

There are more of them out there, secret labs- all of them making more of us, or like us. Their personal armies, building up arms, getting ready to battle for control of this world.

Sounds dramatic, right?

Its real life for us. All the DAC's, the Tansgenics, and Transhumans- every one of us in Terminal City. We've been a target for everyone and their Mother – it doesn't upset me anymore. Well, not so much as it used to. Guess you can get used to being hated, despised, people wanting to kill me… just another day- but there shouldn't be anymore of us. It isn't right, it isn't fair, and something has to be done.

A decade hasn't been enough to get us accepted but we've managed to build a home here. A place where we are safe, where we can feel a little safe. Terminal City has endured; everyone here as well and we've taken in some ordinaries. Yes, we've managed to clean up enough of the bio-hazards but mostly it was the vaccine. After the mess with Yahir the side effects are almost non-existent. Slight head ache and dizziness, some of them get a light case of the heaves. It's also helped us financially.

The Government wants it. A vaccine that will protect any ordinary from bio chemical weapons and even the common viruses floating around out there. So far Max hasn't let it out of Terminal City and I hope it stays that way. We wont have anything to bargain with, no leverage if things change in the future. And the ordinaries who want it have to get it from Doc, in Terminal City's clinic. Well, it's a real hospital now. Sam Carr is chief- an ordinary, yeah but he's helped out plenty of our freaks. He got some of our medics real training in specialized areas. We have a surgeon for practically everything now and a lot more in training for doctors and nurses.

Max, she's been great as representative of Terminal City and with Yahir at her side there's nothing much that can slow her down let alone stop her. We've all made our homes here; Zane runs the 'fix-it' crew for the entire city. There's nothing they can't fix or improve and Syl… she has a responsibility to her new family as well. Zable and Krit do well taking care of our public image; an ordinary married to one of us freaks… it's great and the kids are always together. Syl's, Krit and Zable's, Max's… now those two, they're trouble. Half the time none of us know whether to blame Ceana or Gareth and I've given up trying to figure out if they take after Yahir more than they do Max. The only surprise in our little family was Zane and Azia.

Grease Monkey got himself an angel…

It's taken a decade just to get to this point. To be able to leave our gates open without worrying about an attack. Our 'market square' is always full of ordinaries- and I don't blame them for wanting to get the best in tech toys- and none of them make much of a fuss when they see a DAC or Transhuman about. Neither side wants to toss a wrench into the machine, going back to the first days of the tentative peace… We bought the abandoned building outside our fence; fixed it up, turned it into a mall and –surprise, surprise- a gallery on the first floor. Joshua isn't the only artist in our ranks and plenty of our cash flow comes from them, the art they sell. Hell, Luke and Dix designed the sculptures standing outside the library in sector3. So no,we can't screw this up, can't do that to Terminal City and everyone there.

We won't ignore those labs either.

This time I'm not alone. I'm not going in blind.

Alec didn't think twice about leaving his post here and I feel a little guilty he did but I know it's not my fault. He'd been…restless for a while now, I just gave him the opportunity- a way out of a job he never wanted in the first place but had to admit he really enjoyed. I think he was born to be a leader. It's part of his DNA-

"A", right on his file.

He's an Alpha.

In a few days it will only be us. Alec and me. We're just waiting on Lydecker and his contacts- the man has no boundaries. There isn't anything he can't get and I don't care to know how he gets it done. We ousted the Conclave, Max got rid of White, and Lydecker somehow smoothed things over with the Government. He did it well enough they offered him his job back. It didn't take him long to come to us with a 'proposition' and though I fought it, in the end I had to admit it was the only way to help ourselves. A way to make the government back off and agree to meet…to let us live in peace like the ordinaries.

But enough is enough.

They've used us and I say the Government has gotten more from us than we agreed to give. The Conclave didn't die, it's too big and we know for a fact they have their own bio labs. I managed to find a couple corporations while I was in my 'blow them up' phase. AF Labs is their biggest ally; they have a couple dozen smaller companies working on 'vaccines' or 'cures'. The truth is they're looking for another comet.

Alec says we won't let that happen. We stopped it once; we can damn well do it again…only nothing happened. Comet came and it went without any back lash… go figure. In a couple thousand years it'll be someone else problem, for now, we got something else to worry over. Because this time they're the one's growing newer versions of us. If Chimera was capable of improving on the X-Series, what are the Familiars able to do with my series?


AN: The next fic will take place a couple decades in the future. I got the idea while I was watching RESIDENT EVIL. I mean, why not?

First Chapter has been up for a while now. Check out - Resident Evil : Re-Birth

Anybody else wonder how good this 4th RR movie is going to be? I mean 3D… has to be good, right? –sigh- Hope so, its one of my favorite movie franchises- wish they'd brought in Leon…