Disclaimer: "Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog" and its' characters are owned by Saban Entertainment and whoever else was involved with the creation and production of this show. Any new characters and story lines that come into play are of my own creation. No copyright infringement is intended. This is a fanfiction intended for entertainment purposes only and no money is being made off of it.

Chapter 1: New Arrival

The clouds that swept across the sky formed new and different shapes before the young man's eyes. The wind caressed him as he stared up at the clouds determining if one was a dragon or a strange looking bird.

The young man who lay on the soft bed of grass with his hands behind his head was Prince Garrett of the country of Reged. He was also the Mystic Knight of Forest one out five Mystic Knights who were the protectors of Kells.

Whenever Garrett needed peace in his battle-filled life, he would find a comfortable spot on the grass, lie down and determine the shapes of the clouds that were high in the heavens. At least he would when he wasn't too busy training and was able to get away from the other Mystic Knights. Garrett needed this relaxing time, especially since he did not know when Temra would attack again.

It had only been two days since the last battle between Queen Maeve and the Mystic Knights. A powerful sorceress named Nemain had joined forces with the Mystic Knights to defeat Queen Maeve. As did the dark fairy Mider, who had come to discover that Maeve had gotten out of control and Lugad a half-demon that had discovered Maeve was going to double-cross him. Once Maeve had been banished from Kells forever, being sent away from the island on a boat, the Kells people had celebrated for several days and nights.

Garrett sighed knowing that this tranquility would not last much longer. A few minutes later that thought came to be true when he heard a small voice call his name. The voice belonged to Aideen, a small fairy from Tir Na Nog, the world of the little people. She may have been small but made up for it with her diligent work to help the Mystic Knights by being a spy and a messenger.

Her urgent voice spoke to him once again. "Garrett, Tyrune is attacking a village not too far from here."

Garrett quickly stood up and grabbed his sword and Twin Timber Axes.

"Hurry, Garrett, Rohan and the others need you!" She called in her most urgent voice as she flew toward the direction of the village as Garrett ran to keep up with her.

The people of the village were running from the destructive path of the three-headed dragon. Tyrune flew over the village, and swooped back as the middle head shot out a stream of purple fire.

A deep red fire soared at the purple fire. Rohan, the Mystic Knight of Fire stepped out into the clearing. He sent another stream of fire at the dark dragon. Tyrune blocked the attack with its purple flame. The other Mystic Knights not including Garrett came into the clearing using their weapons together to ward off Tyrune.

"Where is Pyre?" Ivar, the Mystic Knight of Water, asked his comrade.

"I called upon him, but he has not come yet," replied Rohan, sending out another blast of fire.

"Where is Garrett? He should have been here by now," Angus, the Mystic Knight of Earth, said.

"Well, Pyre and Garrett had better be here soon or they shall both have to deal with me," Deirdre, the Mystic Knight of Air, said fiercely using her Whirlwind Crossbow on the dragon.

The Knights encircled the rampaging dragon and when Rohan gave the signal, they each sent their attacks. It seemed as though the Knights were getting the upper hand but Tyrune's three heads decided that they each wanted to send fireballs down onto the Knights.

Deirdre jumped from one of the dragon's fireballs, but when the fireball hit the earth, the force knocked her down.

Before Deirdre could recover, Tyrune shot another ball of fire directly at her. Aideen and Garrett had arrived but he was too far away to reach Deirdre. Suddenly, he saw a cloaked figure run toward the princess.

The cloaked one shielded Deirdre from the blast with his own body. They were both thrown several feet away. Before Tyrune could attack again, Pyre sent a fireball at Tyrune.

The black dragon and the red dragon continued to fight. Tyrune's middle head tried to grab onto Pyre's tail, but Pyre just sent a fireball into that head's face.

"Go Pyre," Angus yelled sending encouragement to their dragon friend.

Pyre clawed at the black dragon and fired a stream of fire that went from one head all the way to the other. Tyrune having been defeated flew back towards Temra. Pyre flew back toward his cave.

Rohan and Garrett ran to the fallen princess. Deirdre was sitting upright when they reached her and when the two men tried to help her she waved them away and pointed at the unconscious cloaked figure a few feet away.

"He saved my life. I am not in need of any help," She said as she stood up, brushed herself off and crossed her arms giving the boys an angry and independent look.

Ivar and Angus carefully approached the unconscious figure. Ivar bent over the cloaked one and turned the person over onto his back. Ivar could not see the person's face because the hood covered all of the person's features.

Angus kneeled down next to Ivar. "What's taking ye so long? I'll see who it is," Angus said as he pushed the hood back just to the brim of the forehead because he had become startled at what he had discovered. "It's a girl," Angus exclaimed with a stunned look on his face.

The other Mystic Knights came to Ivar and Angus. They encircled the girl, and looked at her lightly tanned face with smooth skin, full red lips and a perfect nose. Angus pushed the hood further back to reveal silver hair that shone like the moonlight.

"We had better take her to the castle so Cathbad can see if she will be all right," Deirdre said.

Ivar picked the strange girl up and headed toward the castle. The other Mystic Knights followed. They were curious about this mysterious girl and couldn't wait to find out just who she was and where she had come from.

guardianM3: This is my first Mystic Knights fan fiction so I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. I began this story not too long after the show ended, but I haven't worked on it since, so it has been a long, long time. Please review and let me know how I'm doing.