Hi, just a short one to try and get my muse working again. I'm wanting to get another part of my other story done soon.

Discalimer- I don't own B5. All hail to JMS, The Great Maker

This is set sometime in the second half of season four.

Gifts and Surprises

By Hilary Weston

Marcus knew he was in trouble the moment Susan entered the transport tube; she had that look on her face. It was the look that said 'someone is going to die very slowly'. The twin facts that she hadn't said 'Good morning', and that her eyes were fixed on him, convinced Marcus that he was the target of her deadly mood.

The only reason he wasn't being skinned alive at that moment were the four other people sharing the transport tube with them. Even they had sensed the danger that was now leaning against one wall with her arms crossed, and were fidgeting nervously. Marcus himself, although he appeared calm, knew that the colour had drained from his face and he didn't need to look to know that Susan's glare hadn't shifted.

She'd found him out.

He'd known at the time that he had been going too far for his own safety. It had been the biggest gift he had left for Susan.

He had learnt pretty quickly, that Susan wasn't the kind of woman who would accept the ordinary type of gift, or any type for that matter. Certainly not openly. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the gesture, of that Marcus was sure. But he'd heard about the ribbing Susan had received from the Captain and Mr Garibaldi, when he managed to get her bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Then he understood. She had been embarrassed, teased by her colleagues, and made fun of in front of the lower ranks. She had lost face, which was the one thing she didn't need. A lot of her power came from her reputation that she was as tough, and played as rough, as the boys. Being wined and dined was not a luxury she could afford if she wanted to succeed in her chosen profession. It was tough at the top, especially so for a woman who couldn't even let her feminine side out for a minute.

So, for the past year, Marcus had been a secret gift giver. Nothing obvious or showy, and certainly nothing that would draw the wrong attention from the command staff. His aim was to make Susan's life just a little bit easier, in any way he could. If he could ease some of the stress she was under, then that was all the reward he wanted.

He had a standing order with any incoming Rangers for real coffee. There had been a slow but steady trickle, which Marcus had used to replenish Susan's own small supply. He'd had to break into her quarters to do this and each time he was surprised that she hadn't caught him at it.

More than once, he had managed to use his contacts to ease the Commander's negotiations with difficult races. He'd had to call in some favours to do that, and for a number of other small 'jobs'.

Then there had been the guy who had bugged her for an advertising slot on VOR. She had said no, but the idiot didn't seem to understand. After a week of being accosted in the Zocalo, Susan had been ready to blow. It was at that point that Marcus had decided to have a 'talk' with him. It was a little more hands on than Marcus would have liked, but it had worked, and Susan seemed none the wiser.

He must have got over confident with the last gift he had given Susan though. Two days previously, she had complained at the lack of anything to watch, since Earth had jammed all the entertainment channels. Well, at the earliest opportunity, he had broken into her quarters, again, and hacked his way past all the blocks, rewriting most of the computer code to do it. Then he had programmed the computer to tune into one of the channels when Susan returned that evening.

That had been his downfall, and now the wrath of Susan Ivanova was standing across from him.

And he had no escape.

At the next stop, the other occupants of the transport tube got out. No one else dared to enter and so when the doors closed, they were alone.

"Computer, stop tube." Susan barked. "Override, Commander Ivanova."

Marcus swallowed and backed into a corner as Susan moved towards him.

"Ranger Cole," she began. Oh God, she was using his surname, this was bad. "Did you enter my quarters yesterday and reprogram my computer terminal?"

All he could do was nod. She took another step.

"And have you been responsible for the helpful gremlins I've been experiencing the last few months?"

Another nod. Another step.

"And are you the one that has been topping up my coffee?"

Nod. Step.

"Then I have only one thing to say to you."

They were now standing nose to nose. Marcus could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He could barely breathe, but managed with a great effort to keep his eyes trained on Susan's. He tensed himself for the coming tirade.

"Thank you."

It was said so softly, that Marcus didn't have time to register the change in Susan's voice before she leaned in to kiss him.

He still couldn't breathe, but this time it was from the rush of blood that had previously left his face, coming back. Susan grabbed his head, fingers digging into his hair as she leaned further, pressing her body to his. Marcus finally responded and wrapping his arms around Susan's body, pulled her closer, revelling in her glorious taste.

All too soon, Susan pushed away. She straightened her uniform, ran a hand over her hair and ordered the transport tube to move. Just before the doors opened, she looked back at Marcus, still standing in the corner trying to regulate his breathing.

She flashed him a mischievous grin, "Tell anyone about this and you die."

Then she was gone.

Marcus leaned against the doorway and watched her stride down the corridor. A slow grin spread across his face until he knew he looked like a loon. What a vixen that Commander was. No, he would not tell anyone. He wanted to keep this secret just to himself.


"True Magic is done with the mind and the spirit. Chants and potions are just a way to focus the magic, but they will not work without the magic of your spirit. Every wizard that you may encounter has a vast imagination, and a mind that can fly free. You still have that great gift. When you go home, you can use your imagination to see this world and us. Your mind is free from all bounds. You can travel anywhere, meet anyone and do anything, all within your mind. That is the first gateway to magic." - Nala, Wizard of T'Tenneb.
All comments welcome.

Ranger Hilary.