-1Sara's A/N: This is one of my stories, and this is my take on how Sara's family was when she was little. Only the CSI's knew each other back then….




"Hi, is Nick there?" Sara asked after someone picked up the phone.

"Yes, just one moment. Is this Sara?" Mrs. Stokes asked.

"Yeah, thanks Mrs. Stokes."

"No problem Hun."

A few minutes later Nick was on the phone.

"Hello?" Nick asked.

"Hey Nicky," Sara said with a shaky voice.

"Hey, Sar' what's wrong?" Nick asked.

"I was umm wondering if I can come over, or we could go do something?"

"Your parents at it again?" Nick asked only already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Okay, well go ahead and come on over. Just go ahead and walk on in."

"Okay, you sure it's okay if I just walk in?"

"Yes, its okay. We've known each other since what first grade? Plus you're like family anyway, so yes its ok."

"Okay, okay, I see your point. I'll be over in 5 maybe 10 if I don't get caught by my dad."

"Okay, I'll plan on seeing you in 5 minutes then."


They both hung up and Sara walked downstairs and snuck out the back door without her dad noticing. After she finally got out of her house, she went next door to nick's house. When she got there she saw him standing outside waiting for her.

"Hey I thought you wanted me to walk on in."

"Yea, well, I decided to wait for you out here. Mom left for work & we're here with my brother, so I decided to wait for you out here get some air."

"Thanks, but you didn't have to."

"Yea, well I wanted to. Hey Sar, look at me please." Nick told her before they walked into the house.


"Because, it looks like you got a black eye." Nick said as he was getting all protective of her like an older brother.

"Nicky, its nothing. You don't have to play big brother on me."

"I know, but I can't help it. Just answer this one question for me ok?"


"Did your dad do that? I mean punch you in the eye?"

"Yes, but it was my fault any way. I didn't do as he asked. That's why I got the black eye."

"Sara it's not your fault that he hit you. He shouldn't have done that. If he wanted something then he could have gotten it himself."

"I know. Can we please not talk about it any more?"

"Yeah, come on let's go on in and put something on that eye."


Nick led Sara through the house to the kitchen to get Sara some ice for her eye. While they were in the kitchen, nick's older brother came in.

"Hey guys." Mark said as he was getting something to drink.

"Hey Mark." They both said.

"What's with the ice pack? You guys didn't get into a fight did you?" Mark asked as he turned to face nick and Sara.

"No, Mark we didn't get into a fight. If we did then I would feel bad for hitting a girl. Which I would never do." Nick said getting all defensive.

"Okay, no needing to get all defensive on me here. So again, what's with the ice pack?" Mark asked again, then he saw Sara's black eye. "What in the heck happened to your eye Sar'?"

"It's nothing, really its fine." Sara told him.

"Your dad did this to you didn't he?" Man, I swear he's gonna wish he never did that. I'll go over there and knock the crap out of him. He doesn't need to be hitting any one especially his family." Mark said as he was getting angry with his brother's friend's dad.

"Mark don't please, you don't have to. He'll just get mad at me because I told someone so please. Don't please?" Sara begged him.

"Okay, fine I won't but you can't keep on living like that, it's not good for you."

"I know that, besides he's usually not home half the time any way."

"That still doesn't mean he has the right to hit you."

"I know, can we please not talk about it?"

"Yea sure, so what are you kids up to?"

"Ummm...not sure probably just hang out or go see Warrick." Nick told his brother.

"Okay, well you kids have fun; I'll be upstairs if ya need me." Mark said as he was heading up the stairs.

"So want to go give Warrick a call and see if he wants to shoot hoops?" Nick asked Sara.

"Sure, I don't care, it'll probably help take my mind off things."

"Yea, okay well come on lets go call Warrick, and see if he wants to meet us at the basketball court."

Nick and Sara went to the den to call Warrick to see if he wanted to shoot hoops with them then maybe get some ice cream afterwards. When they got off the phone with Warrick they went upstairs and told Mark what they were doing then left to meet Warrick at the basketball court. When they got there they started shooting hoops till Warrick got there.

"Hey guys," Warrick said as he arrived at the basketball court.

"Hey Warrick," Sara said.

"Hey kid, how's it going?" Warrick asked as he gave her a hug.

"Nothing really, and do you really have to call me that?" Sara asked as she hugged him back.

"Yes I do."

"Why? I'm not even a kid."

"Yea, you are to me. Nick do ya agree with me that she's a kid?" Warrick asked Nick.

"Yea, I agree with ya." Nick said as he tossed the ball back to Warrick.

"You guys, I'm not a kid, I'll be 12 in a couple months." Sara told them. Then she saw her dad's car pull up, she went white.

"Sara, you okay?" Nick asked after seeing her go white as a ghost. When he didn't get an answer he tried again, "Sara, you ok?"

"Huhh? Sorry, I think I see my dad's car coming this way." Sara told him as she was beginning to shake and hyperventilate.

"Sara, just try to calm down, ok? It might not be him." Nick said as he was trying to get her to calm down.

"Yea, but it is him Nicky, I just know it is. Please don't let him take me home, please Nicky?" Sara asked nick in a scared voice and on the verge of tears.

"I won't let him take you and neither will Warrick, ok?" Nick said as he was hugging her like he was protecting his little sister.

"Please Nicky, I don't want to go home with him, he'll get angry that I snuck out, I can't go home, I just can't."

"I won't let him, ok? I won't let him." Nick said trying to get her to calm down.

Five minutes later Sara's dad comes up to the kids and tells Sara to get in the car.

"Sara, get in the car." Jason Sidle told his daughter as he approached her.

"Mr. Sidle, she doesn't have to, she can stay here and hang out with us. So you can go home now." Nick told Jason.

"Listen here kid, your not her dad, so I'd mind my own business if I were you." Jason told Nick. Then he turned his attention to Sara, "Sara Marie, get your butt in that car if you know what's good for you."

"Yes, sir." Sara said then looked back at nick and Warrick before getting in the car.

Back at the Sidle house...

"What in the heck were you thinking, sneaking out of the house like that?" Jason asked his daughter.

"I don't know," Sara told her dad as she was crying.

"You dang well know, now tell me!" Jason said as he slapped her on the face.

"I snuck out because I wanted to get out of this house, and away from you and mom fighting." Sara said as she rubbed the spot where her dad hit her.

"You want out of this house? Then I suggest you pack up and go live on the streets, no body is going to want you any way, not even your so called friends, your so freakin' ugly, no guys' are going to want to date you. You're going to fail in life!" Jason said as he kept hitting her and kicking her, as he was yelling at her and hurting her, Laura came home from the store, and saw her husband beat the crap out of their daughter.

"Jason, what the heck are you doing? Stop hurting her!" Yelled Laura as she tried to get her husband away from their daughter.

"Laura, go do something that's useful and leave me alone, your daughter deserves this!" Jason said as he pushed his wife away from him so he could finish hurting their daughter.

Laura turned and went into the kitchen and grabbed a chef's knife and walked back into the living room and started stabbing her husband, to stop him from hurting their daughter even more. After the third stabbing Sara told her mom to stop stabbing him, "Mom, stop please, mommy stop!" Sara begged her mom as she was on the floor sobbing.

After awhile Laura stopped and dropped the knife and looked over at her frightened daughter, "Sara, honey come here."

"No! Stay away from me, please stay away from me." Sara said as she ran to her room to call the police and hid in the closet while she dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The person on the other lined asked.

"My mom, she...she killed my dad." Sara told the person on the other line as she was crying.

"Okay sweetheart, I need you to calm down ok? Can I have your address?"

"Yea, it...its 367 Park Avenue."

"Thank you Hun, now listen ok, the police are on their way alright?"

"Yea, o-okay."

"Can you tell me where you are right now Hun?"

"Yea, I-I'm I-in the cl-closet."


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