Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own Naruto or Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Naruto is copyrighted to Viz media and Mashashi Kishimoto

Avatar: The Last Airbender is copyrighted to Nickelodeon Studios and Michael Dante DiMartino as well as Bryan Konietzko

The Lost Book

Chapter 1: The Men in Black Robes

The giant blue skinned man pointed his covered blade at Katara.

"Give us the boy; otherwise I'll grind your bones into mush." Katara knew instinctively that he wasn't kidding. Everything from the black pupils from his so-called eyes, to his black robe with red clouds on it to the very lake that was once the outskirts of Ba Sing Se, she knew she was in for a fight. Just the few seconds that past before didn't make any sense at all.

"Nice cave, Toph," Sokka tried to say in all seriousness. The Water Tribe warrior tried his best to avoid a sarcastic tone. The cave itself wasn't too bad but inside, Katara slowly pushed and pulled the water out of the hole in Aang's back. Though breathing and a heartbeat were evident, it was slow, labored even.

"C'mon, Aang. I know you can pull through this."

"Don't worry about Twinkle toes" Toph said while stomping a rock on the ground and lying back on it. She was the only one who didn't keep awake about Aang's condition, or mutter to herself, or worry about it.

"I hate to say this, but she's right, Katara." Sokka lay down a map of the world as he tried to make the best of the situation.

"Right now, we need a strategy on what to do after Aang wakes up. We could try to take back Ba Sing Se, but organizing a revolution takes time. We could search for Jeong Jeong, but who knows where he could be."

"I'm more worried about the wound in his back. I never would've thought that she of all people could take Aang down in the Avatar State. What does that mean anyway? To be taken down in the Avatar State."

A loud roar and screech immediately came outside.

"Whatever it is, it'll have to wait." Sokka pulled out his sharpened boomerang, Toph levitated a rock with her and as much as it pained Katara, she pulled the very water to heal Aang and pulled it back to her pouch. Momo and Appa were only told to make a noise if they were certainly caught. Judging from the noise, they were a lot of Dai Li agents. Never would they have expected two men in Black robes with red clouds.

Each of them stood their ground while the two men seemed relaxed. The Earth King suddenly yelled from the top of Appa,

"I was just feeding Bosco when these two men asked for the Avatar."

Both of the men had a different aura, or as Toph would have stated a different vibration. The taller man had a cynical look to him. His black eyes and gills on his cheek make him look like a new breed of shark and human. Behind him, seemed to be a bandaged sword. Katara had seen sheathed swords but never clothed swords. But the smaller man seemed almost…evil. Katara never believed that anyone was truly evil, not even the girl who shot Aang down midair but his crimson eyes, the lines under his eyes and his midnight black hair almost scared her.

"Give us the boy and we'll be on our way." His voice, his presence was deep, baritone even.

"C'mon, Itachi. Let's have a little fun and grind these kids to pieces." The Shark man's voice was naturally taunting, and wanted battle.

"Quiet, Kisame." From the immediate silence, it was evident the smaller of the two was the dominant one. "Now, give us the boy and no one gets hurt."

"We don't know what you're talking about. There's no Avatar here" Sokka's voice quivered to show the fear that his body wouldn't dare to show.

"Oh, we beg to differ. Inside Ba Sing Se, reports show that the Avatar, a 12-year old boy with an arrow on his head was seen flying away from the city on a sky Bison along with the Earth King, his bear, a female Waterbender, her assumed brother and an inept earthbender." Toph merely grunted at the end of the sentence.

"I dunno about you, Itachi, but that water ninja looks suspiciously like a 'waterbender' and that blind kid looks like an 'inept earthbender'."

"There is no denying that the Avatar is clearly here. Now, step aside."

"And if we don't?" Katara didn't even want to think about the consequences of Aang's death. Firebender or not, they weren't touching him. The crimson eyed man merely closed his eyes and opened them. The last thing Katara heard was
