Title: Ways to Piss off Jimmy!

Summary: A simple list. Funny, if it suites your humor. Try it!

Rateing: T just in case.

Disclaimer: I wn my notebook. That is it.


1. Tell him Gary is WAY cooler than he is.

2. Tell Johnny that Lola is pregnant, and it's Jimmy's.

3. Put a love note in his locker signed 'Crabblesnich'.

4. Ask him what gender he is.

5. Send him to boot camp.

6. Cry, and scream for help when he comes any where near you.

7. Walk up to him and cry and scream for help.

8. Stare at him and continue to stare even as he is throwing you out the window.

9. Tell the entire school that Pete is the new king.

10. Laugh at everything he says.

11. Ask him if he has ever eaten human.

12. If he says yes, run away screaming, "CANNIBAL!"

13. If he says now tell him you ate his momma.

14.Tell him that being in bullworth helps offset your desire to mutilate small, defenseless, woodland creatures.

15. Awnser all his questions with another question, even if he's not talking to you.

16. Constanly refer to him as 'That commie-plotter'.

17. Poke him continuously.

18. Throw Peter at his face.

19. Develop an unnatural fear of chickens.

20. Call him a chicken and tell him that he should be more considerate.

21. Claim that you are allergic to his clothes and that he should take them off.

22. When he says no scream that he is, once again, trying to kill you.

23. Every time you see him shout, "So we meet again!" and laugh evilly.

24. Go into his room and fart. Loudly.

25. Start a 'We Hate Jareth' club. Invite him to join.

26. Reply to every thing he says with 'that's what you think!'

27. Pick your nose during a conversation with him.

28. Keep telling him that he made the 'wrong decision', and not tell him what.

29. Put a large wad of gum in his hair.

30. Blame Derby, even though he saw you do it.

31. Call him pretty.

32. Complain about how much he stinks when he enters the room, and politely ask him to leave.

33. Ask him why he loves Crabblesnitch.

34. Ask him why he denies it.

35. Start to sing the 'If you were gay' song.

36. Throw him off a cliff. (this works for every one.)

37. Give him a $300.00 gift certificate to Victoria Secrect.

38. Ask him if he has his 'time of the month' when he gets mad.

39. Walk behind him and spray everything he touches with Lysol.

40. Sing the song 'your so vain.' (Just a few hundred times. While following him around with a spotlight.)

41. Start singing 'Music of the night' at the top of your lungs. (Phantom of the Opera people!)

42. Hide in his closet and scream when he opens it.

43. Close the closet door.

44. And when she tries to open it demand that it is your property, and you will call the cops if disturbed again.

45. Call him a fairy.

46. Call him baby, and replace his bed with a crib.

47. Walk behind him and tap your shoe whenever he stops.

48. Write 'redrum' with lipstick on his mirror.

49. Blame Gary.

50. Tell him that Pete and Gary are engaged.

51. Start his room on fire.

52. And lock the door.

53. Point to his face and scream.

54. Call him 'Timmy'.


There you go! I'm off to play with the Random slogan generator!
