I do not own Treasure Planet, nor do I own its characters. Disney owns all of it. I am just writing what might have happened if the launch bay door had shut. Please do not get angry.

"To the longboats quickly!" Captain Amelia shouted as she half yanked half helped Doctor Doppler through the door, melting the lock of it shut with her plasma rifle. Jim Hawkins was already leaping for the securely tied longboat. The Captain pushed the stumbling Doctor in the right direction before running over to the lever that controlled the launch bay door. Using all her strength, she groaned and pulled it down.

The launch bay door began to hiss open, just as the pirates, that had been chasing the fleeing Captain, the financier and the former cabin boy, reached the locked door and began to fire at it. Captain Amelia almost sighed in relief as she flipped up in the air to land in the long boat, perfectly. She cocked the large weapon and aimed it at the soon-to-be-knocked-down-door.

Jim jumped from the boat running after the pink shape shifter, he had befriended, who had somehow taken the map Jim had just retrieved from him. Of course the pink blob named Morph, did not know how serious the situation was, he was merely playing one of his many games. Jim was suddenly reminded, as he tried to have the creature "hand" back the golden map, of the similar game over one of his boots.

"Come here, Morph." He said calling the floating blob, affectionately. "Morph, come on over here."

"Morph, come to yur daddy." Jim looked up to see John Silver, the leader of the pirates trying to bait his former pet to bring him the map as well.

"No, Morph over here. Come here." He said loudly inching toward the confused Morph. Suddenly Morph dived into a nearby coil of rope, making Jim rush forward. Silver, slowed down by the injury Jim had inflicted earlier, limped forward as well. But Jim was faster than the cyborg, reaching out and grabbing the sphere right before Silver could.

Captain Amelia fired the rifle as the former locked door blew open and pirates poured in blasting their guns as they came. Pushing the bewildered Doctor's head out of target range, She watched as Mr. Hawkins jumped from the boat and ran after the pink blob. Inwardly she groaned as the boy began a contest with Silver over Morph and the map clutched in his mouth. But she lost sight of them, as the pirates rushing toward her required her full attention.

Suddenly a huge lowering ramp fell from above and crashed on to a couple of pirate very near the longboat sending them falling out into space. Turning to the Doctor with a surprised look on her face, she asked.

"Did you actually aim for that?" The Doctor looked at the pistol he clutched and

exclaimed. "You know I actually did."

The pirates began to fire more rapidly as they neared the longboat. Captain Amelia fired her rifle again and again, trying in desperation to fend off the bloodthirsty pirates. Something touched her shoulder and she turned to see the Doctor pointing out at the lever. Silver had pulled it up.

"Blast it." The Captain hissed looking down at the closing bay doors. An idea popped into her head and she looked over at the Doctor. Hunkering down she aimed her rifle at one of the lines that held the longboat in place. "Doctor, when I tell you shot out the forward cable, I'll take this one." The befuddled Doctor nodded briefly and aimed his gun.

Jim sprinted for the long boat, grasping the precious sphere close to his chest. The Captain saw him and shouted something to Doctor Doppler, before shooting the cable in front of her. The doctor followed suit. The long boat dropped from its suspended height and crashed down onto the shut launch bay door. The sudden impact making it flip over and pin Captain Amelia, Doctor Doppler and Jim Hawkins, who had just landed in the boat, under it. A brief pause in the weapons fire issued as the pirates cautiously approached the crashed longboat.

Silver heaved himself down onto the launch bay door and limped toward the wreck. His crew looked over at him, wondering whether to shout their victory or curse their slowness. Standing mere inches from the over turned longboat, Silver walked around it, stopping when he came across a limp gloved hand poking out from underneath the heavy longboat.

So, the captain is dead. He thought sadly. And if the Captain be dead, Jimbo would be dead too.

I am still writing Chapter 2. Hold your horses. Maybe Silver was wrong. Until next time, TTFN. Please review.