Disclaimer: I do not own the Manga/Anime Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimato. Some Spoilers for the new manga chapters ahead, though most of it is made up by me CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED


Last Chapter, Its sad to see it end, but also sort of happy for me. THANKYOU ALL SO MUCH FOR REAIDNG ILU , and sorry for my horribly short chapters, bad writing, and bad updating OTL . Please forgive me, but I did keep my promise and finish!


A few Months Later

Sakura held two small, healthy bundles in each arm. She was so glad that she had finally gotten back on her feet, and was able to keep these two pulses beating. The feeling of joy had soon overcome her tired spirit when she had finally seen their faces, and swore to protect them with all her might. She couldn't believe that she had almost given up, almost let go these two precious beats hearts.

Though she would soon be on constant watch, as she held the next generation and revival of Uchiha in her hands, she felt so calm. Being on watch usually made her anxious, but now it only seemed to comfort her. Looking at their sleeping faces, she let a sigh of relief go. All her efforts had paid off. All the painstaking recovery and complicating changes throughout the past through months was all outweighed by this new feeling of motherhood.

When she finally broke down after first entering the Uchiha compound after Itachi had died, she was in pieces. She spent her days in that room and in the forest. She didn't feel like alcohol could drown her pain, and soon found experimenting with different combinations of food the only enjoyable thing for her. Her life spiraled down as she lost contact with many, and handed in a letter of a year off to Naruto, who had been hokage for some time now. She regretted missing his hokoage ceremony due to her depression, but she had not missed the wedding. Hinata had looked beautiful.

She soon told Tsunade of her taking a year off. They soon both comforted each other. Her long time mentor too, was suffering from the effects of death. She had been very close the Jiraya. Sakura had finally let loose and told her mother-like figure everything. She soon discovered that she was not alone, and came back into touch with the real world. Slowly, but surely, her friends and family helped her up. Although Team seven would never be the same, all the conflicts had been solved. They had all accepted what had happened, and continued on their own path in life. And now, with them, she would face being a single mother of twins of the Uchiha clan, separate from the newly made Uchiwa clan.

She raised her head to the tiled ceiling, counting the tiles to keep herself awake. She had already slept for what seemed like forever. If she went to sleep again, it would feel like a waste of the little time left in the day. She had slept most of the day, much to her visitors dismay. She slowly went through what she would do after in her head. She now had a baby bump that would need to be worked off. Well working on that, she had to stay in good health to be able to feed her newborns. She would have to learn how to be a mother, no amount of book would teach her that.

She looked down again at the two small and content faces in her arms. They were so small, so fragile. She held them closer, and both responded by only moving in their sleep. She sighed and leaned back some more in her bed. Sakura silently swore in her mind to protect these two with all her might. Her growling stomach reminded her of its neglection. Right, she had missed a meal while sleeping. Sakura yawned, not particularly feeling like moving at the moment. She longed for anything but hospital food. Even looking at the stuff made her shiver now.

The ever tired Sakura looked out the door as the nurse opened it, seeing a mother and father with their newborn. Her well hidden pain welled up inside her. She had already excogitated the she would have to bear with it, after finding a suspicion after many months that this feeling would never go away. Itachi was gone in flesh, but his two children would forever remind her of him. She hoped the two would never become belligerent like their uncle, but instead somehow inherit their fathers calm and steadiness. He had been such a figure, that despite Sasuke's swearing to kill him, his attitude had always seemed to continue living within the confines of the Uchiha compound.

The rain outside soothed her and she slowly let her eyes close, her newborns resting with her in her arms.

A sudden burst of cold air coming from the window woke her up from her lethargic mind, along with the distant sound of a closing door. She realized that it was only the door closing, guessing that a nurse was checking up on her. From the cold air of the window, fresh air came, slowly making her aware that something was out of place. She held them closer to her, protective instincts climbing up.

She soon searched for any chakra signatures of her friends that might have come to visit, but instead was met with a signature that sent her heart ready to thump of out her chest. She knew that signature anywhere. With wide eyes she turned her head to the window.



Quick Dictionary links:

EXCOGITATED= .com/browse/excogitated

BELLIGERENT = .com/search?q=belligerent

AN:/ HAVE YOU ALL LOST FAITTH IN ME THINKING ID KILL ITACHI?! D8 I mean, come one, allll of my fics have happy/humourous endings cause anything else would seem to emo for me :/ Not that a little seriousness and sadness is bad , I just cant write it. Plus the summary said the outcome would effect generations to come, but when was the last time you guys read that, I mean I just read it 5 seconds ago cause I forgot what it said lawllllls.

8DDDD okay, so I tried to sorta make the ending half decent. Did I pull it off? Btw I've had the skeleton of the last chapter planned out since about chapter 8 :/ oh and I wrote this one out on paper first so that's why paragraphs turned into lines : / I tried to meaty it up, I really did. Its just I am not all that familiar with birth. :/ Just waiting outside the room for my siblings, which was years ago so I dun really remember. I left it sitting for months (as anyone waiting could probs tell) , hoping an idea to make it longer and better would come up… none did. Oh well, this is the ending I had always intended.

Okay, sorta anti-climax sorta thing, BUT OHWELL. I like happy endings. Or if you want a sad ending you can twist the ending another was , im sure. I left the ending open because I like others to at least be able to imagine what happened next. Lalalalalal I like the ending 8D . And no , there will be no sequel (if I didn't have much time to make the last few chapters pretty, I don't magically have a muse now sillies. Though oneshots of other fandoms may come soon. ) kermitYEYYYYYY so happy its done ~ . And guess the genders for yourself : ) Oh and if your like OMGWTFBBQ??! WHERE DID THOSE BABIES COME FROM weelllllll, that was my discreetly place 'itachi comforting sakura'. I wanted it to keep the "T" rating : ) And thank you soooo much for all of your support guys, loveyalots 3