Title: Darkness

Disclaimer: Own nothing, and I am tried of repeating this.

Summery: Lemons. Smut. Don't like, don't read. Hermione is lusting after a very dangerous Order member, and after finally getting what she wanted, she realized that it's way more than she bargained for.

Rating: NC-17

Chapter 9 - Decisions and Drinking

They all stared wide eyes at Hermione's retreating back as she swiftly left Grimmauld Place, with Ron following Hermione right on her heels. The door slammed closed with a bang. A momentarily silence crept along the walls of Grimmauld, and then everyone stared shamelessly at Sirius unable to comprehend what happened. Even Harry stared at Sirius, a mixture of betrayal and confusion illustrated evidently on his face. Without a warning Harry had risen to his full height, his face fuming beet red in humiliation, refusing to catch the eyes of his unusually concerned godfather and the angry glares of the Weasley's, he slowly slid out of the sitting room his shoulders slumped and his back hunched.

Sirius watched silently at Harry's retreating back until the kitchen door promptly closed behind Harry, leaving Sirius to stare intently at the closed door, almost wishing he could see through it. A wave of guilt seeped through Sirius, and a small part of him blamed himself for how Harry's life had turned out. Waving off the unfamiliar emotion with a shake of his head, his turned his focus back at the Order, and predictably they were all looking at him with murder in their faces. Sirius would have laughed himself hoarse if the situation wasn't so serious, but it was, mainly because he was involved. He let out a low chuckle at his own joke, which made Bill Weasley hiss like an angry cat. Sirius watched amusedly as they grit their teeth toward his direction, in response he just sat there with a perfectly dignified smirk plastered across his face. The tenacious silence continued, and Sirius was rather curious to see who had enough balls to break it. Unsurprisingly the lingering silence was broken by none other than the annoying shill voice of Molly Weasley.

"You are a poor excuse of man!" she yelled her voice unusually shaky. "How on earth James made such an imbecile like you godfather! That poor boy! You see what you've done to him! You ruined him! I have never been more disgusted with you!" she yelled shrilly at him, her voice echoed fiercely around the large room.

Sirius' face was set in an angry snarl. It took every ounce of his will power not to hex the porky woman into flubber. A ringing silence appeared once again. Giving Sirius one last look that clearly wished him an early and drawn out death, Molly Weasley stomped out of Grimmauld Place, dragging a silent Arthur along behind her.

A grunting noise escaped Sirius as Molly banged the door shut mirroring Hermione. When he was actually a bit turned on by Hermione's harshness, but in Molly's case he was downright unpleased.

"Those doors cost more than that hut of yours. I hope you realized that Molly," he yelled at the closed door, knowing full well that Molly did not hear him. But it did certainly make him feel better than sitting on his arse and gaping like an idiotic school boy being severely reprimanded. The others glared even harder, if that was even possible, but Sirius couldn't have cared less, although his eyes certainly did hold less amusement.

"Are we continuing the meeting or planning my funeral? If the latter, then I suggest very politely that you do it out of my house," his tone sounded anything but polite.

Bill made a movement to run toward Sirius to attack him, but Kingsley put a firm hand on Bill's shoulder to steady the man. The rest of the Order members looked pityingly at Sirius, until one by one they began to leave the house, completely horrified at what they witnessed.

Sirius had no connection with the Order anymore especially since Voldemort was defeated, and Dumbledore was dead. So he felt no regret in watching them leave, knowing most likely that they were going to have to find a new safe house for the Order meetings to be held in.

Sirius smirked at Bill in an almost mocking sort of away, and again Bill made way towards him, but again the big brute Kingsley held him back, and then promptly ushered him out of Grimmauld Place, hopefully for good. Sirius almost wished that Bill had hit him, it would have made the whole ordeal more bearable if he had beaten someone to a bloody pulp. But most unfortunately Kingsley was there to stop the man, probably from making the same mistake Ron had.

He sat there for a long time in the sitting room, just contemplating on the events of the evening. Hermione was probably the last thing on his mind know, although he still found it rather amusing, what he was most concerned about right now was Harry. Sirius thought he understood Harry so well, never in his right mind would he have thought that Harry was in love with the youngest Weasley. Without even realizing it a surge of pride went through Sirius. Harry was so much like James, even he didn't understand the irony of their similarities.

Knowing full well that his hard-headed godson was probably burying himself in self pity, Sirius made to get up. It was finally time for Sirius to the adult that Harry had always needed, but instead all he received was a friend.

The walk up the stairs was longer than he had expected. But in due time Sirius reached Harry's spare room. Without knocking Sirius tentatively opened Harry's door, to see the younger man sitting at the edge of his bed, his hand slowly messaging his head. Sirius watched as Harry looked up when he heard the creak of the door. Harry did not offer a welcome, nor a nod towards Sirius direction, just went back to messaging his aching temples. Sirius crossed his hands over his chest, almost in an intimidating way, but Harry didn't budge, nor did he even acknowledge Sirius.

Again an uncomfortable silence lingered the air, and Sirius knew he should be the one to break it, but in a haste Harry beat him to it.

"You could have knocked you know," muttered Harry not removing his hand from his head.

Sirius looked unfazed, with just a hint of amusement buried somewhere in his handsome face. "You act just like your father when you are angry. Kind of reminds me of that time where he caught Lily and me snogging," said Sirius, trying hard no to grin, which will undoubtedly give away his lie.

As planned Harry looked up at his godfather, his mouth hanging open and his eyes widening in shock. Smirking lightly Sirius said "Relax you idiot I was just kidding. Shit, at least Prongs could take a bleeding joke,"

The shocked drifted a bit in his emerald eyes, but Harry still stared at Sirius incredulously. "I wouldn't put it past you," Harry muttered darkly to himself.

Sirius scowled at his godson, and he promptly made his way through Harry's room, and plunked himself down on his bed. Both men stood in silence for a while until Sirius spoke up very quietly "I am sorry Harry, for causing so much damned trouble,"

Harry didn't say nothing at first, but Sirius noticed at his eyebrows furrowed a bit. After a while Harry finally spoke "You didn't do anything Sirius,"

Taking his hand out of his damned forehead, his godson faced him. "It just that I never thought she fancied anyone, much less you. I've always considered her the prefect time of woman, but she turned out to fancy crazy sex driven ex-convicts," said Harry smirking silently, but still feeling dejected all the same.

Sirius didn't know whether to be offended or not, but he just shook it off. He was about to speak when Harry cut him off "You know, now that I think about it. I always thought you had a fixation with Hermione. You always stared at her during order meetings. Almost as if you wanted to eat her alive or something. I admit I was rather intimidated but I knew Hermione wouldn't sleep with anyone when she was with me," he said softly.

Sirius frowned, "I haven't done anything with Hermione, if that is what you are trying to imply Harry," said Sirius defensively, his tone more angry than hurt.

He watched Harry to see if the younger man had taken in what he said, but Harry seemed as blank as ever. Sighing and running a tattooed hand through his silkily hair Sirius said "Look if it bothers you that much, I won't show my face near Hermione again,"

"It's not Hermione I am upset about Sirius," explained Harry, his eyes darkening. "I am upset at myself. If I had just been smart enough to break it off with Hermione when I began to fancy Ginny, none of this would have happened. The funny thing is a part of me thinks that I would have been great with Ginny," Harry had said the last part almost wistfully.

Sirius felt his heart clench uncomfortably knowing fully well how it felt to be separated from the one you love. A picture of Remus crept into his mind, but he shoved the thought away. He didn't want to think about that betraying werewolf if he could help it. His reverie was broken when he heard Harry speak again, but this time Sirius was more than shocked at what he godson had said.

"As strange as it sounds I think you might be great with Hermione as well," Harry said almost thoughtfully. Sirius said nothing but shook his head at his godson and proceeded to frown. He found it strange how Harry didn't have a hint of emotion when he said Hermione's name.

"How can you say that? You two just broke up," said Sirius, confusion etched neatly in his voice.

Harry smiled, it seemed almost wistful, "We've been broken up ever since I slept with Ginny. I was with Hermione by name, but nothing else. My heart, my soul, and my entire being belonged to Ginny at night I slept with her," he spoke quietly, it seemed as if those words hurt terribly to get out.

Sirius couldn't help but feel pity at the broken man in front of him. Sirius may not have cared about a lot of people, but the people he did care about he loved more than imaginable, and right now he truly wished he could take all the pain away from his godson. They sat in silence for a couple of more minutes, just sitting in the darkness of Harry's room and breathing in the fresh air that came in from the open windows. After a while Sirius' gaze flittered back to Harry who was in the same position as he was a couple of minutes ago.

Sighing softly, Sirius put a hand on Harry's shoulder, "What are you going to do mate?" he asked, as he squeezed Harry's shoulder in reassurance.

Again it took a while for Harry to answer and this time when he answered he looked right into Sirius' eyes. "I am going to find her," Harry answered, even surprising himself.

As much as he resented love, Sirius couldn't help but smile at his godson. It was probably the first smile anyone had ever glimpsed from Sirius since he returned from the veil.

Three empty glasses of fire whiskey littered the plush carpets. The lights in the room was turned of and a lone figure was situated in the edge of the sofa, his fists clenching and unclenching in withheld fury. The continued bottles of fire whiskey didn't even blur the images of his only sister and Harry sharing a bed. He longed to forget he ever heard this conversation. His emotions were tangled, he didn't know whether to feel betrayed that his best mate fucked Ginny, or angry that he actually slept with Ginny, treating her nothing like a common-whore.

Creating on Hermione was one thing, but his own sister. Ron's chest ached in betrayal. He wanted to cry, but his own pride wouldn't let him. His best friend for nine years had fully betrayed his trust. And still a part of Ron couldn't believe that Harry would do that. He lifted another half empty bottle of fire-whiskey in his mouth and drained it down in one gulp. The liquid medicine did nothing to ease his pain, but it temporarily eased him a bit. His last thought before he got up from the couch and began heading towards the bedroom was Julie.

What Ron didn't realize was that a sobbing figure of Hermione Granger was already tangled in his bed.

A/N: Yes, I know it's been a while since I've updated. I understand, that I am a jerk. I sincerely apologize, but writer's block is a f'ing bitch. But anyways, for those of you who do not remember who Julie is, she is Ron's girlfriend. And by the way, why is Hermione in Ron's bed sobbing? And did you realize that Ron is f'ing pissing drunk? Whoa, I hope nothing happens between them for Sirius' sake. Or not. HeeeHee. Till the next chapter. Read and Review, I know I don't deserve it, but have pity on a poor girl who goes to college and has horrible timing.