Me: Sorry for not updating in a REALLY long time!!

Emily: Yeah, you deprived them of this story and decided to spoil it with the sequel!!

Me: Look, I couldn't resist!! And besides, I'm gonna wait a while before I post Chapter 12 of the sequel just so I can post these ones!!

Tsunade: Then lets make it final: By order of the 5th Hokage, Tsunade of the Sannin, I say that Kenisha cannot post any more chapters for The Great War of Iwa and Konoha until she gets at least 4 chapters up on A Year of Love and Lust. That is all, people, and have a nice day. Even though it will take a really long time...

Katie and Emily: Baa-chan, you scare us...


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, I only own my OC's and their summonings...and the surviving Kimochi clan.

Hermione, Emily, Katie: Damn you...

Me: Yeah, it's a gift.

'Inner thoughts'

(Author Conversations)

'Characters Thinking/Talking back to Inners'

"Talking out loud"

"Summonings talking"

"a FANGIRL/ Naruto's demon voice"

Chapter Twenty Nine

"Neji-kun, you are the biggest bastard to walk this earth."

"Hn." (TenTen: THE RETURN OF THE ONE SYLLABLE SENTENCE!! Neji: Hn...Dammit, you made me stop.)

Kenisha and TenTen were held by the collar as Neji lead them home; their belongings were still on their backs.

"Neji-kun, I'm not talking to you for a week, you jerk." Neji smirked.

"I'll live, just not as well as usual," Neji said, smirking. Kenisha growled.

"CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN NOW?!!" Yes, Kenisha was being lifted about 6 inches off the ground by the collar of her shirt. TenTen sighed.

"Kenisha-nee-chan, you're fighting a losing battle. Let's just deal with Ice-Man until he's ready to let us go," TenTen said, not looking at Neji.

They arrived at Lee's house, Kenisha's jaw dropped. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE? LEE-KUN?!!" Neji covered his ears, causing Kenisha to fall to the ground and TenTen to rub her neck tenderly. As Neji screwed up his eyes, TenTen hit him upside the head.

"That was for stretching my shirt," she said, sighing as Kenisha broke down the door. "Dammit, Kenisha-nee-chan..." She followed her through the broken down door, Neji trailing behind her, his hands in his pockets.

"Lee-kun, where are you?" It was very dark in the house, even when the sunlight from the outside was pouring through the doorway. "Lee-kun?"

"Kenisha-chan, in here" was heard from somewhere near the back of the house. She followed the voice and came upon the darkest part of the house.

She heard a rustling from the bedroom and knocked down that door. She saw Lee squirming out from under the bed, a flashlight in one hand, Cheeto bag in the other, and a half-eaten Cheeto in his mouth. Kenisha squealed.

"You're shirtless!!" She took a moment to hug his naked torso and then when Lee cleared his throat she got off of him, blushing faintly. She turned her attention to his injuries.

"You're all scratched up, you're eating Cheetos, and the house is boarded up!! What happened?" Lee sighed heavily.

"I...hate...fangirls," he said, dashing under the bed when he heard TenTen and Neji enter.

"Lee, its just us," TenTen said, finding the light switch and turning it on. The room was clean for the most part, except for the messy sheets and the Cheetos bag on the floor.

"Oh thank God," Lee said, crawling back out from under the bed. "I thought you were Ami and her gang again..." Kenisha and Tenten gasped.

"AMI IS AFTER YOU," TenTen yelled, clutching her head.

"THAT BITCH, SHE'S AFTER THE WRONG KUNOICHI'S BOYFRIEND," Kenisha said, slamming her fist into her palm.

"Can you please stop yelling and help me calm him down?" Amazingly, Neji was patting Lee on the back and helping him.

"THE WORLD HAS ENDED!!" TenTen began running around the small room, literally bouncing off the walls until Neji grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her to a spot on the floor next to him.

"TenTen-chan, shut up," Neji said, then turning to Lee. "The one surefire way for them to get off you and turn to your kick ass girlfriend is to openly love her in front of them. Then they'll just get their asses kicked." Lee nodded and then he grimaced, putting his head down.

"What's wrong, Lee-kun," Kenisha said, kneeling next to him. Lee muttered something intellegible, but Kenisha sure caught it.

"DAMMIT, THEY'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!" TenTen rolled her eyes and as they made the circle around the room, they laid on the calendar. She gasped.


"What the f--k is wrong here," Neji said, obviously pissed.

"It's Lee's 16th birthday tommorrow, Neji-kun" TenTen said as Lee shivered in his new shirt, courtesy of Kenisha.

"Just take me now so I do not have to live through it," Lee said solemnly.

"God or me?" TenTen smacked Kenisha upside the head.

"Sometimes the only way I can tell you and Naruto apart is the fact that you're different genders..."


Emily, Sasuke, Yamato(Me: I finally got his name right!!), and Katie were walking slowly to the Hyuga household, cold and pissed off.

"I'm never shopping at Claire's again," Emily said, picking at a bruise she got from one of the preps that was shopping there.

"You're telling me; I never even liked that place," Sasuke mumbled, picking a plastic bead necklace out of his chicken-ass hair.

"Well, we're going home," Yamato said, throwing an earring that was lodged in his ear at Sasuke. The sharp end of it hit Sasuke in the back of the head, but didn't pierce into his skull, fortunately. It just pissed him off.

"What the HELL was that for," Sasuke said sternly, turning around and getting into Yamato's face. Emily and Katie laughed uncontrollably, holding their sides.

"Because, you need to loosen up, and also because I wanted to see your was priceless!" Sasuke glared, but it didn't peturb Yamato.

"I will get you back, one day, Yamato..."

"Sasuke-koishi, you sound like Darth Vader. Shut the hell up," Emily said, her personality changing quickly as the sun went down. With that said, she stalked off to the Uchiha household, a confused Sasuke dogging behind her.

"Her kids obviously don't like the dark," Katie said, sighing and pushing her glasses farther up her nose. Yamato sighed with her and draped an arm over her shoulders.

"I'm sure that ours won't either.." Katie blushed faintly at the thought of children, and Yamato kissed her cheek. "I'm ready when you're're so cute when you're unsure..."

Katie swiped at him playfully. "Shut up! I'm 16!" Yamato just grinned and pulled Katie closer.

"C'mon, let's go home, Katie-hime," he said, walking towards the oncoming darkness where their home resided.

Lee opened his eyes and instantly closed them in fear; he knew what day it was. 'Why is it that as soon as I get a steady, skilled, smart, and beautiful girlfriend that I get fangirls that want to take me from her?'

He turned over and he stumbled upon a note on Kenisha's pillow. He rubbed his eyes to make sure it was real and then picked it up.

It read: "Hey Lee-kun, I heard that; you really need to stop saying your thoughts out loud. Anyway, Lee-kun, don't worry. I'm only going to be gone for a little while. You can take care of yourself until then, can't you?" Lee chuckled when Kenisha wrote inbetween stars "kisses". "I'm sure that you'll love the present I'm getting ready for you!! I know you're not a big fan, but I'm gonna convert you, baby!" Lee nearly put the note down until he noticed a P.S. at the bottom.

"P.S. Your gift will also take care of your fangirls. -wink wink- LOVE YOU, LEE-KUN!! -kisses-" Lee chuckled again and got out of bed, placing the note on his bedside table. After that he closed his curtains and went ot his closet, getting his clothes out of it. He was wearing some casual wear for his 16th birthday: a black T-shirt and blue jeans with rips at the knees. Lee picked up his clothes and went into the bathroom, turning on the shower. When he turned around and faced away from the shower head, he saw another note. "Take a quick shower. I'm not sure if your fangirls know how to do this, but I think they might've tapped into our water lines to stop the flow so they could catch you--" Lee didn't want to read the last part and scrubbed himself furiously, only taking a little time afterward to wash his hair, which had gotten to the lower back of his neck since he'd neglected to cut it. Kenisha said it looked cute, and that was fine with him.

He got out and saw the clothes he chose ironed waiting for him on the bed and another note next to them. As he put them on, he read the note:

"OK, so I'm sorta coming in every 5 seconds to help you, but what can a girl do, you know? Anyway, I'm not coming back after this, so read carefully: Meet TenTen and Emily at the curry shop at 12:30, OK? And by the way, don't eat a big breakfast...the fangirls touched that. Anyway, see ya later!" Lee chuckled and brushed his teeth while brushing his hair. After checking his appearance in teh mirror, he put his clothes on, making sure to slip his nun-chuks in his belt before walking out of the bathroom, thinking aloud.

"Why would they want to touch my Cookie Crisp? No wait, hang on a second, HOW COULD THEY GET TO MY COOKIE CRISP?!?!!?!? I have had the pantry guarded by Bai Hu ever since I could summon him in case TenTen had a chocolate craving..." Lee sighed and went to the pantry and un-summoned Bai Hu, who nodded as he disappeared. "There's always the chocolate PopTarts Kenisha-chan has..." He cringed at the thought of having to go through the booby traps and Hokkaido to get to the tarts of chocolaty goodness. He exited the kitchen and went to the front hall, slipping on his black Vans. Locking the door behind him, he set out to find TenTen and Hinata.

At the Konoha Gates

"HEY KONOHA, TEMARI OF THE SAND IS HERE!!!" Temari ran through the gates to a certain bun-haired girl and gripped her in a bear hug. "How are you, Tennie-chan?"

"I'm good, how about you; I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I'm doing great now that I'm here with you guys!" The girls seperated and walked through the crowded streets of Konoha and into the outskirts of the vilage, where the Nara household resided. Temari ran up to the door and knocked on it impatiently. "SHIKA-KUN!!!"

"Troublesome woman..." was heard through the door as it was opened, slowly, by the shadow-wielder, Shikamaru Nara. "What do you wan--" He couldn't finish his sentence because Temari glomp-tackled him, which led to Shikamaru being dragged into the kitchen by Temari, who was hungry.

"Where's your ice-cream?"

"Ice-cream? IN NOVEMBER?! You really are Temari-chan..." Shikamaru got out the chocolate ice-cream in the back of the freezer and gave the box to Temari, who busted out a spoon and chowed down.

TenTen sweatdropped. "After you two are done catching up, meet me at the curry shop. Hinata and I will be there waiting for the birthday boy."

"Whose birthday is it today," Temari asked after swallowing her large spoonfull of ice-cream.

"Lee's, duh, Temmy-chan. Just be there at 12:00, ok?"

"OK, just don't expect us to be on time, this is Lazy Ass we're talking about..." Temari gestured to Shikamaru, who was busy catching some Z's slumped over in his seat at the kitchen table.

"Alright, see ya then, Temmy."

"Are you leaving already, TenTen," Yoshino Nara, Shikamaru's mother, called from the laundry room.

"Yes, Mrs. Nara. I'll see you all later. Goodbye!!" With that, Konoha's Weapon's Mistress went out the door, closing it swiftly before dashing to the hyuga household on the other side of the village.

At the Hyuga Household

"DO YOU KNOW HOW FREAKIN' HARD IT IS TO FIND YOU WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MOVE," Kenisha yelled into TenTen's face; her own face was red from running around so much with the weights that she stole from Lee's dojo. Why did she put on all 5 sets of them?

"Kenisha-nee-chan, shut up. I was welcoming Temari back to the village and putting Operation: Lee's 16th B-Day into action."

"OK, OK, just being me, I guess..." She plopped down on a comfy armchair, exhausted. She still hadn't gotten Lee's present, and it was already 11:23. Only an hour and seven minutes left until he went to the shop, expecting everything to be ready.

"You're not being you; you're not anxious all the time," TenTen said, closing the distance between her and the younger girl, giving her a pat on the back.

"Well, how can I not? He's my boyfriend for God's sake!"

"And Hinata worried about Naruto's birthday while the rest of us were out on a mission, but she didn't get anxious!"

"Well then, what exactly did she do?"

"She uhh...sorta fainted after Naruto bear-hugged her and the lifesize frog-version of himself, but she wasn't anxious!!"

"How do you call that not anxious!!"


The older girls shrank into the chair as Hanabi came in, red-faced and Byakugan-energized. "I'm trying to get some sleep because last night all I heard was "Oh my God, Neji-k-kun!! That feels good!" and "Wait, don't stop! Ah!" GOD! I had nightmares the entire night and its coming into my head as I fall asleep with my eyes open!!!"

"TenTen-nee-chan, what the hell did I just hear?"

"You just heard me telling you that Tennie and Ice Cube did the horizontal hokie-pokie last night," Hanabi said, sticking her tongue out at TenTen. Kenisha just sat there, her mouth agape.


'THAT LITLE SHRIMP IS DEAD!!,' Inner TenTen said.

'Welcome back, Inner Tennie.'

'Glad to be back, TenTen. Now glare!'

'Yes ma'am!' TenTen death-glared at Hanabi, who Hyuga glared back.


TenTen became red in the face and quickly teleported out of the room.


"Hanabi, how do you know all of this happened," Kenisha said after she regained her voice.

"You'd think it'd be hard to hear things in this was like an intercom was placed in Neji-nii-san's room. And when I used the Byakugan to see what was wrong..." Hanabi shivered.

Kenisha got up and left Hanabi to her...disturbing mental images and teleported to Anko's house.

At Anko's House

"It took ya long enough, kid!"

"Look, your house is extremely hard to find! Not everyone would choose to live in the Forest of Death!!" Anko just giggled and let Kenisha inside, closing the door behind her.

"So, you came for it," Anko said, leaning on her kitchen counter.

"Why else would I be here, Anko-obasan," Kenisha said, smiling wide, propping her legs up on the table and leaning back. She and Anko had had relations since before the Kimochi Massacre on Ninja IM, but it wasn't until just recently that she discovered that Anko was her aunt through extensions.

Anko smiled too, going into the pantry and getting out a box of...



"...Spicy?..." Kenisha looked at the box's label and sure enough, it said "SPICY HOT" in big red letters. Her mouth watered. "Well...maybe one..."


10 minutes later

Anko wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and Kenisha held in a burp. "Best...dumplings...ever..."

Kenisha got up and went into the bathroom to wash up, only to find the thing that she came to Anko's house in the first place for on top of the toilet seat. She smirked and changed into it, singing a rock song under her breath. "In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found, FALLEN LEAVES, FALLEN LEAVES--"

"FALLEN LEAVES, ON THE GROUND. Hey kid, you done yet?" Kenisha turned away from the mirror and smirked at the door.

"Maybe, maybe not, you're a big girl, come on and check..." Anko groaned.

'Sometimes I wish I never taught her how to be so fresh all the time...' Anko thought, grabbing a kunai and licking it with a fiery expression. "Then again, my neice was never one to negate her teachings..." she said out loud, jamming the kunai through the lock and busting in.

"Do you know where I am, Anko-obasan?..." came the echo of Kenisha's voice when Anko jumped into the empty bathroom. She smirked and took a half step forward, extending her arm towards the handle of the shower.

"I can take a guess..." Anko slammed the handle down to the hot end and waited. "3...2...1..."

"OH MY GOD!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!" Kenisha ran out of the shower, getting her foot wrapped up in the curtain and falling down. She was sopping wet and glaring at Anko. "What the hell man? You just burned off the disgusting makeup that was on my face, and now I'm wet with hot water, which will only add to the sweat that I've built up trying to..." Kenisha thought for a minute and then jumped up and hugged her aunt.

"ARIGATOU, ANKO-OBASAN!! JA NE," she yelled as she ran out of the house and jumped through the trees of the Forest of Death. Anko went to teh window and watched as her neice's form got smaller at it's own fast rate.

"I swear, that kid is almost as wild as me..." She closed the curtains and plopped down on the couch, sighing, turning on MTV.


"So girls, are we all ready for Operation: Get Lee's sexy body from that Kimochi brat?"


"Is the secret weapon ready as well?"




The fangirls ran out of their hideout (Katie: God knows where that place is...) and into the crowded streets of Konoha, getting ready to execute their "master" plan.

Emily: I've never been so scared of girly-girls in my life...

Katie: I've never been afraid of anything, but this is a time for a personality change...

TenTen: Pfft, you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until they start...the Chase...

Neji and Sasuke: You would've never seen anything so unimaginably frightening in your entire lifetime. And if you live to see it twice...

Lee: -shivers-