Hi peoples! I hope all of the people who read this liked it, i know I

Had fun writing it! Even if Lexi did have to bother me...

But anyway...About the sequel...hehe...I haven't quite

Thought of a title or anything yet...I think I'm gonna Have

It take place when Neji and Tenten are getting married and they

Are having troubles with the wedding and Tenten becomes a control

freak and decides that everything has to be perfect...While Neji is just...

There i guess...Ya I think thats what I'm gonna do

Also in the sequel Kiba will still have is chainsaw and there will

still be the whole beating the living hell out of Sasuke thing...and Itachi

will join too! . and the couples will be the same too!

I'm pretty proud of this story...I think it's my best one...I have fun with the

Anti-Sasuke thing...I think that was my fav. part of it all...

Also the ending I like the best...I tried to make it heart warming...and if

it wasn't...then oh well i tried...

Also I noticed I had some questions in the reviews I think I will

Answer now:

loves-emo-guys-with-hair: O.O...are they seriously getting married?...im confused...

Sierra: Yes...they are...Lexi is going to be my future sister in law...sadly...


Unices: wasn't it supposed to have Temari and Shikamaru?

Sierra: I would have made it ShikaTema but then Lexi would hate me and

pull pranks on me then I would have to hurt her...she hates ShikaTema

Shes a ShikaIno fan and I really don't care which one hes with really...


lunauchiha2: whats up with the gay sasuke?

Sierra: I just love hurting him and since Kiba's my fav. guy character...

I had him beat him up...and I just added Itachi in there for fun :)


Kunoichi-of the-Leaf: Frajinina?!??!!?!?!?

Sierra: ya...I just did the whole random typing, you know when you just

push any letter and I came up with Frajinina...it is wierd...i don't even know

how to say that...


Well I think thats all of the questions...I think...if i missed any then...

IDk i dont know OK

Also if you can think of a title for my sequel to help me out...please do...

I need all the help I can get...I already have the idea and I just need a title...

If you have one in mind just send me a PM (private message) and tell me...

it would be helpfull...I can't wait to do more Sasuke bashing again hehe...

And now I would Like to thank all the reviews who reviewed and I really hoped you

Liked it...just wait and I will have the sequel out as fast as I can...which will hopefully

be soon...If i can get around to it anyway...hehe...

Thank you all!
