I got this idea from the movie Blood and Chocolate. It was such an

awesome movie!

Naruto yawned loudly as all of team seven walked through the quiet


"This has to be the most boring mission in the whole damn world!" Naruto

exclaimed loudly. They had been walking since dawn toward the sand

village for a herb only found there for Tsunade. The sun was going down

and it was getting cold even for Naruto and his big orange shirt.

"Shut up Naruto! You're too loud!" Sakura scolded.

"Sorry Sakura." God I hate her Naruto thought. Yes, it's true, Naruto

hates Sakura. He only pretends to like her to cover up one of his

biggest secrets. He, Naruto Uzumaki, is gay. Naruto desperately needed

to keep it a secret. The villagers already thought it a secret thought

of him as a freak and he didn't need to give them more of a reason to

make fun of him.

"Okay guys, we probably should camp here for the night." Kakashi

suggested when they reached a small clearing and everyone agreed

quickly. Naruto sighed in relief and shrugged off his backpack. Naruto

groaned in desbelief as he realized he forgot his own tent.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Naruto shouted at him self.

"Is there a problem, Naruto?" Kakashi asked, seeing Naruto standing

there with a scowl on his face. Naruto quickly wiped the scowl off and

replaced it with a sheepish grin.

"I kinda forgot to bring a tent." Sasuke rolled his eyes as he finished

putting up the tent.

"No problem, just share with Sasuke." Sasuke's eyes widened before he

glared at Kakashi and Naruto. Naruto winced and looked down.

"I'm going to get some firewood." Naruto offered, running away before

anyone could object.

"Stupid. Why does Sasuke hate me anyway? I never done anything wrong to

him before...well okay just a few pranks but that's it! I never did

anything else wrong to him!"

-Except be annoying and loud.- said a deep, growling voice in the back

of Naruto's head.

"Shut up Kyuubi!" Naruto growled angerily. The other secret that Naruto

had was that he was merging with Kyuubi. It had first begun when he used

it's chakra at the battle with Haku. First, Naruto's senses sharpened

enormously and then he was able to communicate with the fox. Imagine

Naruto's shock when when he found out that the fox wasn't that mean,

though Naruto never found out the reason for Kyuubi almost destroying

the village. Besides, she was someone he could talk to. Naruto thought

her as a companion sort of instead of " I'm talking to a nine tailed fox

that nearly destroyed the village." Naruto sighed but immediatly

stiffened when he sensed danger. He turned around and saw some bushes


-Careful Kit! I don't trust this thing and if you die I die!"Naruto was

about to say something sarcastic but didn't get a chance to when

something big and grey jumped on him, causing him to fall on his back.

Damn this thing is heavy! Naruto opened his eyes and realized it was

wolf. Only this wolf was the size of a bear and had red glowing eyes.

"Nice...doggy?" The wolf snarled and bit Naruto on the shoulder. Naruto

screamed as pain spreaded through his whole body. This didn't feel like

any bite; It felt like posoin was coming into his body. As the pain

started to disappear, he felt the wolf get off him. Naruto turned his

head and saw the wolf staring at him cautiously as something crawled

under it. Focusing his eyesight, Naruto saw that it was a wolf cub.

I must have wondered to close to it and the mother felt threatened.

Naruto realized as the wolf picked up her dub with her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your kid, I was only trying to

collect firewood for my team." Naruto explained, not expecting the wolf

to understand. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw the wolf shoot him a

look of worry before running off. After a while, Naruto sat up slowly,

wincing when his shoulder sent him a bolt of pain.

-You just make friends everywhere you go don't you?- Kyuubi asked


"Shut up!" Naruto yelled as he picked up the sticks he had dropped and

headed back to camp.

"What took you so long?" Sakura all but shrieked as soon as she saw him.

"I didn't take that long. If you think you can do better why don't you

do it next time?" Naruto snarled, startling everyone. Naruto

sighed/growled as he dumped the sticks in the middle of the camp and

watched Kakashi set it on fire. He didn't mean to act so mean toward

Sakura but he was cold, tired and his shoulder was throbbing.

-You're sulking.-

Oh well. Naruto thought as he let the fire warm him up. He ignored the

strange and worried looks his teammates threw him and only looked up

when Kakashi cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Since this forest is known to have robbers and such, we will have

someone watching the camp. I'll go first, Sasuke second, Naruto third

and Sakura last. Everyone nodded and went to their tents. Naruto paused

before going into Sasuke's tent, feeling a little guilty. Thankfully,

Naruto had a least remembered his sleeping bag which Naruto took out of

his bag and unrolled it as far away rom Sasuke as possible. Sasuke

ignored him and lay down with his back facing Naruto. Naruto sat down,

guilt eating away at him.

"Look, Sasuke, I'm sorry. I'll just sleep outside by the fire."

"Just stay. You'll freeze." Sasuke grunted, not moving an inch.

-Awwww he cares.- Kyuubi cooed mockingly.

"I swear, if you don't shut up, I'll kill you!" Naruto covered his mouth

when Sasuke turned around and glared. Naruto heard Kyuubi laughing her

head off inside his head.

I hate you, I hate you, I HATE you!

-Love you too.-

"Ummm, not you! I was telling myself too shut up!" Naruto said


"Whatever!" Sasuke snarled as he turned around. If he was watching, he

would have seen a look of depression then anger show on Naruto's face.

"I can't do anything right, can I?" Naruto spat out. Naruto ran out of

the tent and was about to run into the forest when a voice stopped him.

"Where are you headed off too?"

-Damn it! "I couldn't sleep and I'm going to take a short walk."

"Don't get lost."

"I won't." With that, Naruto ran off into the deeper part of the forest.