Blood Surrender


Damn it.

Sasuke Uchiha slammed his door shut in frustration. He was so mad. How could his parents do that and not feel bad?!

Taking someone's life instead of taking their blood and letting their victim live.

Sasuke could never do it, he wasn't a cold blooded killer even if he liked the taste of blood. Heck, he had no choice. He was born undead as a vampire. The only taste he had ever known was blood.

Maybe that's the reason why his parents killed their victims. Because they were not pure blooded vampires.

He rarely saw his brother kill, or for that matter drink human blood. He said he likes to be alone when he does it. Maybe he's ashamed of it.

Sasuke so longed to be able to walk in the daylight, just walking the streets like a normal person and tasting different foods. That's all he wanted, to be normal.

How do you became mortal?

Sasuke sighed. If his parents knew of his thoughts, they were sure to kill him. He crawled into his bed. The walls were painted black, as was the window next to his bed.

He stretched out his limbs and forced his eyelids to shut.

As he lay there, the image of his parents tearing their victim apart, a boy no older then ten, and hearing the boy's piercing screams was painful for Sasuke as he had to witness it too.

He didn't know which one was more painful. Watching it, or hearing the boy's screams.

Sasuke scrunched his face up in disgust. He fisted the covers on his twin size bed. He tried to calm his breathing. It actually worked. He then tried thinking of his family's future, and how his family was probably going to move very soon like they always do when the food source was gone. That boy had been the last child in the neighborhood.

They would move to another location, full of happy children running around playing with their friends. The saddest part was his parents sending Sasuke out to make friends with them so they could pick out the weakest ones.