Sara sat in the empty tub fully clothed, hands covering her face. A scene from earlier that day played through her head repeatedly. Her and Yassen had approached the target's office, confident because everything had gone according to plan. They hadn't been seen, no alarms were triggered, the layout was correct; everything was perfect. Until they stepped inside the office. Until Sara caught sight of two children in the corner, not able to call out before Yassen shot the target right in front of them. Sara had knelt down with the children, trying to gauge if they would tell anyone what had happened. The elder, a girl, held her younger brother close, and made it quite clear she meant to tell the police everything. Sara sighed, trying to convince the girl it would be in her best interest to keep silent. The girl hadn't listened, so Sara had gone back to Yassen's side. After a long look between them, they pointed their handguns at the children. Just as Sara had steeled herself to do it, shouts had rung out on the other side of the door. There were shots down the hall, and Trevor burst into the room, slamming the door behind him. "This guy's got some nasty friends." He rasped, trying to catch his breath. "Like who?" Sara demanded, not looking away from the children. "Like Darius Sayle." Trevor grumbled, making both Sara and Yassen go rigid. "We can't let them know it was us." Yassen murmured, waiting for Sara to make her decision. "Not if we want the job he offered. … and dead men tell no tales." She whispered, still staring into the girl's eyes. Yassen nodded, and the two partners pulled the trigger at the same moment. Trevor jumped, not expecting the shots. Sara and Yassen turned away from the two small bodies, facing Trevor who was still bracing himself on the door. He saw the look that crossed both faces and groaned. "Lemme guess, no other way out, right?" Sara nodded, while Yassen just checked his weapons. Trevor muttered something about 'suicide' and 'no halos or fluffy clouds for us' as he turned and prepared to open the door. Sara and Yassen burst out of the office, taking a couple shots at the two men now peering around a corner at the end of the hall.

Trevor was sleeping on Sara's bed in the hotel suite the company had sent them to. Sara's hands shook against her face, and she lowered them. She couldn't believe she'd just killed two innocent children, especially since they reminded her so much of her and Alex in their younger years. "Never again, never again." She repeated like a mantra, not noticing Yassen slip into the room. He watched as Sara cried herself to sleep. Yassen approached silently, lifting Sara into his arms. She regained consciousness enough to wrap her arms around Yassen's neck and nuzzle his shoulder. Her bed was taken by Trevor, so Yassen carried her to his own. As he removed the black clothes from their earlier job, he noticed a thin chain she'd had hidden before. He pulled it out from her shirt to reveal a small cross at the end. It was made of obsidian, with a small green stone in the center. Yassen gazed at it curiously for a minute, until Sara began to shift uncomfortably in her sleep. He peeled off his own shirt, crawling in beside her. He lay on his side, back to Sara. After a few more seconds of tossing, he felt her familiar body press up against his bare back, and he swallowed. He knew sleep would not come easily tonight. Good thing he could survive on three hours a week. That may be all he would get, if this arrangement continued. He shifted, trying in vain to keep some space between them. He heard a soft chuckle behind him, and knew that Sara was at least partially awake, and enjoying his discomfort. He flipped over to face her, pulling her close. She smiled at him, brushing her lips across his before curling into his chest. He laughed silently, pressing a kiss to her temple. He had finally begun to drift asleep when he felt Sara's leg slip over his and lock around his waist. He looked down at her in surprise, and barely held back a groan when he noticed she was still asleep. Yep, no sleep tonight.

Okay, sorry this is short, but it's been hectic. I hope people are actually enjoying this. Oh, and i'll try to include more action scenes in the future, but i had a slight case of writers block there. Till then!