This chapter is dedicated to Bibochan, because I love her

This chapter is dedicated to Bibochan, because I love her. Read her ItaDei stories.

I also noticed, thanks to XxHunter The One and OnlyxX's review, that It doesn't make sense that a cat could write on the ground… I'll just say that it's BIG and crudely written words, and he used both paws. In case some wondered.

Neko is Deidara.


Disclaimer: Not mine. No shit, or it won't be fan fiction.

Warning: OOC everything. Some yaoi, not heavy. Sorry fan girls. Only Fluffy kitties.

And a sad attempt at humor. Cursing. Spoilers- not really.




Chapter 9.


Where in the base is Deidara?


"So your saying Deidara was here today?" Kakuzu asked the group of Akatsuki that huddled in the living room after the realization that Deidara was around, but still somewhat missing.

"Ghost!!" Tobi yelled out, (finally waking form his short coma) promptly being smacked over the head by Hidan.

"Dumbass, he's not dead." Hidan followed his smack with his version of an explanation.

"Why didn't he just come through the front door and go to sleep like always?" Sasori asked.

"By the looks of it," Zetsu started, after seeing the state of Kakuzu's room, "that he's pissed as hell."

"Why? We sent Tobi to find him." Kisame mentioned.

"Maybe that's why." Itachi said form the chair. Everyone looked his way then back to the center.

"Maybe he's just letting off some shit on his mind and will come back later." Zetsu said. "He better come back later."

"He's paying for my room."

"Itachi?" Kisame asked.


"…Why is the cat eyeing me?"

Everyone looked towards Neko and saw him in the center of the living room, in the middle of the gathered group, staring at Kisame while hunched down, looking ready to pounce.

"Maybe it wants 'ta eat cha shark bait." Hidan said with a smirk.

Kisame turned to yell until he cried out. "What the fuck!"

Neko was currently clamped onto Kisame's right leg with his sharp kitty teeth.

"Get him off of me, get him off!"

"Didn't you feed him, Itachi?" Zetsu asked.

"… I was distracted." Which was true, between the curtains and Tobi combusting into flames, and Kakuzu screaming bloody murder (mainly Deidara's ) feeding the cat slipped the weasel's mind.

While everyone was remembering the incidents of earlier, Kisame was jumping in place shaking his leg trying to get the piranha of a cat off.

"Why isn't anyone helping me!"

"Oh, right." Itachi got up and tried to pry Neko off. "I'll feed you right now, now LET GO!"

After a bit of struggling, Neko finally let go of Kisame's leg.

'Huh, so he doesn't taste like fish after all, hm.'

Itachi carried Neko away to the kitchen, snatched up the Tuna he found earlier, opened it and walked back to his room after grabbing a plate and chopsticks.

"Is it just me, or did that cat just smirk at me?" Kisame asked out loud to the group.


In his room, Itachi dropped Neko on his bed and went to scooping out the Tuna from the can to the plate and setting it down on the floor as Neko watched him.

'I'm not eating on the floor you as swipe, hm.'

"What now?" 'Couldn't have done anything wrong.' "Eat." Itachi commanded the cat.

'Pfft, fine. But not 'cuz you said so. I'm hungry, hm.'

Neko jumped down from the bed and stared at the food. 'You gotta be kidding, hm.' Resigning to his fate, Deidara leaned down and licked at the food, trying to get some in his mouth. 'This shit's harder then it looks, hm.'

In the mean time Itachi decided to resign to his room for the rest of the day, maybe get some treading done that he never had time for, and headed to the closet to change his ninja formal uniform and coat.

Neko, however, wasn't aware that Itachi had moved due to his challenge to stuff his furry face with ever last drop of food.

After changing to a black T-shirt and gray sweat pants(1), Itachi sat on the side of the bed facing the door and cat and watched him eat. Never having a pet, he never had the chance to study animal behavior. Everything in the Uchiha's mind breaks down to a study or strategy even without his willing, but most of his studies are close to just a calming mental fun, like watching T.V for most.

Tilting his head the right a bit in a curious manor, he continued his studying.

'Phew, done. That was a task, hm. After a morning of mishap and disaster I'm actually kind of tired, hm.'

Itachi noticed the tired look on his pets face and picked him up around the waste to drop him back on the bed to sleep. Laying down, Itachi picked up the book sitting on his right side night table and laid down to read. Neko following close behind. Being a cat, Deidara would get tired out quickly with little stamina and hardly any chakra in his new furry body.

After some time, Neko got up, seemingly still asleep but finding a new position to sleep, and ended up climbing on top of Itachi's stomach just to fall right back asleep seconds later.

Itachi's lips gave a slight smile, slight but still a smile. Something so rare to grace his features since his time spent with the little brother that he still loves but had to leave behind(2).

Watching the cat's chest moving slowing, Itachi started to close his eyes, and soon fell asleep as well while his book fell to the floor.


(1). I freakin HATE this outfit, but it seamed to fit.

(2). If anyone's up to date on the manga, they'll know what this means. If not, I wont spoil it too much for you. Just that he still does care for Sasuke.