Disclaimer: Nahh. Not mine.

A/N: Sorry ppls, I had to post this again! Seriously, the all damn tiny annoying lil' grammatical errors were hurting me. (I even spelt disclaimer wrong.)

Chapters will be short. BTW. I got this idea from a song and it's mv. (Not in English) So I'll have to translate it later, if I wanna put it in the fic.

IMPORTANT The plot isn't all mine. (only the prologue isn't mine) I've seen this plot quite a lot in fanfiction. Okay so, the prologue isn't my mine. BUT the storyline is

Fly, Away. . .



"You want a WHAT?" A furious pink haired beauty hotly demanded to the passive heartthrob standing in front of her.

"A break. Look its o-" He tried to reason.

"No. No it's not okay!" She wouldn't let him.

"If you let me-"

"No! I will not let you finish!" She interrupted him again. What did he need to explain? He had NO right to even suggest such a thing. So why should she even let him explain anything to her.

"You want us to take a damn break! I get it!"


"Don't Sakura me!" She didn't need this. She didn't deserve this.

"What were you even thinking! What were you THINKING? Asking me something like that!"

As soon as the question left her mouth he knew he had no answer. What had he been thinking? He knew she was going to act this way. Why did he even utter the words 'we' and 'break' in the same sentence to her?

"We are fucking engaged! Soon to be married! This isn't some two month relationship!" he heard her scream at him.

He clenched his fists. He tried to calm his anger. Who knows what'll happen if he raises his voice at her. One of them had to be in control.

"You're over-" he tried to calm her down.


. . .and unfortunately it wasn't working. . .


Nothing was working.

"For fuck sake Sasuke! You can't just take a damn break. If you want to take back the engagement just say it! Don't make up some pathetic excuse."

He clenched his fists harder. His teeth clenched. Taken aback by what she said a feeling of regret filled his system. What? Panic began to flood through him. Is that what she thinks he wants? To not marry her?

"That's not what I want! Sakura, you know I love you–" he tried almost desperately.

"No! Sometimes I really don't!"

Now that hurt.

"But you and I also know that this, whatever it is we have here isn't working. All we do is fight and when we're not fighting we're ignoring each other. Do you remember the time when all we did was work and have sex?" he needed her to understand. He was doing this to strengthen their fading bond.

"What does our sex have to do with this…Big deal, so we don't have sex as much as we-"

"As much? Sakura." This time he cut her off. This time he seethed. He couldn't control his rage. "For fuck sake! It's like we don't have any sex anymore! And it does have something to do with it! This relationship will fall apart if we don't settle things! I think a break will be good for us!"

"Well, I think your wrong! And if you want to have sex why not take your new co-star for a ride and be the man-whore that you are!"

His onyx eyes flashed with fury. What the fuck? She brought Karin into it. It wasn't Karin's fault! She had no right to blame someone else for her childishness.

"God Sakura. Stop acting like a child! This is not about Karin!" he said harsher then he had meant to, and immediately regretted it when he saw her face.

It was slightly flushed with frustration. He saw her fists also clenched. Big green glossy eyes wide, looking at him incredulously. A shocked and heartbroken expression on her angelic face. She looked so fragile. So broken. He just wanted to hug and kiss her and tell her that he loved her. But that wouldn't solve anything.

Sakura regain her composure and retorted.

"When did I ever say this was ever about Karin! Why do you always change the subject when Karin is mentioned! And if I'm too fucking childish for you, go marry someone that passes your standards!"

Okay. He knew he made a mistake defending Karin. She didn't have to rub it in his face.

"Sakura. Karin's just someone I had a relationship with. I've had relationships with many other girls before! But there's only one that I'm engaged with…"

She threw her hands up in the air hysterically. "Well tell me when you start to regret it! We'll take your damn 'Break.'!!"

With that she began roaming the room, throwing what ever she needed into a huge luggage bag.

Sasuke leaned his body against the wall, arms crossed against his toned muscular chest and eyes closed.

"What do you think you're doing Sakura?"

"What the fuck do you think?"

"You stay here. I'll go somewhere else." He commanded firmly. No way was he letting her outta here. Knowing her she'll probably go stay with some guy, he hated, and he knew his possessiveness would get the best of him.

"Don't tell me what to do!"

How dare he? How dare he demand anything from here after what he'd just made her do?!

"Where are you going to stay." He demanded from her. There was no way, no fucking way in hell he was going to let her stay under the same roof with a man that was not him.

"It's none of your business! But don't you worry. I have people that actually care about me!"

And with that, she stormed out of the bed room door before he would stop her or say anything. She ran past the maids and butler not listening to a word they were saying. She blocked everything out.

She had to get out of there. If she didn't she's scared she'll break down right then and there. And he'll see her crying for him. She needed him to know she just as strong as he was and that if he could handle this . . . then so could she!

Warm tears over glistened her eyes, threatening to fall. She couldn't even blink for she knows they'll fall, and she knows. . .after the first few drops. . .they won't stop falling.

She quickly scrambled into her posh silver car, her keys fumbling into the hole. She started the engine and drove straight out of the gate.

When the poignant girl was steadily on the busy streets, a shaky hand reached for her slim pink cell phone. Speed dialing someone. . .

After a few rings. . .

"Hello?" A curt deep voice answered.

"H-hi. . ." She cursed.

Damn it. She sounded sad just then didn't she?

"Sakura? What's wrong? Is everything okay? Where are you?" As soon as the man on the other line heard her tone of voice, he bombarded her with worried questions.

Despite what she was feeling she couldn't help but smile. At least there was someone who'll never stop caring about her.

Clearing her heavy throat she began more firmly, "I need a place to stay for a little while."

"What? Why? Did something happen with Sasuke?"

". . . it's…a little difficult . . . to explain. . .I…just. . .please. . ." Kami. She didn't know what to say. What should she even say?

"Alright. Alright. I'll get a room ready. Mina and Shin will be happy you're staying. But you'd better explain when you get here."

She smiled. She loved Mina and Shin like her own. The twins were unbelievably adorable. This'll be good. She could help him take care of them. She knows things got hectic for him when his wife died 3 years ago.

"Thank you . . ." was all she could say.

A/N: Haha, how will Sasuke take this? Hmm... I don't think he's going to take it at all really. . . XD

Any guess on who it is?! Free chocolate chip cookie with ice-cream to anyone that gets it right! (It's not who you don't think it is! XD)

Please Review:D