Hi everyone,

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to finish this fic. I am just so devoted to making it the best story possible, and I wanted to do it justice. I have rewritten and rewritten it so many times over the years. This story has made me laugh and cry. It has driven me to frustrated tears and immeasurable heights. Your unyielding comments have inspired new hope in this fic. I am writing for you, the readers, as much as I am writing it for me. I just hope that you enjoy this Thanksgiving Treat.

I have been going through a lot recently. I am in college, which is stressful. I also have been struggling with an addiction. Recovery was hard. My spiritual recovery came from breeding greyhounds; those dogs are magical (who am I kidding, Harry could take them!). In addition to my dogs, my amazing friends both online and in the real world have been so helpful and instrumental in my recovery. Sex addiction is not a joke. Because of my recovery, the intermediate drafts of this fic were sexually charged and inappropriate. I would just like thank my beta sexysmurfX for her feedback. Couldn't have kicked the habit without that girl.

I wrote a song for you guys:

Some nights, I wish that I could fix you

Cause I could use a friend for a change

I saw the ocean's daughter

Hello you, how is the rest

The skies are in the air tonight

But now, I've got a bucket full of love

It goes to the tune of Beethoven's 9th in my head. I hope that it inspires all of you, as it inspires me.

Wow. This author's note is getting really long. I also wanted to apologize to my loyal fans that have been following my stories for years. When I started on this site (FANFIC, not porn) I was a 13 year old looking for a key to the larger world. Today, I am a recovering addict who has been so blessed to have so many wonderful followers on FF. Without you guys, I am nothing.

On a side note, I am currently starting my music career. I have been working with a couple of famous artists (I cannot drop names by contract) to write songs for them. The above song that I wrote for all of you will be performed by a famous artist (*cough* initials are TS *cough*) in early 2013.

I anticipate three more (ish) chapters to this fic. Hopefully I won't make you guys wait so long again!

And now, the much anticipated next chapter of "Trouble Rebounds"

When Harry awoke, he realized he was no longer in England. Instead, he was in an Asian country. He heard incomprehensible yammering around him. He was so confused. Where had the man who looked like his godfather sent him? He struggled to get to his feet.

Just then, he heard a weird whining sound. He looked up, as a large shadow was casts on street. Suddenly, everything went black.

America had gotten her revenge for Pearl Harbor. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Sirius, and Dumbledore knew no more.