A/N:So um, where to start? Sorry for taking so long! Really but I've been really busy with school lately(lame excuse I know). But I'm back with the last chapter! Enjoy!!

1.)This one makes me nervous, I've have a lot of discussions with my friends over it but here we go, if Inuyasha were to rape Kagome then I don't think she would just welcome him back with open arms and forgive him; it would take time, if she ever forgave him at all. Kagome shrugging something like that is kind of insulting to the women in the world who have had that happen to them, it's almost like saying that they should all just forgive the people who hurt them.

2.) Just write for fun; don't let the flames or reviews bother you. (Thanks Katana Sohma-demon girl for the rule)

3.)Don't spend a long time in your story describing the characters appearence; we know what they look like because we watch the show and read the manga.

4.)I understand that Inuyasha and Kikyou are not on the top of everyone's favourite pairings but they were together, you can't deny that it never happened because it is important to the story!

5.)People please write tasteful smut, I mean some of the stories on here are just impossible like nearly every character on the show sleeing together at the same time, I honestly don't see how that could happen.

6.)Sesshomaru was born between two dog demons, his mother was a dog demon.

7.)Sesshomaru is not a child molester so if he and Rin are going to get together then it should be when she is older!(thank you wierdogirl for the rule)

8.)Please only write stories in the Inuyasha section if they are really about Inuyasha. There are other really good site for your original stories!

9.)Rumiko Takahashi is not a charcter in the story and they don't know about the fact they are a show, really that is just silly!

10.)Have fun writing your story and don'w worry about breaking a few rules! It's your story and no one's opinion matters but your own!!!

A/N: I hope every one has enjoyed this story because I really have and I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed!!!Also I should be updating my other story soon,and I'm going to be starting another soon!