumped up in bed. He had this bad feeling in his chest and began to pant slightly "Not his can't be happening?" Angel slowly got out of the bed and leaned down holding his midsection, the pain was unbearable but he couldn't make any nose to wake Buffy. Angel panted and breathed deeply for about 5 minutes. For some odd reason nothing happened. Everything was still in place and as if nothing happened. Maybe the higher beings decided to cut him a break but nobody knows. Angel moved to his feet again and back into the bed. Buffy cuddled back into his side and Angel smiled. He fell asleep thinking "I love her and will never leave her no matter what."

AN: Tell me what you think?More to come since it is a Challege.