Three's a Crowd

Three's a Crowd

By Carol M.

Summary: Darien, Claire and Alex go on an assignment together. Cat fighting, Darien torture and a little D/C shippiness ensues.

Rating: PG-13

Tough Love Rating: Not much in this part, but you have lots of Darien torture and some Alex wardrobe torture (you'll see :) ) to look forward to

Spoilers: Bad Chi, The Camp, Den of Thieves, Johnny Apocalypse, Going Postal

Disclaimers: A schmuck named Nietzsche once wrote, " Anything done out of love is beyond good and evil." Now here's thing, I love writing fan fic. So what does that make me?

Author's Note: Don't worry, the next Devil's Silver story will be coming soon, I promise. This is something I came up with after seeing Bad Chi. I found the relationships in that ep really interesting, particularly between D/C (they were flirting people!), A/C (catfight galore), and A/ D (after kicking his ass, she was pretty gentle with him). So I decided to put the three characters together and see what happened. This was originally going to be really short, but it just kind of took on a life of its own. You fic writers know what I'm talking about. Another little tidbit, this story can actually be taken as a kind of prologue to the Devil's Silver series if you pretend that Bad Chi aired before Brother's Keeper. Again that is not what I originally intended, but I found that it might actually be able to work if you want it to, but if not, you can simply look at this story as a standalone. Anyways, I'm babbling. This story takes place about 2 days after Bad Chi. Enjoy folks!

"Oh yeah, oh right there, Darien, ahhh," moaned Claire softly. "Don't stop, don't stop, oh god it feels so good," she purred.

She felt his hand stroke her even harder, making her putty in his hands. "Oh my god," she gasped.

She turned her head up from the gyno chair and looked at Darien. "Your hands were wasted as a thief," she said.

Darien smiled and continued to massage her sore neck. "So I guess I should take that as a compliment," he said.

"Oh," moaned Claire as she turned her head back down into the chair. "Yes, definitely."

"So you're saying I drive you wild, Keepie?" Darien asked slyly.

Claire scoffed. "Well I wouldn't go that far," she said.

Darien cocked his head to the side. "Yeah, yeah, you can't deny it, you know you want my hands all over your hot naked..."

"Ah excuse me for interrupting, but the Official wants to see the three of us in his office right away," said Alex, who had entered the Keep without them noticing.

Darien looked up at Alex with surprise. "Why the three of us?" he asked.

Alex shrugged. "I don't know, but I think he might have an assignment for us."

"Ah," said Darien as he patted Claire on the back. "Well Keep, I guess we're done for now, but we could always continue later at my place," he said as he flashed a smile.

Claire rolled her eyes and sat up from the counteragent chair. "Don't press your luck, Darien."

Alex looked at the two of them with mild disgust. She tapped her foot impatiently. "Can we go?"

Claire looked up at Alex and gave her a sickeningly sweet smile. "Ready when you are Alex," she said as she got out of the chair.

Claire and Alex walked out the Keep door, followed by Darien, who had decided to take up the air guitar.

A few minutes later the trio joined Bobby and Eberts in the Official's office.

"People," said the Official. "We have a gun broker becoming very active in the city. He has started selling guns to all the major gun pushers in the city. Now I want the guns gone and the organization destroyed."

Eberts stepped forward, holding a file in his hands. "Sir, if I could make a suggestion,"

"Shut up, Eberts," said the Official.

Eberts pouted and stepped back.

"Hobbes," said the Official.

Bobby looked up at him. "Yeah, chief?"

"I want surveillance on a guy named Jack Roundling. He's the organization's middle man, in charge of distributing the guns to the small time dealers," said the Official.

Bobby looked at him oddly. "Am I going solo on this one, sir?"

The Official nodded. "That's affirmative, Hobbes. I need Fawkes for another assignment," said the Official as he looked at Darien, Claire and Alex. "Which brings me to you three. Darien, Claire, Alex, you are going to bust the head of the operation." Claire looked up at him with surprise.

"And just how are we going to do that?" asked Darien.

"Bill Palms is the suspected head of this new operation. Intel reports put him at a cabin out in the woods about 30 miles for here. This cabin is suspected to be the center for the whole operation," said the Official. "Fawkes, you're going to get some evidence on this guy, and then you're going to bust him."

Alex cleared her throat. "Sir..."

The Official looked at Alex. "You're going to be his back up, Monroe. And Claire," he said, turning his head to look at her. "You're going to do what you always do and give Darien his shots."

Bobby coughed loudly. "Ah excuse me sir, but why do they get all the action, and I have to sit in the van all day?"

The Official smiled. "Because for your part of the assignment, I need someone to blend in, someone who's not going to tip them off about our investigation. And Mr. Hobbes, you are an expert at blending in."

Bobby smiled, beaming with pride. "Well I wouldn't say expert but.."

"Shut up, Bobby," said Alex.

Bobby gave her a slightly hurt look, but didn't say anything else.

"Sir, why does Claire have to come along? I am perfectly capable of giving Fawkes his shot," continued Alex.

Claire turned to look at Alex, her mouth hanging wide open.

Darien glanced at Alex and Claire, chuckling softly to himself.

The Official looked sharply at Alex. "Because Miss Monroe, you are Fawkes' backup. I want your mind on the mission, not on Darien's mental state."

Claire looked at the floor and smiled to herself.

"Okay people, get to work," said the Official. "The agency SUV has been stocked up with supplies. You should find everything you'll need."

Alex nodded and glanced at Claire and Darien. "We'll meet down at the SUV in 20 minutes, guys," she said. She got out of her chair and walked out of the office.

Claire watched her walk out. "Well, I guess we know who's in charge," said Claire as she stood up from her own chair.

Darien stood up and patted her on the shoulder. "Easy there, Keep, no catfighting allowed," he said teasingly.

"Who's fighting? I am perfect fine with this assignment and working with Miss Monroe," said Claire innocently.

Darien smiled. "If you say so."

"I'm going to the Keep to get some supplies. See you in a little while," said Claire. She glanced at Bobby. "See you in a few days, Bobby," she said as she started to walk out the door.

"See ya, Claire," said Bobby.

Claire waved and walked out the door.

Bobby stood up and hit Darien softly on the shoulder. "You're the luckiest man alive, my friend. Going into the woods with two gorgeous women like that," he said. "Of course, I think your talents are going to be wasted on this little jaunt," muttered Bobby.

"Jealous, Bobby?" asked Darien with amusement as the pair walked out of the Official's office.

Bobby scoffed. "Bobby Hobbes never gets jealous. No, no, you go out there and do your little disappearing act with your two chick assistants. Meanwhile, I'll be in the trenches doing all the scut work. But you know what, I'm going to happily due that scut work because that's my job."

Darien shook his head. "Yeah, well, believe me, somehow I don't think my part of the mission is going to be a walk in the park."

"Fawkes, come on, you got to get a little fired up for the missions. Get a little spirit for the ole Agency team," said Bobby.

"Go team, go," said Darien sarcastically.

Twenty-five minutes later, Darien was pulling the SUV out of its parking space at the Agency. Claire sat shotgun, holding her medical bag in her lap and Alex sat in the back, studying a map.

Darien glanced in the rearview mirror at Alex. "So Miss Navigator, where am I going," he asked.

"Get on the freeway and head south. I'll tell you when to exit," Alex replied.

"Aye, aye, Gilligan," said Darien as he pulled onto the ramp to the freeway.

Darien glanced over at Claire. "How's your neck there, Keep? Did my magic fingers rub all your pain away?"

Claire looked at him and smiled, rubbing her neck slightly. "Actually, it is feeling a lot better, Darien. Thank you for the massage."

"Well I am glad to keep my Keeper happy," he said with a grin.

Alex cleared her throat. "Okay Fawkes, you're going to exit right up there."

"Okay, here we go," said Darien as he turned the car at the exit.

The exit led to a street that eventually turned into a deserted two-lane road. Darien drove down the road in awkward silence. "So are you gals excited about going into the woods?" he asked out of the blue.

Alex sighed. "Oh, I'm just thrilled," she said sarcastically.

Darien nodded. "Yeah, you don't really seem like the nature type," said Darien, glancing over at Claire. "But Keep here, she's like a pioneer woman."

Claire grinned slightly in her seat.

Alex smiled coldly. "I'm sure she is," she said curtly.

Claire turned around, fuming. "Excuse me, Alex but..."

"Girls, girls, can't we all just get along," interrupted Darien.

Claire gave Darien a sharp look. "Fine," she quipped.

The trio once again sat in silence.

Darien sighed heavily. Yep this was definitely not going to be a walk in the park, he thought.

Forty-five minutes later, they had arrived at their destination.

Darien got out of the SUV and stretched, checking out the scenery surrounding them. He looked at Alex, who was still sitting in the SUV, studying yet another map. "Wanna set up camp here?" he asked.

Alex shook her head. "No, we leave the car here and set up camp about a mile and half north. The cabin is about three miles from here, so that will put us right in the middle."

Claire looked at Darien and Alex with worry. "Do you really think it's such a good idea to camp so close to the cabin. What if they get suspicious? We don't exactly look like the camping types," said Claire as she glanced at Alex's high heeled boots.

Darien nodded. "Claire's got a point there, Alex."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Just trust me, it'll be fine. Now let's get the supplies and head out."

"Trust you, just like you trust us, right?" said Darien coldly.

Alex sighed harshly. "Look, do I have to stand here and argue with you two? I outrank both of you and I have more experience in the field," she said firmly.

Darien pulled a heavy bag out of the back of SUV and threw it at Alex, who barely caught it. "Fine Susie, let's do the freakin mission," he said.

"Good," said Alex sarcastically.

"Great," replied Darien with equal sarcasm.

"Wonderful," said Claire in the same tone.

Darien picked up a few bags and handed the lightest one to Claire.

"Okay, I think that's everything," he said after they had pulled all of the bags out of the SUV. "Let's go, girls," said Darien as he locked up the SUV.

Alex picked up her bags and started trail blazing down a path. Darien and Claire followed, walking side by side. Claire noticed that Darien was struggling to carry two bags on his back and two more in his hands. She reached for one of the bags, but he slapped her hands away with the side of his arm.

"Darien, I can take one of those bags," said Claire, who was only carrying her medical bag and the light bag Darien had handed her earlier.

Darien shook his head. "Nope, I got it. I don't want you to hurt your neck again."

"Darien, please, it's fine," Claire replied, grinning.

"Nope, nope, you're not carrying anything else," he said firmly.

Claire laughed softly. "I didn't know you were such a gentleman, Darien," she said.

"Don't let the act fool you," said Alex from up ahead. "He's just doing it so he can get another massage from you."

Darien pouted. "I am not," he said softly.

Claire shook her head and rolled her eyes.

They walked another 15 minutes until they reached a small clearing in the woods.

Alex stopped walking and set her bags down. "I think this place will do," she said, glancing back at Darien and Claire.

"If you say so," said Darien as he set his own bags on the ground.

Claire started to pull the tents and sleeping bags out of the bags. She also pulled out the walkie talkies and the video and audio surveillance equipment, organizing everything into neat piles.

Alex and Darien busied themselves with setting up the two tents they had brought along. Alex set hers up perfectly, but Darien was having a little trouble with his.

Claire looked over at him, laughing softly in amusement. "Need some help, Darien?" she asked.

Darien scoffed. "No, I am doing just fine, thank you very much." He put the finishing touches on the tent and stood over it, admiring his work. "There we go," he said with pride. His face fell when the tent collapsed a few seconds later.

Claire stifled a giggle, while Alex put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "Fawkes, we don't have time to mess around," Alex said with irritation.

"If you think this is messing around, then you haven't seen nothing yet, Monroe," muttered Darien under his breath.

"What was that?" asked Alex.

"Oh, nothing," he said innocently.

Claire stepped forward and picked up the fallen tent. "Let me help you," she said as she made a few adjustments to the spikes holding the tent to the ground. Darien stepped next to her and helped. In a few minutes, the tent was standing on its own free will.

Darien looked at Claire sheepishly. "Thanks, Keep," he said softly.

"My pleasure," she responded proudly.

Claire picked up her medical bag and placed it in the tent her and Darien had just put up. Then she grabbed a sleeping bag and also placed it in the tent.

Alex picked up another sleeping bag, along with all the technical equipment, and placed it all in the other tent.

Darien glanced back and forth between the two tents. "Okay, who wants some company in their tent?" he asked.

Alex glanced at her watch. "Relax, Darien. We have a good five hours before it'll get dark"

Darien picked up the last sleeping bag. "Yeah, but I want to get settled somewhere, to know that I have a nice, warm, comfy tent to come back to, you know," he said.

Claire stepped out of her tent. "Sleep wherever you want, Darien," she said sweetly.

Darien looked from Claire to Alex, weighing his options. After a few seconds, he looked directly at Claire. "Think you could squeeze me in, Keep?" he asked with a grin.

Claire nodded with amusement. "I think I can manage that," she said as she grabbed the sleeping bag out his arms and threw it into the tent.

Darien nodded, satisfied. He looked over at Alex who was looking towards a small path. "Okay team leader Monroe, what's next?"

A rustling sound startled them. Alex quickly reached for her holstered gun, but Darien stopped her. "Easy, be cool," he whispered.

They could make out four figures walking towards them. They were dressed in army fatigues and one of them had a gun holstered to his side.

Claire looked at Darien with slight panic. He shook his head slightly and put his index finger to his lips.

She relaxed slightly. She was glad that all the incriminating supplies were tucked into the tents, out of sight.

"How you folks doin' today?" yelled the man with the gun as they approached.

Darien waved. "Good, good, how you guys doin''?" he yelled.

The men walked up to them and stopped. "Oh, I can't complain," replied the man. The three other men surveyed the campsite, checking out the agents.

"You folks from around here?" asked the man.

"Oh, we're from San Diego, actually," said Darien. He thought fast and stepped to Claire, pulling her against him. "Me and my wife and sis over there, we wanted to experience the California wilderness, so here we are," he said with a pleasant smile.

The man pointed from where he had come from. "That your SUV we saw back there?"

Darien nodded. "Yep, yep, my little English muffin here bought it for me for my birthday," said Darien as he kissed Claire on the top of the head. "Isn't that right, darling?"

Claire smiled awkwardly. "Yes, honey, it sure is."

Darien pulled her closer to him. "She's so generous that way. What about you fellas? Whatcha doin' out here?"

"Oh, a little hunting," replied the man quickly.

"Ah," said Darien.

The man looked at his three buddies and then looked back at the agents. "Well, we'll let you folks get settled in. It was nice to meet you," he said.

"Oh you too, wasn't it girls?" said Darien as he looked at Alex and Claire. They both nodded. Claire smiled slightly.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing you again," said the man as he and buddies walked away.

Darien continued to hold Claire in his arms until the men were out of sight. "Can I get a kiss, honey?" he asked with a sly smile when the men were gone.

Claire elbowed him lightly in the stomach.

Darien yelped in surprise. "Should I take that as a no?" he asked.

"Yes," she said a little too quickly as she stepped out of his tight grasp.

Alex stepped towards the two of them. "Nice job, Fawkes."

Darien looked at her with surprise. "Wow. Thanks sis," he said.

"Don't push it," she said sharply.

"Got ya," he said quickly. "So I'm thinking those were the bad guys."

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Most hunters don't walk around with a gloc nine millimeter holstered to their side."

Darien looked in the direction the men had gone, down the path that Alex had been eyeing earlier. "Well, let's give them a few minutes and then go get the ole video and verbal intel."

"Sounds like a plan," said Claire as she reached into Alex's tent to get out the supplies.

"Ah, Claire," said Alex. Claire looked up at her from the tent. "

"Me and Fawkes are going alone. You're going to stay here, out of the limelight."

"But what if Darien needs a shot or something happens?" Claire protested.

"We'll be fine. This is just preliminary surveillance, just getting a feel for the land. Darien won't be invisible for long. Beside, if anyone sees the three of us scampering around the cabin, they're going to get suspicious," said Alex.

Darien furrowed his brow, putting on his best puppy dog look for Claire. "As much as I hate to admit it, Keep, I think Alex is right. You'll be safer here and we won't be attracting as much attention."

Claire sighed, looking extremely pissed. "Fine," she said softly as she reached into a bag in Alex's tent and pulled out a gun. She held it out to Darien. "At least take this," she said.

Darien shook his head and pushed the gun away. "Nah, it's okay. I think Monroe has the gun part covered."

Alex bent down next to Claire and pulled out the infamous turtle hat, some microphones and earpieces, and a small video receiver. She tossed the turtle hat at Darien and stuffed the rest of the supplies in her jacket pockets. "Ready to go, Fawkes?" she asked as she got out of the tent.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Wait!" said Claire urgently. She reached into her tent and pulled out two walkie talkies, handing one to Darien. "Take this. Keep me posted."

"Aye, aye Keep," said Darien as he mock saluted her and took the walkie talkie. He looked at Alex. "Let's go," he said. Darien gave Claire a small wave, and then he and Alex started to walk down the path the men had taken earlier, leaving Claire sitting amongst all their supplies.