"¥100,000. No rabbit can eat ¥100,000 worth of bank notes. Except for this one, of course. Pein…you shall PAY."

Here, Boogle Bunny!

Recap: Boogle escaped and ate ten ¥10,000 notes. Itachi didn't finished straightening his hair.

I love you guys? –pummeled with more tomatoes-

Genre: Humor

Disclaimer: Nah-roo-po ≠ aBoOm-Un

By aBoOm-Un

Day 3

The crunch of a pocky stick was heard as Kisame, Deidara and Tobi leisurely watched Itachi push a vacuum around Deidara's small workshop, a loud sucking sound filling their ears until it stopped for a brief second. The vacuum spluttered and the power died, leaving the four men in the darkness.


Itachi looked along the lines of crying.

( - - - )

Falling face-first onto the worn-out couch, Itachi let out a noise which sounded cross between a curse and an angry moan. Kisame and Deidara sat tentatively next to him, the former placing a hand upon his shoulder. "Itachi-san…You need a break. How about Deidara and I take Boogle for a while?"

"Knock yourself out. You better get to work, she's running down the hall." The Uchiha's voice was muffled as he talked into the leather of the couch. The Sharkman looked over his shoulder to see the stated Boogle run past but then sit down, scratching leisurely behind her ear. Boogle stopped scratching and locked gaze with him, the two staring at each other for a while before she got up and hopped down the hall. Deidara raised an eyebrow at Kisame, who simply shrugged in response.

"I'll do it later."

The three men sat in silence for a while, until about a minute later the door creaked open, and a swirly mask peeked out of the doorway. "…Senpai? Itachi-san?"

"What do you want Tobi, un?" Deidara scratched his cheek lazily, eyeing his younger comrade with apparent disgust. Tobi meekly walked into the room, a bundle of fat and fur cuddled up his chest.

"She was running down the hall, Itachi-san. I thought you might of wanted her back…" When Itachi gave no response, Tobi cautiously approached the half-dead man, afraid that he would spring up at any moment and rip his head off, or at least give him seventy-two hours in Tsukiyomi.

Kisame and Deidara simply watched the young man step towards them along with the couch which Itachi lay upon, and very slowly lowered Boogle onto the Sharingan-wielding mans back. Boogle sniffed her new-found surroundings, leant forwards towards Itachi's long, black hair (which was definitely conditioned well, no doubt) and took a couple of strands into her mouth, chewing slowly.

A grin split onto Kisame's face, while Deidara simply smirked. Tobi clapped his hands together in utmost delight, while whispering in excitement under his breath, "How cute!!"

"Y'know, if you ask me…" Kisame leant over slightly, picking the rabbit up and placing it in his lap, "It's kinda…" He looked closely at it, while she sniffed his face, nose twitching slightly, "…cute." A smile came onto his face, as he petted it fondly on the head.

"You should keep it, Kisame-san!!" Tobi squealed with delight when Boogle bit gently down on the end of the Sharkman's finger, not hard enough to bleed, but still biting. Deidara snickered, while the Ex-Mist Nin frowned and gently tapped Boogle on the nose.


Boogle let go of his finger somewhat meekly, before hopping over Itachi's back once more and into Deidara's lap, where she burrowed herself into a fold of Deidara's Akatsuki cloak. Deidara snickered slightly, before placing his hand on her head. "Y'know what, Kisame? You're right, un. She is pretty damn cute."

Itachi slowly sat up on the couch, glaring at the two men who dared to call that damn bunny cute.

Oh, they'll all have hell to pay.

( - - - )

That night, when everyone was safely in bed and Boogle was safely in her hutch, there was silence.

Not for very long, mind.

A loud clang was heard, followed by a furious curse by someone with a deep voice. "Goddammit!!" Madara-Tobi hopped down the hall, clutching his right foot in pain, Sharingan-eyes scanning the darkened hallway. "Damn rabbit." Nobody better of heard him and get up to see what was a matter…Now, where was that damn rabbit?!

The spoken thing sat at the end of the hall, Tobi's orange swirl mask clutched in her teeth. She looked up at Madara-Tobi, who grinned evilly at her. "You're dead now, rabbit."

Boogle, smelling his anger, ran off down the hallway with his mask still in her mouth, barely able to support its weight along with her own. Madara-Tobi hobbled after her, his foot still in great pain. Seeing Boogle run through a half-open doorway, Madara-Tobi cursed. Someone was probably sleeping in there…

Hobbling as quietly as he could, Madara-Tobi peeked his head through the doorway.

It was Deidara's room.

Boogle was slowly hopping around the small, cluttered room, before scampering under the bed. Madara-Tobi cursed under his breath, before slowly stepping into blonde artist's room.

Deidara was mumbling illegibly in his sleep, while Madara-Tobi could very occasionally catch onto a couple of words; 'old lady', 'squelch' and 'cookie'. Madara-Tobi rolled his eyes, before slowly dropping to the floor and leaning underneath Deidara's bed, trying to push Boogle out from under there.

Boogle very carefully lent towards Madara-Tobi's hand and a grin split onto Madara-Tobi's face. "Got you now…Just come closer, you sonnuva-"

Boogle licked his hand, just out of reach.

Feeling a scream of rage explode inside his chest, Madara-Tobi jumped under the bed, grabbing Boogle by the ears, but also effectively cracking his back on the wooden frame.

"Ack! Fu-"


Madara-Tobi paused, his heart skipping a beat. In his surprise, he let go of Boogle's ears.

Deidara lazily sat up in his bed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "Ergh…Who's there, un…?" The blonde wearily looked around his darkened bedroom, spotting nothing – or namely, no one.

With a sigh, Deidara flopped back down onto his covers, shutting his eyes peacefully. From under the bed, Madara-Tobi breathed a sigh of relief.

"WHO'S THERE, UN?!" Deidara shrieked, sitting upright in his bed. "I know you're there, un!!"

Hearing a small noise from under his bed, Deidara slowly lowered himself onto his stomach, slowly leaning over the side of the bed. Deidara licked his lips in anticipation, grinning to himself.

"…I've got you NOW, PERVE- Oh, it's just you, Boogle."

Boogle peered out at Deidara from under his bed, black nose twitching, utterly alone. Deidara grinned, and wiggled his fingers. "Here, Boogle-bunny!"

Boogle leant towards his fingers, before hopping over. Slowly, the blonde coaxed her out from under his bed, before gathering her up in his arms. She sat there contently, before Deidara slowly crept out of his room, down the hallway, and into Itachi's room. The dark-haired man sat in silence on his bed, his gaze locking with Deidara's as the blonde artist entered the room.

"Un? Weasel, if you were up, why didn't you go get her?"

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "I heard someone go after her. I figured it was some like Kisame, but…his voice was too deep." The two stared at each other for a moment, before Deidara sighed.

"A…nyhoo. Here's the bunny back, un."


Deidara placed the bunny back in her hutch, scratching her behind the ears and crooning to her. Itachi simply rolled his eyes. "Leave now, Deidara. Your work is done."

"Un!" Deidara huffed slightly and folded his arms. "I got her back for you. You owe me a thank you at least, un."


Deidara huffed once more, before walking out of Itachi's room. Itachi watched him go, before getting off his bed and walking over to Boogle's hutch. She lay down in the corner, nose twitching. The dark-haired young man watched her for a moment, before sighing to himself.

"Stupid Boogle."

Feeling a the tiniest of smiles creep up into his face, Itachi quickly brushed it off and frowned at Boogle, locking gaze with her. Boogle simply looked Itachi with her big brown eyes. The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, before Itachi sighed.

"…I want rabbit for dinner tomorrow night."